Lennox Mia Addison

Lennox Addison

Only Child, Spoiled, Ballet Dancer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation

Table of Contents:
The Basics, Appearance, Style, Personality
In-Depth Personality, Favourites, Impressions, Emotions, Language, Goals and Ambitions
Immediate Family, Extended Family, Family Tree, Home Life
Photo Album, Character Video, Ballet Pamphlet, Ongoing Journal Entries
Education, School Favourites, Grades, Memorial Posts


Full Name: Lennox Mia Addison
Pronunciation: LEHN-eks MEE-ah AD-i-sen
Nicknames: L, Princess, Len
Name Meaning:
Lennox is a gender-neutral name that originated in Scotland. It often means “the place of elms”

Mia is said to be a diminutive of Maria. Mia is a Danish name that often means “mine.”

Addison is a family name passed down throughout ages of witches and wizards. Addison is a name that is associated with the English culture. It is said to mean “Son of Adam” even though there are no Adam's in the relevant Addison family line.

Gender: Girl
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand
Character’s Birthdate: July 30, 2045
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Zodiac Description: Individuals with the zodiac sign of Leo are often ones that are on “Center Stage.” They enjoy being the center of attention as well as enjoy the more artistic side of life. Leos are often known for their sense of dramatics and at times stubbornness to be in the spotlight.
Zodiac Strengths: Natural Born Leaders, Sense of Pride and Selective Loyalty, Confident.
Zodiac Weaknesses: Overly Self-Centered, Fixed with Opinions, Cannot Admit When Wrong.
Zodiac Likes: Art, Dance, Fitness, and Movement
Zodiac Dislikes: Being Ignored, Dull Personalities.
Element: Fire
Elemental Description: The Fire Element is often associated with individuals who are creative and self-sufficient. They are passionate, much like fire, however often can 'burn' others with and without intent to do so.
Wand: 12 inch Straight, Flexible Ivy Wand with a Boomslang Venom Core
Wand Description: Average length for a wand. The Ivy Wood is often associated with wizards and witches of a social nature. They are for those individuals who adapt well and thrive when a difficult situation arises. Ivy is known for its healing magic. The Boomslang Venom Core is often associated with a skill in Transfiguration. This type of core is often known to boost hexes and jinxes.


Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Right
Facial Type: Heart
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown (light brown)
Hair Style: Wavy, Long/Past her Shoulders
Height: Average
Birthmark/Scars: None
Other Distinguishing Features: Her eyes are the most notable facial feature.
Played By: Raegan Revord


Overall Style: Lennox has a very stereotypical 'girly' fashion. She enjoys skirts and dresses. She can never be seen in a pair of jeans. She only wears outfits a few times before moving onto something new. She refuses to visit charity shops (as she calls them) to buy used clothing. She will often wear a lot of layers and quite a bit of jewelry. She has a large earring collection that she chooses from every day.
Grooming: Clean cut
Wardrobe: When Lennox is not in her ballet tutus, she is often found in her school uniform. Outside of school, she prefers princess styled dresses with a lot of flare or fashion worthy looks with layers. A lot of her clothing falls in the colours of pink, purple, and on occasion silver.
Tattoos: None
Trinkets: Best friend necklace that both her and Jade share. It's a gold half heart necklace with small diamonds in the broken aspect of the heart. The chain is long enough, she normally tucks it under her uniform.


Overall Personality:
Lennox is an only child and definitely uses this to her advantage. She has her father wrapped around her finger. Her family believes in an easy life, one without struggle. Lennon has grown accustomed to such a life where she rarely raises a finger, nonetheless a wand, for any of her desires. The only activity that Lennox puts any effort into is Ballet. She works extremely hard in this sport even practicing in her free time whenever she gets a chance. She likes to be the center of attention, in both her family and friend groups. She is often considered the leader, but that is a title that she forced herself into. Lennox has been known to at times unnecessarily hurtful if she does not get her way. Yet this concept is so foreign to her, that she rarely has to act this way. Lennox is rather bossy and opinionated. She rarely listens to the opinions of others as only hers really matter anyway. Lennox is not always seen as this terribly spoiled child though. When she is with those who she respects such as her best friend, Jade, and some of her cousins, she can be rather caring. She loves individuals that she feels deserve such an honor. She can even go as far as being protective of them, especially Jade, who does not have the best family dynamic at home. Lennox has even begged her parents to adopt Jade in an attempt to help her friend in the only way Lennox knows how.
Hobbies/Interests: Ballet. Lennox adores the Ballet. She has been a dancer ever since she was four. She will go to multiple performances a year to watch the ballet with her family. Lennox also enjoys Bird Watching. She will often spend days outside in the garden watching the birds in the bird houses. She calls them her tiny dancers.
Skills/Talents: Dance (Particularly Ballet),
Likes: Sunny Days, Classical Music, Trips to the Museum, Art, Dance, People worthy of her trust.
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, Being Left Out, Being Told No, Not Getting her Way.
Sense of Humor: Harsh, At times at other's expense.
Superstitions/Beliefs: Has a lucky pair of pointe shoes.
Closet Hobby: Bird Watching
Strengths: Strong Willed, Passionate about her interests
Flaws: Easily Looks Down and Judges Others, Too Honest to the point of being mean, Spoiled.
Lures: Social Status, Success
Soft Spots: People who deserve her friendship. She is often loyal to these individuals if they have earned the title of friend.
Cruel Streak: People who Disagree with Her, People who don't give her the attention she deserves.

Quotes taken from “Delirium Series" (Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem) written by Lauren Oliver @Copyright 2011-2013
All Zodiac Information Taken from Astrology.com
All Element Description Taken From
Wand Wood Description Taken From HNZ
Wand Core Description Taken From HNZ
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MBTI Personality Type: Executive ESTJ-A
MBTI Personality Type Description: Individuals with the Executive Personality Type are often very dedicated. They make natural leaders and are not afraid to be honest and outspoken when the situation fits. These individuals are very strong willed and enjoy creating order. There are some negative aspects to those who are the type ESTJ-A. People with this personality are often Stubborn and Judgmental. They may also focus too much time and energy on social status.
Temperament: Sanguine
Temperament Description: Individuals with the Sanguine Temperament are often associated with being extroverted. They are good with communication and have a rather social view on life. They have control over their emotions and are determined in the aspects of their lives that are important to them.
Enneagram: The Achiever
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Defining Moment: Her first successful lead role in the Ballet version of Sleeping Beauty
Tropes: Spoiled Rich Girl, Only Child,
Five Words: Opinionated, Strong Willed, Selectively Passionate


Favourite Colours: Purple, Pink
Favourite Animals: Birds
Favourite Magical Creatures: Phoenix, Owls
Favourite Places: Ballet Studio (both in her house and at the company), In her Garden at home watching the birds
Favourite Flavour: Sour
Favourite Foods: Sour Candies, Mint Candies, Candied Fruits
Favourite Drinks: Fruit Smoothies
Favourite Music: Classical Music
Favourite Sports: Ballet, Gymnastics
Favourite Muggle Subjects: Language Arts, Geometry
Favourite Numbers: 1, 30
Favourite Words: Yes, Dance, Wonderful
Favourite Quotations: “The ballet embodies the notes of music. And sometimes you almost feel like you can see the notes dance up there on the stage.”


First Impressions: First impressions depend on the person. Often times people will see her as a spoiled brat and at time mean. This can change as Lennox decided to trust someone or get worst if the person is not up to her 'standards.'
Stranger Impressions: Lennox often looks sweet and adorable upon first look, yet the second she speaks or has any real facial expression, people often see her as stuck up or bossy.
Familiar Impressions: Lennox's family thinks she is an absolute delight. They are so proud of her little princess.
Compliments: Determined, Passionate, Loyal
Insults: Mean, Icy, Spoiled, Dumb Rich Girl


Attitude: Lennox has a very entitled attitude. She often feels that the world owes her whatever she wants. This means she uses whatever she can to make this happen. Lennox has been told that she has an 'attitude' problem by those around her, except her family which believe that she is perfect in every way. Lennox feels that she is always right and everyone else is just mistaken.
Expressiveness: Lennox has great control of her emotions. She uses them often to manipulate people, especially her father. She can also change how she is appearing to feel based on the situation, such as happy and excited during Social Events where she had to make a good impression to beyond upset when she had her eye on something that she wants.
When Happy: Lennox, of course, prefers to be happy and those in her life often attempt to make that so. In her mind that is how it should be. Lennox will often give a smirking smile when she is alone and happy. Yet if she had to put on a show, such as for her family, she will have a bright 'dazzling' smile, as her mother calls it. She is not against showing her happiness when the moment is right to do so.
When Sad: Lennox is not one to show her true sadness. Of course, she can use sadness as a sort of weapon to get what she wants, but those expressions are not quite genuine. If she cannot control her sadness for any reason, the young girl would prefer to be alone.
When Angry: Anger is not an emotion that Lennox enjoys showing. She often cannot hide her displeasure though. She rarely lashes out at people, but instead bottles up the anger to use it in a 'more productive' way. Usually this involves getting back at the individual or situation that made her angry. If she cannot fix the situation that angered her, she often turns to her parents to rectify it.


Language: English
Accent: New Zealand
Voice: Often dripping in sarcasm
Laughter: Slight, often a smirk with the upturning of the corners of her mouth, Controllable and Voluntary.
Signature Quotes: "You don't understand. I need it." "Pretty Please with sugar on top." "Incompetent People"


Main Goal: To be a famous ballet dancer. She wants to also be like her grandmother throwing wonderful parties for only the best people.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Lennox would love to start a ballet and dance company (group) here at Hogwarts. She believes that no school is complete without this extra bit of class. Of course, she would be the one that leads this group; eventually she might also enjoy being on the Quidditch Team. Flying is much like dancing in her mind, not as hard, but certainly close to what she believes birds feel like in the sky.
Career: Student at Hogwarts
Wishlist: Lennox has everything she needs. If she wants something her father will buy it for her, so honestly there is nothing that would be on her wishlist, at least nothing material.
Biggest Failure: None as of yet.
Regrets: None as of yet.
Worries: On the surface, Lennox does not worry about much. Subconsciously, she does worry about losing her status or family's money. She also worries about losing her best friend, since she often does not create friendships that she fully trusts the other person.
Best Dream: Lennox often dreams that she is part of the Royal New Zealand Ballet Company, performing all over the world for millions of fans that grovel at her feet, amazed by her talent.
Worst Nightmare: Her worst nightmare is one that she rarely talks about. It has to do with her best friend Jade, who was shipped off to another wizarding school by her parents. This nightmare involves Jade telling Lennox that they should no longer be friends.
Best Memories: Ballet Trips with her family. Starring as the lead in Sleeping Beauty. Any Ballet show where she was in center stage.
Worst Memories: Tripping on Stage and Spraining her ankle. She was out of dance for weeks. It was the worst time of her life so far.
Boggart: Herself but dressed poor and dressed in rags.


Religion: Agnostic
Motivation: Social Status, Success, Money
Political Party: Too Young To Care
Etiquette: Good Manner when the situation calls for it, such as one of her grandmother's events. Lennox's etiquette usually changes depending on the situation and the people she is around.
Traditions: Going to a Ballet Performance every Christmas Eve with her mother and father.

Quotes taken from “Delirium Series (Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem) written by Lauren Oliver @Copyright 2011-2013
MBTI Test and Results taken from 16 Personalities (MBTI Test)
Temperament Test and Results Taken from Temperament Test
Favourite Quote Taken By Robert A Caro
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Name: Ellie Addison
Maiden Name: Ellie Esterfield
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Profession: Author/Dance Mum
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
History: Ellie is an only child. She grew up with a lot of rules that her mother put in place. This is one of the reasons that Ellie does not put a lot of rules onto Lennox. Ellie often felt like she was never good enough in her household, which made her struggle later in life deciding what she wanted to do. Dylan helped her accept herself more and believe in herself to become a writer.
Played By: Hilary Duff


Name: Dylan Randolph Addison
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Profession: Ministry of Magic (Floo Network Authority)
History: Dylan is one of the many Addison siblings. He has nine brothers and sisters in total. He was raised by a rather rich family, having quite a lot of money to throw around. He lives this similar lifestyle now off the successfulness of his grandfather, Nathan (Deceased), and his parents (father now deceased). He has a twin sister Amanda, who he is very close with. They often meet up to have family gatherings.
Played By: John Simm


Name: Zali
Name Meaning: Zali comes is a Hungarian name that often means 'dancer' or 'princess.'
Type: Southern Boobook Owl


Grandmother (Father's Side):

Ana Addison
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Profession: Socialite
Personality: Ana Addison has very strong beliefs that appearances are everything. She held all of her ten children to that while growing up which created a damaged relationship with some of her children. Although this does not quite apply to Lennox. She loves her 'Mimi' and is quite spoiled by her. Lennox personally believes that she is the favourite grandchild.
Played By: Jane Fonda

Grandfather (Father's Side):

Cole Addison
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Status: Deceased
Played By: Sam Waterston


Name: Toni Addison
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Profession: Fashion Designer/Shop Keeper
Personality: Toni is probably Lennox's favourite aunt. She is fashionable and owns her own clothing line and little shop where she sells not only her designs but those of many. Toni has a way of being a little spoiled, always getting what she wants. She can be kind hearted when she wants to be though.
Played By: Ashley Tisdale


Amanda Spencer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Profession: Ministry Worker
Personality: Amanda is both serious and silly when the situation calls for. She was raised to understand the benefit of appearance and not showing inappropriate emotions. Due to this, Amanda is a master at bringing her serious side out for work at the Ministry and being absolutely silly at home. She loves to play with her children and enjoy time with Warren.
Played By: Amanda Seyfried


Warren Spencer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Profession: Muggle Studies Professor
Personality: Warren is an easy going individual. He loves to have fun, but also enjoys putting all his efforts into studies. He is madly in love with Amanda and their children. He loves to read stories to his kids and watch muggle movies (basically moving books with much less detail!).
Played By: Christopher Egan


Sutton Spencer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand
Personality: Sutton has her head in the clouds. She is a bookworm who would rather live in a fantasy world than the real world. Lennox does not see the point in anything that Sutton does. She often refers to her as the ditzy cousin.
Played By: Freya Mavor


Kita Spencer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand
Personality: Kita is very fake and manipulative, both characteristics that Lennox can appreciate. Out of all her known cousins, she prefers Kita. The two aren't very close, but at least Lennox has someone to tag along with during family events.
Played By: Dakota Blue Richards


Zephryn "Zee" Spencer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand
Personality: Zee is a rather competitive person. She likes to win especially in sports that Lennox thinks are pointless. Lennox will never understand why her cousin just can't control her emotions. It's rather embarrassing how Zee lets her anger show. The two are not really close.
Played By: Dakota Blue Richards


Eston Spencer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Profession: Student at Hogwarts New Zealand
Personality: Eston loves to be the center of attention, which Lennox can relate to. However, she does not understand why Eston wastes his time with such things like football and rugby. She had little respect for those types of sports. She does appreciate his musical talent, but never would admit it. They are not close even if they are the closest cousins by age.
Played By: Sterling Knight

Grandmother (Mother's Side):

Rachel Esterfield
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Profession: Ministry of Magic (Accidental Magical Reversal Squad)
Personality: Rachel has always been rather strict with her daughter and is the same with her granddaughter. She likes her rules and makes sure those who are around her follow them. Lennox isn't a fan of rules and often decides against spending time with this grandmother due to all the rules that she is expected to follow. Lennox calls her Granny.
Played By: Jamie Lee Curtis

Grandfather (Mother's Side):

Name: Damien Esterfield
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Profession: Magizoologist
Personality: Damien considers himself a jokester. He enjoys making life a little more amusing with his rather lame puns. He does understand the need for order, but he certainly is not as strict as his wife. Ellie often called him the 'fun' parent growing up. Damien loves animals and made a career out of this love. He often threatens to bring all the creatures home, but Rachel would never had that. Lennox calls him her Papa.
Played By: Jeff Bridges





Floor Plan:


Lennox's Favourite Rooms:

Ballet Studio:

Lennox's Ballet Studio is located on the first floor of the house (in the floor plan it is labeled Bedroom 2). This is where Lennox spends most of her time, making sure that she is able to practice her dance as much as possible.


Lennox's Bedroom:
Lennox was not able to help design her own bedroom. Her mother chose most of the item, but she feels quite comfortable in her room, although she doesn't spend much time in this room beside nighttime. Her comfortable couch is the best item in her room, in her opinion.





Lennox spends a lot of time in the Garden. Although she does not love nature, she does love birds. Lennox loves sitting on the comfortable chairs and wait the birds in their houses and at the bird feeders.

Quotes taken from “Delirium Series (Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem) written by Lauren Oliver @Copyright 2011-2013
Name Meanings Taken From Behind The Name
All House Floorplans and House Picture was taken from EPlans @Copyright 2022
Bedroom Created in RoomSketchers (App) @Copyright 2022
Ballet Studio Taken From Pinterest
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Snapshots of Photo Album:






Link to Full Photo Album


View: https://youtu.be/ZdVzddKHUvM

Video Link




Staring in this Ballet as Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) was one of Lennox's best memories. She still keeps the show pamphlet in her room at home.


Snapshots of Journal Entries:





Full Journal Link

Quotes taken from “Delirium Series (Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem) written by Lauren Oliver @Copyright 2011-2013
Photo Album Created Using
Character Video Created Using Adobe Premium Rush using clips from. Young Sheldon, Ballet Shoes, and Black Swan. Music by High School Musical 2.
Ballet Pamphlet Created using
Canva, Information Taken from Ballet Herald
Journal Created using
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Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Full Sorting Ceremony:
Lennox followed the other first year students into the Great Hall. She hated to be in the group, when certainly she knew she should be out in front. She had tried to push her way to the front, only to be pushed back to the place into the mess of students. Certainly, people around here did not know who she was. They would soon find out though. Her family had been coming to this school for years, generations. She was going to make that quite clear, along with the fact that she deserved to be here more than anyone else. That much was obvious.

If she was stuck in this crowd, she might as well look around though. Following in step, Lennox gazed around the Great Hall. It was nicely decorated, but she certainly would not call it great. This school must have a very different definition. At the most, it was a Good Hall. Probably a fire hazard too She thought rolling her eyes. There was just not much to see. Too many students, not even chandeliers. Hopefully the dorms are better The thought crossed her mind. Her last boarding school, she had to have her father pay a contractor to come in and make the living arrangements more suitable. With all this magic here though, Lennox could not believe if the rooms were not even better than that remodeled muggle school.

The Headmistresses, a rather cheery individual, began her speech. Why did professors feel the need to be so chipper? Lennox listened, not hearing anything too important. There were areas that were off limits, but she would not be found in a gross forest anyway. The most interesting part of the ceremony was when the singing hat appeared. Although the song was certainly lame. Facing fears and all that. Lennox doubted school would be a place to face fears anyway. The houses did sound interesting though. Her family had a large group in almost every house, her father being a Ravenclaw, her mother a Slytherin. Most of her aunts, uncles, and cousins were sorted into a random assortment of all four. Lennox, on the other hand, had no expectations where she should be placed.

As it should be, the list of students began being called in alphabetical order. Just another instance that Lennox found herself in the proper place. She waited for the students before her, before hearing her name.

Addison, Lennox

At least the professor pronounced her name right. It was not that difficult of a name after all, not like some of these fruity and hippy names she had heard previously. Lennox walked to the front of the group, bumping into a few students who stood in her way. She took a seat on the stool, the friendship necklace that she shared with Jade, around her neck. The rather old hat was placed on her head. Kind of gross they don't wash you between students She thought. It was almost like the idea of charity shops and used clothing. Gross. Lennox shuddered at that thought. Okay Hat, where am I going? Also, who will bring my bags? Last hotel I stayed in they brought it to the wrong room. Incompetent people. Lennox waited, not so patiently, for the hat to make its decision. She did not like someone else deciding for her, even more so that it was an inanimate object that had a say in her life.
Sorting Hat Answer:
"Where your bags are really shouldn't be your concern right now, this should be. Although this choice is rather simple, you do have an undeniable intelligence, but you are much better suited to...Slytherin,"
Reaction: Lennox was not really surprised to be in Slytherin. She assumed that would be the case. She was just happy not to be placed in on of the 'lessor' houses.


Favourite Class: Arithmancy
Reasoning: Lennox enjoys the basic nature of these calculations. She enjoys how she can pick and choose the wonderful things about the calculations and apply them to herself. Obviously, she is only the positive aspects anyway.
Favourite Activity: Spending time in the garden bird watching (which she would never admit. It is her guilty pleasure) or playing Quidditch (she enjoys being competitive even if she despises the blungers).
Reasoning: Lennox has a love for birds, one that she feels make her look nerdy. She keeps this a secret but does enjoy to spend time watching them from the garden when they fly above her. She also enjoys Quidditch. She doesn't like every aspect, but she does love to win. She views flying as a sort of dance in the sky.
Least Favourite Class: Herbology
Reasoning: Herbology is gross. It has dirt and manual labor. Lennox hates each time she has to enter the Greenhouse. She actually brings a blanket each week to set on her chair in hopes of not getting as dirty as she could in such an unclean environment.
Least Favourite Activity: Sleeping in her dorm
Reasoning: TBD Sleeping in her dormitory. She is not a fan of the less than ideal 'accommodations.' She feels like she deserves much better. She hates sharing a dorm and really wishes she could have her king-sized bed back again with maid service to make her bed everyday.
Most Successful Class: Charms or Arithmancy
Least Successful Class: Lennox probably struggles the most in Herbology (due to her hatred of the subject) or Potions (again due to his dislike). She manages to still get the grades she needs even if there is more work than she would prefer.


Year One:
History of MagicO
Defense Against Dark ArtsO

Year Two:
History of MagicO
Defense Against Dark ArtsO

Year Three:
Class GradeClass Grade
PotionsOHistory of MagicO
Ancient RunesOHerbologyO


Quidditch Team: Slytherin Quidditch Team
Team Position: Chaser
Clubs Joined: Heta Omega


Year One:
About Time, FinallyLennox purchases her first wand from a shopkeeper that she finds to be rather incompetent at his job. She ends up blowing up a vase with a faulty wand. However, she does find the perfect wand which creates a wonderful pink glitter out of an ugly vase.
Tiny DancersLennox goes to the Owl Store to buy herself a new friend, a Southern Boobook Owl that she named Zali. Although the shopkeeper is rather annoying and rude, Lennox is able to find the perfect companion to take to Hogwarts with her.
Sorting CeremonyLennox begins her journey at Hogwarts. She entered the so called "Great Hall" and is sorted into her house. Even though she has a distaste for the method of a gross shared sorting hat, she is sorted eventually into Slytherin.
Year Two:
Heta Omega Welcome MeetingLennox joins a club and attends the first meeting. She realizes that this isn't as amazing she would have hoped. They even had lame name tags.
Find Me In The CrowdLennox attends the Halloween Feast dressed as a princess. Although she did win a prize for the costume contest, she wasn't easily impressed with the decorations and activities. It was nothing like the grand parties her grandmother threw.
Year Three:
Quidditch Try OutsLennox tries out for the Quidditch Team since there is no ballet performances at this school. She finds Quidditch like a type of dance. She does her best, even after messing up her hair. She manages to make the team as a chaser.
Quotes taken from “Delirium Series (Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem) written by Lauren Oliver @Copyright 2011-2013
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