Slytherin Quidditch Practice S1/Y48

Vanity went after the same bludger Sunny missed, and missed it as well.
Sunny looped round to try get a better angle, not that it made much difference as she still missed.
Vanity had decided she would hit this stupid bludger before Sunny did, almost pushing her aside to get to it. Unfortunately, she missed again.
Sybil was starting to feel sore from all the bludger hits but she stayed determined and grabbed the quaffle as it got tossed back into play.
Vanity still didn't hit the bludger, it annoyed her.
Kanako lined up her shot. Maybe she should've felt bad, but nope, if you're a seeker you should get used to it. She headed it straight for @Ignatius Wolffort pleased it actually went where she intended it to.
Sybil approached the hoops but she was getting tired and her shot was blocked easily.
Okay, now this was just ridiculous. "Hit someone else, already!" he whined, in quite a lot of pain now after about 5 bludger hits.
Kanako smirked at Ignatius' response, but did feel a tad bit bad for him. He was toughening up for matches, that much was for sure, but maybe she should've hit someone else...Oh well, too late now. She tried to find a bludger again but missed.
Sayuri grabbed the quaffle, rolling her eyes at Ignatius’ whining. A practice session at home would set him straight.
Ignatius hoped someone hit Sayuri next, as the snitch continued to elude him.
Kanako fumbled her bat slightly, missing the swing.
Sayuri glared as she saw another bludger trying to hit her. She dived, coming right back up in a tight maneuver before throwing the ball into the hoop
Ignatius set off after a glint of gold he thought he saw, though his vision was a little blurry.
Sunny tried darting in front of Vanity, attempting to cut her off from a bludger. With a hard swing, she sent it hurtling toward the seeker. Turning back to Vanity, she shot her a smug look that clearly said that’s how it’s done.
@Ignatius Wolffort
As Sayuri grabbed the quaffle, she was starting to wonder if the beaters had made a game of hit the seeker.
There was no way Ignatius could catch the snitch now, as battered as he was. He hated everyone on this stupid team.
Sayuri failed to aim properly, busy as she was watching hit the seeker
Terror caught the quaffle when it was thrown back into play.
Horror wondered if they would need a new seeker.
Terror made it to the hoops and tried to score, but the quaffle bounced off the ring.
Honestly, Sayuri felt better that the captain’s twin hadn’t managed a shot either as she grabbed the quaffle
Even if Ignatius couldn't find the snitch right now and frankly couldn't feel his leg anymore he wasn't going to give the team the satisfaction of his failure.

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