Slytherin Quidditch Practice One

Sara risked a glance at her teammates to see how they were doing and disappointingly enough not even the seekers were having any luck with the snitch. This snitch was certainly hiding today. She grumbled but continued with her own goal, which was to reach the hoops promptly. At least no bludgers seemed to be directed at her yet.
Blake gritted his teeth as he circled the pitch, looking for the snitch. This was so unlike him. He had always been a star on the pitch, how had it eluded him for so long?! Glancing at Leda, Blake wondered for a moment if she was trying to sabotage him. Maybe she had secretly found the snitch and pocketed it, so Blake wouldn't be able to show how much better he was than her. Then she could pull it out last minute and save the day! Horrible! Blake glared ahead as he pressed on, grumbling under his breath about how unfairly he was being treated on this team.
Leda paused in the sky for a moment, watching as the other members of the team seemed to be having the same amount of difficulty. What was going on today? "Guys I know this is frustrating. Just keep going because at least this is happening now and not in the games," she glanced across to Liam and the chasers, nodded in encouragement for them to continue on.
Sara hardly heard what Leda said though she still nodded, too busy focusing on the task at hand to really respond to that. Sure it was happening now and not during the games, but you never knew. They just had to keep going, to keep trying. Not giving up also needed practice. She couldn’t hear nor see the other chasers so she shrugged, taking the shot and watching as it went wide...again. Ugh. Where were Jasper, Luna and Jai when she needed them?!
Blake scowled as he kept circling the pitch, slowing slightly when Leda spoke. He rolled his eyes. Sure. Mysteriously, the snitch would be way easier to catch during games, when she wouldn't have to compete against someone who could take her place. Girls always cheated at sports to try and be as good as boys, and this was just proving it in Blake's eyes.
She wasn’t sure if everyone could hear her, but she had to try. Beginning her search once more for the snitch she flew another lap of the pitch.
Jasper was glad he at least wasn't the only one failing to score. After Sara missed, he flew up to grab the quaffle from Mordred and flew away to fly a lap around the pitch with it first.
Sapphire paused in her chase as Leda called out to the team. "You got it, Cap!" She took off after the bludger again.
After flying around with it for a long enough time, Jasper returned to the goals. He grinned as this time his attempt worked! He watched the Quaffle sail through the hoop and threw his hands up as he cheered.
Sapphire paused to watch Jasper make another attempt at scoring. Awesome, he actually managed to turn things around. She gave him a thumbs up before taking off again.
Leda cheered when Jasper managed to get the ball through the hoop, glad that the Chasers were able to score some points. Still looking for the snitch she pressed on, keeping her eyes open.
Sara was watching the other players too, wanting to see if there was any progress. When she glanced back at Jasper, who was in possession of the quaffle, she saw the quaffle sail right through the hoop. She cheered, and without hesitation grabbed the quaffle for what felt like the tenth time and decided to switch strategies as she flew around the pitch, dodging anyone and everything in her way.
Blake began to circle lower again, infuriated at how long the snitch had eluded him. It seemed like there was no chance he would ever catch up to his performance at practices last year. At least he had one catch under his belt, before Leda had obviously rigged the practice.
Leda saw a glimpse of gold in the corner of her eye, and she shot off after it quickly, but not too quickly to allow Blake to be aware of it too.
Sapphire was startled as Leda moved suddenly, looking over slightly to see if she was running from a bludger. Nope. Good. She turned back to her own doings, determined to get more than one hit in today.
Facing the wrong way to notice any movement Blake continued flying away from Leda, searching for the snitch even though he knew it would be fruitless if she had pocketed it.
Leda continued after the snitch, hoping it wasn’t about to just leave her again as she tried flying faster to catch up.
Sara almost flew into Leda as the younger girl sped up suddenly or changed direction, she wasn’t sure. She mouthed a quick apology to the captain before she continued to push on, towards the hoops. She could do this.
Tired of flying low, Blake shot high again, thinking maybe an overview of the pitch would help him. He flew high up, well above any of the other players and looked down, searching for any sign of the snitch.
Sara didn’t look back anymore at this stage to check what the others were up to, and she kept moving forward, slightly slowing down when she neared the hoops. She threw the quaffle with all her might and grinned in glee as it sailed through.
Leda barely managed to move out of the way as she nearly collided with Sara, but watching on she saw the girl still continued to score. The Slytherin grinned. Even if she could get the snitch, maybe they’d still get enough points.
Sapphire kept close to the bludger she was chasing, despite the fact that the ball kept twisting and dodging and trying to generally annoy her. She'd get in another hit if it killed her.
Determined to catch this snitch before practise ended. Leda gripped her broom tightly as she headed after it, never letting it out her sight.

Sapph wasn't about to give up. Practice wasn't over yet. She kept to the bludger, not noticing anything around her as her attention zeroed in on the ball in front of her.
Leda was getting very annoyed now that she couldn’t catch this snitch. She kept on after it but every single time she failed. She doubted she was the only one.

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