Professors meeting year 2039

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
as far as school years go this one was off to a rocky start. in all the years Elvera had been at the school both as student and professor there was only one tome she could remember when a house had started in negative points after a gryffindor and ravenclaw had been caught out of bounds one night. this year there had been a food fight and many other goings on which had left all houses in the red. for this reason she and Ava had decided it would be best to call a staff meeting to bring matters to the rest of the staff's attention. it wasn't just the behaviour of staff and students that needed to be mentioned but some other general issues too.
As deputy headmistress Elvera it was part of elveras job to organise the meeting. she had worked with the timetables to find a time on a saturday when no professors were teaching or partaking in other duties. She had sent out messages to the staff and when it was time she went to the professors common room to prepare for the meeting. she put the kettle on with enough hot water for anyone who wanted tea of coffee and had brought along some crackers, veggie sticks and dips. as well as the semi-famous le fey muffins. she made herself a cup of tea and waited for the other professors to arrive.
Professor Justin Cliffeton arrived nice and early to the Professors meeting of the Year 2039, it had been one of the first that he had heard of them having like this, but he didn't mind. He understood before they had even told him about it the necessity that this meeting brought. After all, the new first years were running a muck in the school and were losing some serious points for their respective houses. He sighed to himself, it was a serious issue and a pretty crazy one as well. He wasn't sure how exactly they would be able to stop it, or what they'd be able to do to ensure that we didn't end up with -1000 points for every house by the time the end of the year came. He took a seat, and waited for the others to arrive.
Professor Claire Blaze had been having a pretty crazy first few weeks at the school, it was an intense new job for her and she couldn't believe that the people here were so.. crazy. She knew that they had called for a professors meeting, and it was more than likely to talk about the issues that these first years brought. She couldn't believe that they were be as reckless and silly as to go out and play on the cliffs where they could quite possibly die in the blink of an eye. If she had found them and something had happened to them she didn't know what she would have done, it would have been such a weird moment, and she probably would have felt terrible if they had been hurt in her care. She took a seat in the back somewhere, and waited for everyone else to arrive.
It had been a long first week back, and Professor Kingsley didn't think things would get any easier as the semester dragged on. The students were horrendous this year, far worse than she could remember them being in recent memory. As she headed down to the professor's meeting, Cyndi couldn't help but think about the other career path that she could have taken. Being an Obliviator seemed like it would have been the more sensible choice. Stepping into the common room, Professor Kingsley greeted her colleagues quietly before she made herself some tea and settled in towards the back of the room. The woman hoped that the meeting would be quick and easy. She had letters to write, students to seek out and speak to, and her own family to check in on. Time was not on her side.
If someone had told her that she would have a serious meeting in the first week of school, Sloane would have laughed in their face, but after everything she had seen in the past couple of days, a meeting was the least they could do. To be honest, Sloane was not entirely sure that there was anything they could do. The students were monsters this year, for whatever reason and it meant that they simply did not care about the rules. There had been a much smaller meeting in the Professor's common room a couple of days ago and some interesting things had been suggested, but as yet, nothing to actually fix the problem. She sighed as she walked into the common room again, as she seemed to be spending far too much time in her office these days and collected a cup of coffee as she went, eventually sitting off to the side. She did not envy the heads of house this year. She was glad it wasn't her job. All she had to do was teach them and she had the option of simply kicking them out of class if she had too. She had the easy job.
Misha was definitely having a strange term back, things were as they always were, though this was his first full year in which for both semesters he would be teaching all of the years, rather than just the upper years. He had been excited too, but it meant he had a lot more marking to get done from here on out, which was bringing him a lot of stress, or well, would bring him a lot of stress. The man, rubbed his eyes tiredly, the professor's meeting was now and he was feeling tired and hungry, just knowing that this was important but really wanting to just get it over with, so he hoped it wasn't too long. The kids were nuts this year anyway, so he was sure they were about to let them know about how best to deal with them, and Misha didn't liked having to deal with kids outside of his classroom. As long as they behaved in class, he didn't really want to have to deal with it outside of that, but the man knew this meeting was important, so he made his way to the room. Opening the door, the man stepped inside and noticed the muffins laid out on the table. Considering that he was hungry the walked straight over to them, and grabbed a muffin and then poured himself a cup of tea. He took a seat and placed the mug on the ground as he ate away at the muffin, nodding in pleasure at it, these muffins were amazing. All he had to do now was wait for the meeting to begin, thankfully his muffin and the tea would keep him busy.
There was a positive spring in Professor Monty Pendledon's step as he descended the staircase that morning. Perhaps it was the hopes of becoming better acquainted with his colleagues that had him feeling so sprightly, but Monty thought it rather more likely to be the promise of tea and muffins for all attendees. Regardless of the origin of his enthusiasm, there was little that could have been done to quell it. He was a professor! And a potions one, at that. Nothing thrilled the inventor more than a good success, and so far, success had found him at every turn. It was bound to come to an end sooner or later, what with the absolute terrors that called themselves first years roaming about the place, but for now, Monty's spirits could not be dampened. He turned the corner and entered the common room, shedding his long black jacket and hanging it on the sword of a statue near the door. As promised, a table was laid with tea and coffee and muffins, and Monty wasted no time pouring himself an Earl Grey and taking a seat in the corner by himself. He did wonder what on earth the meeting was going to be about, but so long as the supply of tea was plentiful, he was prepared to endure even the most painful of lectures.
Alistair was walking down to the Ground Floor where the Professor's Common Room was. He had received a letter from the Deputy Headmistress saying to meet there at this time. Ahead of him he saw a couple other professors arriving to the room just before him. The young professor walked in and looked around at the rest of his colleagues. He hadn't gotten to know much of them, as this was his first year teaching here. So far they had all been pretty friendly.

"Hello everyone," he said as he came in. After looking around he walked towards the table he saw that had some snacks on it. He grabbed a muffin and stood next to the table while he waited for the Deputy Headmistress to start talking. There was talk going around the castle that there were some rowdy first years getting into loads of trouble. Alistair hadn't experienced this first hand, but by the looks of the rest of the staff and the mere fact this meeting was called, he could tell this was a pretty serious matter.
It would suffice to say that Jonathon would have been surprised when he heard of a Professor's meeting, however in light of the recent events around the castle (recent events that Jonathon had intentionally distanced himself from) the meeting's reasoning only became more obvious. If the students would continue to misbehave inside or outside of class, it only made sense for each member of staff to me made aware of how to deal with such anarchy in order to keep the school from falling apart at the seams. Jon, for one, was eager to hear how he could handle the craziness in spite of how tired he was as he entered the Professor's common room. He fought the urge to rub his dazed eyes and immediately walked over towards the snack table, fetching himself a cup of coffee in an attempt to wake himself up, and reaching over to the plate of what was apparently semi-famous muffins. He placed his cup of coffee on a nearby table as he sat next to Misha, taking a bite of the muffin as he relaxed, and realizing exactly why they were considered famous. "Good muffins, don't you think?" Jon nodded towards the other professor as he continued to munch on the surprisingly delicious muffin while waiting for the meeting to begin.
It seemed logical that a staff meeting be called after the kerfuffle of a week than had transpired. All four houses were in the negatives, and quite frankly it was almost hilarious. New tactics had to be instilled, clearly, as the old points system just wasn't cutting it anymore, though the answer was not as simple as just added detentions, as that simply cut into everyone's free time and rarely did much. He assumed that it would all be covered in this meeting, and the added bonus of being offered food and beverages certainly had the small man moving. Once he arrived, he smiled at the professors that were already in the room. They looked like a decent group of people. Grabbing a cupcake and making himself a cup of tea, he sat down next to one of the other new professors and sipped his tea as he waited for this all to begin.
The start of the school year had been a disaster, between the food fight in the Great hall, students starting fights and a total disrespect for Prefects all of four houses had begun the year in negative points, something James had never seen happen in his time as a student or Professor at the school. That could be the reason for the sudden need to have a meeting before term started. There was a desperate need to get the new kids under control and he was curious to see what kind of ideas the other Professors had. James entered the Professors common room and found that of the teachers were already in waiting, James grabbed himself a cup of tea and waited for the meeting to begin.
The year had started pretty bad, but Ava was sure that everything was going to turn around. Once students hear about one thing, they all think it's okay to do whatever they wanted. So Ava was sure that herself, and all her staff, were going to get stricter. Then the students can hear that and start whipping themselves back into shape. Whipping. That sounded good. Maybe they can bring that back into schools, Ava laughed to herself. Not that she would ever be okay with it, but it was a funny thought, and would probably work wonders.
Ava sat in the Professor's Common Room with a cup of tea, waiting for the meeting to start.
When a Staff meeting was called Kida contemplated getting out of it, she knew that she had caused an issue before the school year had really began with Aeon by taking the de-aging potion and spending time with the Students in the Great Hall which unpredictably resulted in a Food Fight and Kid and Aeon in trouble. Normally Kida wouldn't have an issue going to a meeting and facing the issue at hand, but assuming that it would be about putting the two Professors under the spot light wasn't her Idea of a good time.
Having spent the morning on the Quidditch Pitch fitting in some more training Kida decided she would attend, after all she couldn't pretend to fall off her broom as an Excuse, she was a Professional Quidditch Player, she doesn't fall off brooms anymore, that was something she did as a Student from being careless. Kida flew to the Castle wearing her Casual Training gear with her Professors robes over the top, she dismounted and made her way to the Professors Common Room.

Opening the door she saw most of the staff had already gathered and were sharing Muffins and Coffee plus a few other pre meeting treats, Kida placed her broom against a wall and looked for an empty seat, she brushed her long brown wind swept hair off her face and at last minute decided to grab a drink and a muffin before taking her place and sitting down. 'Hello All' she said taking a sip of Water.
Following the events in the Great Hall that lead to his probation, Summers was reluctant to do much else than teach his class and hole up in his office to prepare for the next one. He opted for night patrols and generally avoided people when he could, both embarrassed by his actions an upset that it left him treading on very thin ice. Most of the students had heard that it was he and Kida who had participated in a student food fight, and those that thought it was just a false rumour would find out the truth about it sooner or later. Upon being notified that a meeting was to take place, Summers wasn't particularly thrilled to go, but not attending might just make his situation worse.

Shuffling toward the Professor's Common Room, Aeon caught the end of his cousin's hair disappearing through the doorway and followed in after her, taking a place standing near her seat rather than finding one of his own. Once the meeting was over he wanted to depart as quickly as he could. The wizard kept his gaze anywhere but at Ava, and he waited for the meeting to start.
Justin knew that he was running quite late. He was yet to get used to his office way up in the Astronomy tower that led him to have a different sense of time. He would have to get himself an alarm clock one of these day so he would easily notice the time. After all, there were quite a few occasions where he couldn't afford to be late. Just like today's meeting. It was easy to know that this year had gotten off from a bad start with everything that had happened around the castle, and so he knew that this meeting was something that he was not supposed to miss. It was quite important after all, and that had been all the more reason for him to hurry his pace to the Professors' Common Room.

Justin was a bit out of breath by the time he had gotten into the room filled with his colleagues. There had been a lot of familiar faces within the crowd and quite a few that were if only a little unfamiliar. Well, he had been gone for a semester and most of the time, he was cooped up in his office or in the tower, so it wasn't really that much of a surprise. Making himself a quick cup of tea, he opted to approach the most familiar face within the room, the Charms professor. "Hello Misha, how have you been?" he greeted as he stood beside his co-worker, sipping his cup of tea.
Elvera watched a little surprised at how many professors arrived for the meeting and how quickly too. every one from the headmistress to the new professors were in the room. not everyone was there but she thought they had better make a start she could fill the few absentees in in the main points of the meeting later. she took one more sip of tea before standing up and looking around at her colleges, some old some new some who had been her professors and some who had been students along side her. "Good afternoon everyone. I promise i wont keep you too long, but after last week i feel we as professors have a little bit of discussing to do." she said. she paused. she didn't want this to sound critical of her colleges (bar maybe one or two) but it was a serious business. "but first of all. i would like to send a warm welcome to all the new professors who have joined us. i hope you enjoy working here as much as i do, and i promise we aren't always this much of a mad house." she looked at professor black. this professor had been her transfiguration professor many moons ago. "and welcome back to those who are returning from time away from us" she said.
she paused again looking at the notes she had. "of course this meeting is not all about the pleasantries of how nice it is to be working with you all, there is business to discuss. so to get the quicker topics out of the way first we have a notice on the wall with the student clubs. and think it may be useful if a professor can sponsor each of them, not interfere too much but more give help and guidance to the leaders if they need it" she said pointing to the chart on the wall she had her name down for heta omega. she had been the sponsor of that club for years. "next up we have a roster of patrols up too, please check your name on it to see where you are patrolling and where something tells me we have a rather mischievous cohort of students this year, we need to be united and show a strong start of the year to try and calm them down before they start thinking they can get away with anything." she said. stopping again and realising how easily she had segued into her next point of call. "before i continue is there anything anyone would like to say or add? she asked looking around the room to see if anyone wanted to say something.
Misha was sat in his chair, slowly munching on the muffin in silence, occasionally raising his mug of tea and sipping it slowly, just sort of smirking it to himself as he waited for it to begin. He looked up at one of the new professor with whom Misha had become friends with, Jon, who took the seat next to him and commented on the muffins, Misha just nodded at him, taking a larger bite of it, "Yeah, they are good," he agreed with a little noise of agreement, since they were good muffins. Next to talk to him was the former charms professor whom he had since found out had moved to Astronomy, he smiled at him, "I've been good, how about yourself?" he said to him, "Forsaking Charms for Astronomy? What's that all about?" Misha took a long drink of his tea, a large smile on his face, he was feeling a little bit tired, but he now was eager for the meeting to begin after all it seemed like everyone had turned up. He looked at the deputy headmistress as she began speaking, as she began talking about the new term. He didn't particular have anything to add and he wasn't particularly looking forward to having to patrol but of course it would happen. He looked around the room, trying to see if anyone else had anything to add to what had been said already, but Misha just responded by shaking his head.
Professor Kingsley sat quietly as the meeting began. She nodded her head, a serious expression on her face as the deputy spoke of the week. What had started off as some innocent fun and games on the part of the first years had taken a grim turn by the end of the week. She was pretty astounded by everything that had transpired over the week and hoped that everyone had gotten all of the craziness out of their systems. If the rest of the semester was quiet, she would be happy.

The woman only gave a glance to the list on the wall. She wished she could help with clubs, but she'd given up some of her courses for a reason. She just didn't have time to do it all. Patrolling, unfortunately, was not something she could do away with. The professor hadn't noticed that sheet, but she hoped that she would have good assignments. They changed monthly. So long as she didn't have the dungeons this semester, she would be happy. It was always so cold and gloomy down there.

As the meeting continued, Cyndi sipped her tea. So far, she had nothing to add, but she'd wait to hear what the other professors had to say and see if that changed.
As Elvera opened the floor, Ava put her mug down and cleared her throat. She sat up a bit straighter before starting. "As most of you have probably already noticed, we do not have a Hufflepuff Head of House this year. Effie stepped down, and we have yet to find someone else. Any problems, however, can come to me. If you feel like you would like to apply for this position, don't hesitate to let me know and we can talk it over." Ava finished with a smile. She was definitely going to, and already, miss Effie. She hoped that she could find someone as kind hearted as her to look after the Puffs.
Kalif Styx arrived, slightly after Elvera opened the floor up with the meeting. Seeing the new people did not really make Kalif's emotions stabilize at all. Instead, he was used to seeing new professors, seeing as some never lasted. Even now, he was making mental notes, betting to see who would and would not last. For now, he had not said anything, since there was nothing for him to say. The Slytherin Head of House merely sighed, before sipping his large cup of hot tea. Something that will soothe his headache over the students he dealt with on a daily basis.

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