Plotty plots!

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
I told myself I wasn't going to make a PD because I've already been responding to a few but with real life responsibilities creeping up (specifically writing a master's thesis) and the stress that comes with that I'll need something to keep me sane :r

I tried to keep this somewhat short so if you've got any questions feel free to shoot me a PM!

Chloë Thompson • Gryffindor 5th • Chaser • Astrophile

So Chloë is my oldest student at the moment and it's no surprise I adore her. She (together with Paige) is also the oldest Thompson at the school and definitely feels some responsibility in looking after her younger cousins, especially since she knows Isaiah can be a bit of a troublemaker. She's a happy, bubbly person who very much loves to joke around with her friends. Chloë has developed a deep love for quidditch and loves being part of the team, excited for the new season and even more determined to make this their year after they lost the championship again.

What she needs: in all honesty she doesn't need a lot of specific things right now, but she's always happy for more friends or to hang out with the friends she already has. If you have someone that for some reason would dislike her that could be interesting as well. Other than that she's always happy to help out or offer some advice (she'll try her best) since she's very much used to taking on some sort of big sister-y role with her younger cousins anyways.

Mackenzie Dawson • Ravenclaw 3rd • Spoiled • Fashionista
Mackenzie here is my third year Ravenclaw. She doesn't have a lot going for her at home and with that I mean she's got absolutely nothing going for her at home, which has led her to always be pretty distant and has caused her to have made almost no friends so far. Her dad pays no attention to her and when she first arrived at school she came up with the idea that she had to prove herself to him, that maybe if she came home with terrific grades he would finally be proud of her. The only disadvantage in that is that she strongly dislikes studying, not even interested in most of the classes taught at hogwarts. After coming home with good grades after her second year and her dad not even acknowledging her when she went to show him she has started to seriously doubt whether he will ever pay her any attention. She'll likely go into her third year struggling with that, debating whether being miserable in studying so much for validation she's not receiving is worth anything at all.

What she needs: friends, people who are nice to her even though she's not as social or extroverted, people who manage to get through to her and get her to slowly realize that she's allowed to be more extroverted, to be a kid and just have more fun (and possibly even get her to smile every once in a while). Also someone who'd just bluntly tell her that her studying so hard when she dislikes it is stupid would be completely welcome.

Ana Sofia Burleigh • Hufflepuff 3rd • Artistic
Ana Sofia is my third year Hufflepuff. She's a very carefree kid who loves nothing more than just dance around the school's hallways (who needs walking, walking's boring) and have fun, not bothered in the slightest by how others perceive her. She's also very artistic and tried her best to take her sketchbook and water colours with her everywhere she goes, often barely managing to get them into her bag with all of her schoolbooks. She loves to paint anything she can find, often working on her own clothes or other things like her dormmates plant pots. Other than that she has difficulty learning and isn't keen on sharing that with everyone, but she does realize that she might need some help with that.

What she needs: more friends, people she can be artistic with, people who'd let her paint on their clothes or other possessions, anything else you might think off.

Isaiah Thompson • Gryffindor 2nd • Ball of energy
Isaiah here is a complete idiot and I love him for it. He's excited, energetic and probably too impulsive for his own good. Isaiah's main goal at school is to become populair and have a lot of people know him but also to make as many friends as he can. He's a fun kid to be around, at least in his own opinion, and thrives off making others laugh no matter how dumb he looks doing it. Zay's pretty down to earth and doesn't worry to much, especially not when it comes to his schoolwork which he tries to procrastinate untill the very last second. Why would he do any studying when there's so many exciting things to see and do around the school anyways? He's pretty much as real as can be and with Isaiah it's literally what you see is what you get. His favourite hobby is to wander around with his guitar and make up silly little tunes about people passing by.

What he needs: more friends! People who can appreciate his energy and don't suffer from second hand embarrasment too quickly because that's what you might get whilst hanging out with Zay. Or anything else you can think off. (He'd also be happy to brag about meeting a centaur in the forest to anyone willing to hear it).

Ivelisse Burleigh • Slytherin 1st • Sporty + competitive
Ivelisse here is my new first year and Ana Sofia's younger sister, although personality wise they are quite different. She's a fun, sociable kid in general and would be happy to have a chat with anyone, wanting to be quick in gaining herself some friends at the school. She could be a good person to be around and will be ready to stand up for her friends when needed to, but when push comes to shove she will always put her self-interest first. Iva loves sports and loves to be active, but is also highly competititve. She will turn anything into a competition if it's possible, which is why it's no surprise that this is exactly what she'll do with her academics as well. She'll want to get the highest grades, earn the most points, be the best in her own experience just for the idea that she has 'won'.

What she needs: anything really, since she's a firstie I'll take whatever you've got!

Hi Marijke!

Okay, so I have a few characters i could offer to you!

I would like to offer Isssc and Chloe - I’d be happy to develop their friendship in a way. The boy needs some friends or close friends in a way, so that would a cool!

I also would like to offer Issac to Isaiah again - I liked their small interaction at the great hall last year. Issac could be like, a mentor of sorts if you’d like that for isaiah

For your firstie, Ivelisse, I would like to offer you my firstie, Xiuying Huang! They can be rivials in for both sports and academics since Xiuying also has a high interest in those sort of things. I mean they could be friends that are rivals, if that makes sense?

Let me know what you think!

Hi Marijke!

Okay, so I have a few characters i could offer to you!

I would like to offer Isssc and Chloe - I’d be happy to develop their friendship in a way. The boy needs some friends or close friends in a way, so that would a cool!

I also would like to offer Issac to Isaiah again - I liked their small interaction at the great hall last year. Issac could be like, a mentor of sorts if you’d like that for isaiah

For your firstie, Ivelisse, I would like to offer you my firstie, Xiuying Huang! They can be rivials in for both sports and academics since Xiuying also has a high interest in those sort of things. I mean they could be friends that are rivals, if that makes sense?

Let me know what you think!



Yess, I would love to do more with Issac and Chloë, develop their friendship a little! She could possibly nag him again about trying out for the quidditch team for starters?

Issac and Isaiah sounds great as well, he could definitely use someone like that. Plus he would just feel like it'd be cool to hang out with a fifth year. (Chloë might just be the tiniest little bit offended if he'd go to Issac for advice on whatever instead of her though lol)

Xiuying and Ivelisse could be interesting yes. I gotchu, would love to have them develop some sort of rivalry friendship if they get along.

Yess, I would love to do more with Issac and Chloë, develop their friendship a little! She could possibly nag him again about trying out for the quidditch team for starters?

Issac and Isaiah sounds great as well, he could definitely use someone like that. Plus he would just feel like it'd be cool to hang out with a fifth year. (Chloë might just be the tiniest little bit offended if he'd go to Issac for advice on whatever instead of her though lol)

Xiuying and Ivelisse could be interesting yes. I gotchu, would love to have them develop some sort of rivalry friendship if they get along.
Yess! I think that should be great! I've been trying to get him to try out, but i always put it off because I'm nervous haha! Hopefully, this year is the year it happens!

Haha! Issac might not be the best at advice, but he doesn't mind giving out advice. (I think that would be a little fun - add a little grain of salt of drama in there if you'd like lol)

Yesss! Exactly what I was thinking - Whether they get along or not, I would like for Xiuying to have some rivalry for her. Whether it be for academics or sports!

Yess! I think that should be great! I've been trying to get him to try out, but i always put it off because I'm nervous haha! Hopefully, this year is the year it happens!

Haha! Issac might not be the best at advice, but he doesn't mind giving out advice. (I think that would be a little fun - add a little grain of salt of drama in there if you'd like lol)

Yesss! Exactly what I was thinking - Whether they get along or not, I would like for Xiuying to have some rivalry for her. Whether it be for academics or sports!


Awesome! Perhaps they could run into each other during the break? Or we could just start something at beginning of the schoolyear? I'm cool with anything really.

I could totally see Zay going to ask Issac something and him just going along with it lol or just them somehow doing something dumb that might get them into a bit of trouble (which Chloë would might not be too happy about).

I think Xiuying and Ivelisse would be interesting for sure. There is an open train topic with Ivelisse & Melusine she could join or we could just start something new for them during school shopping or at school?
Hi Marijke ^_^

We could certainly do more with Tilly and Ana Sofia. They're dorm mates, and in that friend group, but I've kind of had it in my head that Tilly's been spending more time on Quidditch/other interests/friends in the school so she's probably growing apart a bit? She's also gotten into some fights which is pretty anti-Hufflepuff :r Wonder if @Rosemarie Chatwin and @Estella Fuentes would have any additional thoughts on this.
And painting objects/clothing sounds amazing.
Also, for the record, Mackenzie's posts in DADA cracked me up xD
Hi Marijke ^_^

We could certainly do more with Tilly and Ana Sofia. They're dorm mates, and in that friend group, but I've kind of had it in my head that Tilly's been spending more time on Quidditch/other interests/friends in the school so she's probably growing apart a bit? She's also gotten into some fights which is pretty anti-Hufflepuff :r Wonder if @Rosemarie Chatwin and @Estella Fuentes would have any additional thoughts on this.
And painting objects/clothing sounds amazing.

Hi! Yesss, would love that. I'm sure Ana Sofia would've noticed Tilly spending less time with them but I don't think she would be very verbal about it. She might offer to paint Tilly's bat though, as an excuse to hang out :r

Also, for the record, Mackenzie's posts in DADA cracked me up xD
I feel like she ended up rolling her eyes every lessons lol
Awesome! Perhaps they could run into each other during the break? Or we could just start something at beginning of the schoolyear? I'm cool with anything really.

I could totally see Zay going to ask Issac something and him just going along with it lol or just them somehow doing something dumb that might get them into a bit of trouble (which Chloë would might not be too happy about).

I think Xiuying and Ivelisse would be interesting for sure. There is an open train topic with Ivelisse & Melusine she could join or we could just start something new for them during school shopping or at school?
I think something at the beginning of the school year would be perfect! If that's ok with you?

Ooo both ideas are intriguing to me, though i think I'm leaning towards them doing something dumb that might get into a bit of trouble. I think that would be cool!

Definatly! Maybe we could do something with them at school? I've already got Xiuying on a train thread already =))
I think something at the beginning of the school year would be perfect! If that's ok with you?

Ooo both ideas are intriguing to me, though i think I'm leaning towards them doing something dumb that might get into a bit of trouble. I think that would be cool!

Definatly! Maybe we could do something with them at school? I've already got Xiuying on a train thread already =))

Sounds good! We could maybe to the ones with Issac & Chloë and Xiuying & Ivelisse first and then Issac & Isaiah when they're like a couple of weeks into the semester?
Sounds good! We could maybe to the ones with Issac & Chloë and Xiuying & Ivelisse first and then Issac & Isaiah when they're like a couple of weeks into the semester?
Yep! Perfect! Which ones would you like to start? I'll start with whatever is left :)
Yep! Perfect! Which ones would you like to start? I'll start with whatever is left :)
I could start something for Xiuying & Ivelisse if you want to do the Gryffindors?
Hi Marijke!
Okay so I remember saying the last IC year that Lilith and Ana should interact more but they never really got to it. So I have a few Ideas that i’m going to be gently laying down right here.

1. They should definitely do something related to dancing. I feel like (from what i’ve seen) that they are some of the only people in their year who really enjoy dancing. So, i’m proposing a random dance challenge/contest/(fair?) in the middle of the hallways or in the courtyard. If this happens in the courtyard, maybe we could get some musically inclined students to play music? Kind of like those street dancers you see (but I don’t think any of them will be be streetdancing)

2. Lillith would love to get her snacks basket decorated. At the moment it’s a simple wicker basket but I think she’s enjoy it much more if its pretty. Lillith does enjoy her fair share of pretty things.
It's me!

Ana x Casper: Artsy kids unite! He could really use an also artsy best friend.

Jordie x Isaiah: Bestest buddies need to do bestest buddies things.

Ivelisse x Charlie: Charlie is another firstie! He's very soft, and shy around girls. He has no real experience with them, really. But his dad is a sports journalist. Charlie loves to watch sports, and he has his own personal journal.
Hi Marijke!
Okay so I remember saying the last IC year that Lilith and Ana should interact more but they never really got to it. So I have a few Ideas that i’m going to be gently laying down right here.

1. They should definitely do something related to dancing. I feel like (from what i’ve seen) that they are some of the only people in their year who really enjoy dancing. So, i’m proposing a random dance challenge/contest/(fair?) in the middle of the hallways or in the courtyard. If this happens in the courtyard, maybe we could get some musically inclined students to play music? Kind of like those street dancers you see (but I don’t think any of them will be be streetdancing)

2. Lillith would love to get her snacks basket decorated. At the moment it’s a simple wicker basket but I think she’s enjoy it much more if its pretty. Lillith does enjoy her fair share of pretty things.


Honestly Ana loves dancing but there is absolutely zero technique to her dancing whatsoever. It's just jumping and twirling around mainly, but she loves it. I'm not sure if she'd do like a dance contest but if there was anyone playing music she'd be more than happy to just start dancing to it at the random.

Also yes she would honestly be thrilled if Lillith would ask her to decorate her snack basket, like genuinly honoured.

It's me!

Ana x Casper: Artsy kids unite! He could really use an also artsy best friend.

Jordie x Isaiah: Bestest buddies need to do bestest buddies things.

Ivelisse x Charlie: Charlie is another firstie! He's very soft, and shy around girls. He has no real experience with them, really. But his dad is a sports journalist. Charlie loves to watch sports, and he has his own personal journal.

Yessss, Ana could use a creative friend!

Isaiah and Jordie definitely need to hang out more, but I'll get back to you on that when we've finished their current topic.

For Ivelisse and Charlie I'm curious how they'd get along, but we can always throw them together and see how things go!
Honestly Ana loves dancing but there is absolutely zero technique to her dancing whatsoever. It's just jumping and twirling around mainly, but she loves it. I'm not sure if she'd do like a dance contest but if there was anyone playing music she'd be more than happy to just start dancing to it at the random.

Also yes she would honestly be thrilled if Lillith would ask her to decorate her snack basket, like genuinly honoured.

OK! I'm going to put down the dance idea and I'll get someone (probably one of my own characters), to play music for us, maybe later in the semester or the 2nd? for the dance thing. I kind of want to space out my thread ideas.

I could start a thread when the semester starts for Lillith to ask about decorating her basket. ^_^
hello hi I know I could just skype you but that's just going to confuse me so here I go :p

Chloë & Thalia: I thiiink they're sort of friends but would love for them to develop their friendship more!

Mackenzie & Emori: ok so I feel like Em could be perfect for what Mackenzie needs right now. Emori will definitely tell her how things are, she can be fairly blunt, but she'll also never give up on a possible friendship so there's that. She'll most likely convince her to go on adventures with her around the castle once in a while. She loves to learn so could also try to show Mackenzie the fun in that xD

Ana & Emori: I just see a friendship here too :lol: would be very amusing to see Ana attempt to paint on Emori's clothes haha.

Isaiah & Francis: time for another 'eyebros' hang out? :woot:
hello hi I know I could just skype you but that's just going to confuse me so here I go :p

Chloë & Thalia: I thiiink they're sort of friends but would love for them to develop their friendship more!

Mackenzie & Emori: ok so I feel like Em could be perfect for what Mackenzie needs right now. Emori will definitely tell her how things are, she can be fairly blunt, but she'll also never give up on a possible friendship so there's that. She'll most likely convince her to go on adventures with her around the castle once in a while. She loves to learn so could also try to show Mackenzie the fun in that xD

Ana & Emori: I just see a friendship here too :lol: would be very amusing to see Ana attempt to paint on Emori's clothes haha.

Isaiah & Francis: time for another 'eyebros' hang out? :woot:


Chloë + Thalia: yessss I'm up for that!

Mackenzie + Emori: this sounds like a v interesting combination, I'd definitely be keen to see how they get along.
Ana Sofia + Emori: I liked their one second interaction at the yule ball :r so yesss would be fun to have them hang out some more

Isaiah + Francis: obviously!!

Any preference for which to start with?

Chloë + Thalia: yessss I'm up for that!

Mackenzie + Emori: this sounds like a v interesting combination, I'd definitely be keen to see how they get along.
Ana Sofia + Emori: I liked their one second interaction at the yule ball :r so yesss would be fun to have them hang out some more

Isaiah + Francis: obviously!!

Any preference for which to start with?
i'm the worst with replying

I'm quite excited for all of these plots hehe
I don't really mind! I could start Thalia/Chloë & Emori/Ana Sofia? I feel like Em would be the first to approach Mackenzie so I could reply to that having her go up to your Ravenclaw and be all like 'so whatcha doin'?' xD
i'm the worst with replying

I'm quite excited for all of these plots hehe
I don't really mind! I could start Thalia/Chloë & Emori/Ana Sofia? I feel like Em would be the first to approach Mackenzie so I could reply to that having her go up to your Ravenclaw and be all like 'so whatcha doin'?' xD

Yesss, sounds like a plan! I'll get to France/Zay & Mackenzie/Em
I (can) work fast :r Here it is! Em & Ana

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