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Daisy Parker-Taylor

Meow Meow Meow 🐶
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Lizzie)
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Hey lovelies!

It's been a very long time since I've done one of these so bare with me! While I've got a lot of muse and wanting to do things, I am also busy so can probably only keep a few RPs going at a time. But I really want to get properly back into my writing. SO! Here's what I've got.

Falon Urie - Gryffindor Sixth Year.
Falon is twin to Felix Urie - though she's not sure how she feels about him currently. She is a tomboy and loves to get dirty and muck around. She is very protective, determined and passionate. Falon will never half-ass anything, including friendships! Falon needs everything at the moment; though she has a crush on someone else, I wouldn't say no to any short term relationships.</SIZE></FONT>
Daisy Parker - Gryffindor Fifth Year.
Daisy needs everything. She is a bit crazy, and just loves to have fun. She is often found outside, or running around the castle barefoot. Like Falon, Daisy is quite stubborn and strong willed, but is fiercely loyal. She is a lot of fun for me to RP so any ideas would be amazing ^_^
Zenia Katsaros - Gryffindor Fourth Year
Though a lot of her RPs would beg to differ, Zenia is quite a nice girl. :r She is very excitable, and basically loves to have fun. Zenia won't let anyone mess with her or her friends though, and is known to get physical and lippy when someone is rude. She often doesn't think before speaking or acting but does love her friends. Zee does have quite a few enemies already, and though I do love RPing drama, I would love for her to have some friends or romantic interests as well.
Anabelle Williams - Slytherin Fourth Year
Ana is my lovely Slytherin girl. She is very gentle, and her anger will come through passive aggressiveness. She is a perfectionist in everything she does, and is very hard on herself and her work. For some reason my kind girls are just drawn to the Fergusson boys, so she does have a huge crush on Rory, but I wouldn't say no to any other romantic interests. She has no final, but I'd be happy to do some RPs and see how some things go! Ana also needs some friends and I wouldn't say no to enemies either ^_^
Xena Dragonslayer - Slytherin Third Year
I haven't done to much with Xena but I do like her. She needs more development but she is quite vain. She thinks highly of herself and is pretty shallow, and is a girly-girl - apart from the family business which she is looking forward to. Xena needs everything! Help plz.
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And I haven't made her yet, but I am going to sort a new girl next sorting - Analei Louw. She's from South Africa, but her family moved to NZ for a safer environment. When Analei was younger, she used to be filled with rage all the time and always let her anger get the better of her. She's now working very hard on her self control, and it makes her quite introverted. That's all I have about her now, but she needs anything and everything ^_^

Thanks team, cannot wait! If you want to RP with any of my other characters my tracker is below ^_^

Real happy you posted one of these :party:
First of all I'm just going to let you know that an rp with Cairo and Falon is still on my list of things to start, I should be getting to it soon!

Second of all I can offer my fourth year Ravenclaw Flavio Morales as a friend for Anabelle and Zenia. Flavio is 'best' friends with Rory and he has had an rp with Anabelle before during their first year, so I'm sure we could totally rp them again and have a friendship blossom! Zenia and Flavio are yet to rp, but I don't see why they couldn't rp now! Flavio is quiet and understanding so he wouldn't really challenge Zenia and they might be able to get along? Let me know what you think!

I'm less solid on how this suggestion could go, but the last thing I can offer is for Andi, my third year Gryffindor, to rp with Xena. Andi isn't shallow or vain and has been taught to think everyone is equal so there is definitely the possibility for conflict, at least. Otherwise I'm at a bit of a loss of what else to suggest but it could be fun (hopefully)!
Desi and Kayleigh when I get back to RPing, please! :wub:
Save some muse.
Yay Cairo! :wub: :wub:
I reckon Flavio and Ana would be good friends! And we can try FxZee as well, see where it takes them? Can we do one at a time? Which one first?
Also I love the idea of Xena and Andi, I'm happy to see them butt heads!? Let's just put them together and see what happens!

Anything for you :wub:
Donna! I don't think we've plotted much, we should change that!

I'm just going to throw some ideas out here and you can say which you like ^_^

Amber and Zenia could be very interesting, as Evelyn is one of Amber's best friends but she's also very friendly. I think an interaction between them could be very interesting. Whether it's good or bad :r

If you want a friend without complications for Zenia I have Rose Holland, who is very friendly and in Gryffindor with her. They could go on some sort of adventure together.

For Anabelle I can basically offer the same two xD Amber has a history with Rory, which she could be aware of or not! They are both very gentle and kind girls so I think they would get along if the Rory thing doesn't block that. And Rose already knows her from the rose delivery, so again if you want an uncomplicated friendship I can offer you her :D

For Xena I can offer Tristan Collins. I think he would be annoyed with how highly she thinks of herself, though he may try to hide it and be friendly? He'd be very interested in hearing about her family business too. I think. As he's kind of trying to figure out what he wants to do himself after school.

And I can offer Odette Harper for her too as an enemy probably. They are very similar, but I think Odette would be too threatened by her to befriend her.

And just throwing out for the future that Analei and my character Emilia Manning could definitely be friends next year ^_^ before sorting it'll be harder as she doesn't live in NZ.

If you have any other combinations you'd like to try that can work too!
Donnaaaaaaaaa :wub:

I really love rping with you and next to the archenemies Evelyn and Zenia I've got some more to offer!

For Analei I've got Athena Holmgaard and she will be sorted next one too. She is the niece of Evelyn and lives in London. She is also the niece of Emilia who is played by Daphne. Athena is a very nice girl and motivated for everything she likes to do. She is easy going and loves music. I think they could become friends.

Xenia x Evelyn I think Evelyn will like her and perhaps they can meet and see how it goes. I'm always open for more rp's with Evelyn and let her meet people out of her year. I don't know how Xenia would look to Evelyn, but perhaps she can help her with some stuff.

Annabelle x Evelyn x Evangeline: I guess it is nice to let Evelyn and Annabelle meet since they are in the same year. Evelyn knows Rory already and perhaps they can talk about boys and when Annabelle wants to talk about it Evelyn could help her with letting Rory notice her even more with some advice of clothes or other stuff. Also I've got Evangeline and I've neglected her a bit, she is kind of a loner and not the most happy person. But she could use some friends and mostly from her same house. We can always see how it goes?

Zenia x Evelyn x Elizabeth: I so love them, it is always so much fun to rp this. And we sure need to do another one, we can discuss this further on skype perhaps and exchange idea's. I thought perhaps something involving Espen Manning her twin could become nice. And have some idea's. Also got Elizabeth and she is very rebels and loves to experiment. I think she really likes Zenia, though she doesn't like people bullying, but if she knows the story it will be fine :)

Let me know what your thoughts are!

Donna, hello! :hug:
We haven't spoken together too much, but that should never get in the way of plotting I think.

If you're not too inundated with things already, I can offer Sophia Night for Analei. Sophia is also quite introverted and self-controlled, but growing up with Rory for an older sister, she's always wanted to be a little more spontaneous and fun... but can never quite get there. The two seem similar in sort of opposite ways (if that makes any sense, haha), and I could see them being friends with maybe a few conflicting opinions here and there. Sophia also lives in New Zealand, so it should be quite easy for them to meet before they begin school.
Amber x Zee, yes we should throw them together and see how they go. Zee would be like, how on earth can you be friends with someone like that.
Rose x Zee, super keen for this and adventure!
Amber x Ana, I don't think she knows, Rory never spoke of her by name. They could be sweet friends I think! As well as Rose. Maybe we'll try out one of them first before the other?
Xena x Tristan, I'm happy to see how this relationship goes, would be fun if she thought he totally liked her and he didn't hehe!
Xena x Odette, yasss always up for drama and enemies!
Analei x Emilia, yes please!

Out of all of these, which would you be keen on the most? If we could do one at a time that would be great ^_^

Analei x Athena, yes this could work especially if we have a group RP with Daphne + Emilia, could be cool!
Xena x Evelyn, these two would be fully based on how they met. If Xena didn't like what Evelyn was doing, she wouldn't be ashamed to say anything. But I do think they could make good friends if that happens.
Ana x Evelyn x Evangeline, I love this idea! Ana would love the extra help from Evelyn and would be a good friend to Evangeline ^_^
Zenia x Evelyn x Elizabeth, Kaitlyn and I have plans for some more drama that involves these babes, don't you worry! Would be cool to get a friend for Zenia that's on her side as well! Hehe.
Out of all of these, which would you be keen on the most? If we could do one at a time that would be great ^_^

Maybe with some plotting we'll get to some talking! :r :wub:
Sophia x Analei, wow I love the idea of putting these two together, it would be really interesting to see their dynamics! Would you like to do a RP with them before school soon?

Daisy Parker said:
Yay Cairo! :wub: :wub:
I reckon Flavio and Ana would be good friends! And we can try FxZee as well, see where it takes them? Can we do one at a time? Which one first?
Also I love the idea of Xena and Andi, I'm happy to see them butt heads!? Let's just put them together and see what happens!
The thread for Cairo and Falon: :woot:

So glad you're keen for these other ideas! I'm thinking we could maybe rp Anabelle and Flavio now, and then wait until the new semester to rp Zenia and Flavio?

I'm also thinking it could be fun to rp Xena and Andi fighting with each other while buying new school supplies, and then have them run into each other again when school starts and realise theyre actually in each other's year :p

What do you think?
For me it is fine too to start one a the time, because I'm pretty busy with my internship and school at the moment. I love Evelyn and Zenia, so I'm curious what you have in mind. But next to that I would love Evelyn and Annabelle right now. I can start something for them this week perhaps?
Donna! I can't remember the last time we've had a plot together :r But you're one of the nicest people on the site in my opinion anyways!

I have Fleur Worth who would be roommates with Anabelle Williams. Fleur doesn't really do crushes so Anabelle won't have competition for Rory xD She's interested in a Gryffindor named Riley at the moment so we could have them talk boy talk together? We could have them as if they've been friends throughout the school years or as if they've never really talked before.

Fleur would also be good for a plot with Zenia since she's trying to get to know some more Gryffindor people in her year because of her interest in Riley xD

Lemme know ^_^
Thank you :wub: I will hopefully reply tonight or soon!
Shall we do Ana x Flavio after this RP?
And yes, that sounds great, in the 'holidays' they can bump into each other?

I will message you on skype re: Evelyn with Kaka ^_^
And yes please to Evelyn x Ana (And maybe Fleur too with Steph??)

Awh you're so sweet :wub:
Fleur x Ana sounds great! I would love that, Ana definitely needs someone to gush to about!! If Jamie wanted, we could do a three-way RP with Evelyn with them?
Fleur x Zenia, awesome, we can chuck them together and see how they react?

Shall we do one in the 'holidays', they could be shopping for school supplies, either together or meet while shopping? Or would you prefer to do one at a park or something? ^_^

Daisy Parker said:

Awh you're so sweet :wub:
Fleur x Ana sounds great! I would love that, Ana definitely needs someone to gush to about!! If Jamie wanted, we could do a three-way RP with Evelyn with them?
Fleur x Zenia, awesome, we can chuck them together and see how they react? [/color]

I would be down with that, Evelyn and Fleur are already friends from the thread we have going right now.

We certainly can! We can also wait on it if you want so you're not overloaded with plots :p
No, shopping sounds good! Maybe they could meet there, as Sophia's peer circles are generally of the muggle primary (she lives in Wellington), ballet classes and pony shows variety at the moment. If it turns out Analei fits into any of those groups though, we'll be able to skip right past the complete stranger stage ^_^
Steph !
Awesome, that would be cool! Jamie can send us the link when she's posted it? :p
And yes please, that can be our next one ^_^

Awesome, Analei is pretty new to NZ, so they probably wouldn't know each other then. Will start a topic in the break! ^_^
Haha yes one at a time sounds good xD I know I threw a lot out there. Perhaps Tristan and Xena to start off? I remembered they duelled each other last year, so at least they sort of know each other. :D
Yasss that sounds great! Would you like to start it? :r :p

Thank-you Jamieeeee :hug:

If you want we could RP Rory and Anabelle? They could go to the yuleball together :r
Oooh Emzies you tease I'm so in!
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