Plot with me pls

In an attempt to RP more with different people I really want to do a PD, but because I know I have a tendency to get overwhelmed I'm going to try to ask for two or three plots max at a time per person for now, I'm hoping to do another PD later in the year for more stuff. I just know I can be too eager at the start of the year and take on too much. It's fine if you post more ideas than that, but for now I'd prefer to pick two or three to plan short term.

That said, I'll post my kids down here first because it's the new school year, but I'll also add some adults down below that could use some plots. Please feel free to ask about other characters too.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ =super high priority pls give me something for this person
⭐⭐⭐ = high priority, someone I really want to develop and use more
⭐⭐ = medium priority, they have a bunch of stuff but I'm happy to do more
⭐= low priority, I don't RP them a lot at the moment (but I'd be down for any fun ideas!!)


Emery Mettlestone
Snarky - Loner - Gobstone Fanatic

Ravenclaw 7th Year
: gay, taken (no plots needed)

Penelope Marshall
Responsible - Stressed - Sweet

Hufflepuff 7th Year

❤️: straight, planned plot (no plots needed atm)
Emery is a seventh year Ravenclaw, he's snarky and kind of mean but it's mostly just to keep people at a distance. He's not very good at making friends, but he could use a few more. Anyone who likes gobstones has an advantage, I think he might try to start an unofficial club this year. Also happy for him to butt heads with anyone.
Penelope is a very sweet girl, she tends to feel responsible for others and likes to take care of people. Mostly because that's what she's used to. She runs Heta Omega, is a prefect and is seeker for Hufflepuff. She's also the younger half-sister of Eric and Connor Holland, she has a younger troublemaker brother as well in Holden. Honestly down for any sort of plots for her, though romance isn't needed right now.

Anisha Khatri
Duelist - Overachiever - Competitive
Gryffindor 6th Year
: bi ,planned plot (no plots needed atm)

Ezra Ito
Non-confrontational - Chill- Follower
Hufflepuff 6th Year

❤️: bi ,planned plot (no plots needed atm)
Anisha is probably my least neglected character at the moment, but I would still like plots for her. She could always use more friends or people to argue with. She's also a prefect so I'd be happy with any prefect plots too. She's fiercely against pureblood prejudice so it would be possible to do plots with that as well. Poor Ezra has been quite neglected, I'd love more plots for him. He's kind of a middle-of-the-road guy who doesn't really stand out, which bugs him a little. He can play guitar and loves to show off with that, or with the fact that his aunt is in a famous band. Ezra is pretty easy to get along with but not the most loyal friend. He can also be quite sensitive.


Vanity Mettlestone
Judgmental - Thief - Will hold a grudge
Slytherin 4th Year
❤️: unsure, planned plot (no plots needed atm)
Vanity is Emery's little sister and very much the middle child, she craves attention and often manages to get it through negative means. She's very chaotic. She likes to think she's subtle and cunning but doesn't actually have the patience to make plans. She usually just goes in head first and creates some sort of fight, which is how she became arch enemies (at least on her side) with June Davenport. Vanity is currently plotting to take her down (or trying to). She's also an alternate on the Slytherin Quidditch team and has the tendency to steal things, which could be fun to plot with maybe?


Hazel Ashworth
Creative - Quirky - Try-hard
Slytherin 3rd Year
❤️: completely open
I can't believe Hazel is a third year already, I could really use more plots for her. She's very creative and 'quirky', but mostly because she really tries to be. She wants very badly to be seen as unique and interesting. She has a big interest in fashion and makes a lot of her own clothes and accessories. She can be a bit selfish, but she's mostly a nice and friendly person. She has a few friends but could really use more, and I'm also happy to look for romance plots with her (any gender).

Cyrus Thorne
Quiet - Poet- Pretentious
Ravenclaw 2nd Year
❤️: completely open
I sorted Cyrus last year but barely used him, he could use anything really. Friends, enemies, you name it. He likes to play piano and write songs/poets. He's pretty quiet but not really shy, just doesn't think it's always necessary to talk and be loud. Cyrus has a younger sister who is joining him at Hogwarts this year, which he has mixed feelings about.

Some adults that could use some love:

Isadora Novak has recently graduated and broken contact with her strict pureblood family, she's pretty lost right now and could really use any sort of plot. She'd be open for romance (brief flings, mistakes) and just generally anything. I think she'd like to travel, so maybe there's plots around that too.

Gwen Goodwin is 19 and a model, she's taken so no romance plots are needed but maybe some modeling/fashion plots could be fun? She was in Hogwarts a few years ago as well, so any plots with old classmates could be fun too.

Louis Alcott is also 19 and a former Gryffindor student at school. He was Quidditch captain and sure he'd have a glorious professional Quidditch career. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened. I have some plots planned for him and Louis' preferred way to escape is through flirting/flings, so if anyone is looking for someone for a plot like that (in his age range and graduated people only pls, but any gender) he's your guy. He's also obnoxiously French.

Natalia Novak
is 21 and also estranged from her strict pureblood family, though seperately from her sister as they also haven't talked in years. Natalia is very lonely and could use friends. She works at the apothecary and is also trying to become a freelance herbologist, though she's struggling to get that off the ground.

Lucas Fletcher is 23 and seeker for the Woolongong Warriors, he got famous as their seeker quite shortly after school and isn't entirely sure how to deal with it even now. He's a sweet guy but a bit naive/silly at times, and he can be very stubborn. He's gay and open for romance plots.

Eric Holland is 25 and currently (against all odds) caretaker at Hogwarts, I'd really love some plots with that. Him catching troublemakers and things like that. He's due for some karma considering all the stuff he got up to when he was a student :r

Frederick Vincent is 35, a scit and an employee at Borgin & Burke's. He's more of a follower than a leader so if anyone needs assisstance with dark plans, let me know. I really haven't used him much. He's also open for romance, any gender.

Ok that was it, I think. Please don't be shy about plotting even though I asked for a limit, it's mostly to force myself to slow down but not meant to discourage anyone! I'm also happy to discuss details on discord if you prefer.

EDIT: new transfer alert!

Alicia Richelieu
Sporty - Headstrong - Restless
Gryffindor 5th Year
❤️: plot in progress
Woo, a transfer! Alicia was a Beauxbatons student and came to HNZ to see what it's like and to be closer to family, she's the cousin of Grace Holland who is a teacher here (on her mom's side). Alicia is very into Quidditch and hopes to be on the Gryffindor team. Besides that, I'm really hoping to develop her a bit more so she needs everything!
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Hey Mia, thanks for all your ideas but I'm trying to keep it low. Maybe we can pick two for now to do? I'm personally very interested in Eric and Aspen, though he'd have to get used to the idea of hanging around with a centaur.

Maybe you can pick another plot we can do for now?

Hey daph.
That sounds good. I sort of this all my ideas at you and see which ones stick. I am happy with one or two. Aspen and Eric sounds like a good one to start with. Then maybe pick another next week if you are up for it.
Would you like to start? I am happy with anywhere in grounds or ground floor.
Maybe Zerrin and Ezra first? I feel like Ezra needs some stuff.

Also I'm happy to say they've been friends/friendly roommates this whole time :r
so we have mystic/isadora and zerrin/ezra?
Okay! Mine are up:

Cyrus x Rosalind here
Hazel x Kyousuke here
So my transfer got accepted, so Elio Boneheart might be a fun foil for Anisha

Elio and Anisha could be interesting. Given their strong personalities and determination, they might initially view each other as competitors. He's very studious much like she is and I could see him competing with her for classwork and points. How she feels about that is up to you especially since he only just got here

Elio and Penelope also have some intriguing potential for interaction given their contrasting personalities. Given he's new to the school, he'd definitely be looking to people older than him for some Guidance and he has a specific preference for Hufflepuffs because his mother was one.

Just playing with ideas, let me know if anything seems fair
Hello Daphne! I have a few ideas for you, feel free to decline any or all of these!

Vanity x Marley - They’re in the same year and they’ve been in a few study threads together, i’d be interested to see what they’re like between each other - they’re both on the quidditch, happy to have them either be some sort of “friends” or enemies - whatever works for you haha!

Hazel x Marley - I think we had a thread between them but it never got really far because of me i think? oops! but i’d be keen to put them in a thread together if you’d like? Marley is creative and is very artsy - i think she’d be impressed with Hazel’s work with her creating her clothes and stuff - Could offer Marley has an older sister type or something?

Cyrus x Thomas - I too haven’t done much with thomas, but if you’re interested, we can maybe put them in a thread together and see what happens? Thomas is quiet and shy, into plants and animals but is always interested in trying something new

Gwen x Molly - Not a need nor necessary but would like to maybe put them in a thread together and maybe see what they’re like as a pair now that they aren’t at Hogwarts anymore?

That’s all i have for now! lemme know what you think - feel free to decline any or all of them! :)
Apologies Maria I didn't mean to ignore you last time I replied to the thread, forgot to check back on page one! Are you good picking just two for now? We can do the other ideas later. I think Hazel and Marley could be good friends, what else should we do?
Okay! Mine are up:

Cyrus x Rosalind here
Hazel x Kyousuke here

So my transfer got accepted, so Elio Boneheart might be a fun foil for Anisha

Elio and Anisha could be interesting. Given their strong personalities and determination, they might initially view each other as competitors. He's very studious much like she is and I could see him competing with her for classwork and points. How she feels about that is up to you especially since he only just got here

Elio and Penelope also have some intriguing potential for interaction given their contrasting personalities. Given he's new to the school, he'd definitely be looking to people older than him for some Guidance and he has a specific preference for Hufflepuffs because his mother was one.

Just playing with ideas, let me know if anything seems fair
Ohhh that sounds like fun, Anisha would definitely be mad there's more competition in her year :r But she likes the challenge.

Maybe we can throw them together and do Elio and Penelope a bit later?
Edited the initial post for my new transfer who is also open for plots!
Ohhh that sounds like fun, Anisha would definitely be mad there's more competition in her year :r But she likes the challenge.

Maybe we can throw them together and do Elio and Penelope a bit later?
let's do it! we can maybe get something started once classes have started?
Apologies Maria I didn't mean to ignore you last time I replied to the thread, forgot to check back on page one! Are you good picking just two for now? We can do the other ideas later. I think Hazel and Marley could be good friends, what else should we do?
It’s no worries! That sounds good to me! Maybe we could do Cyrus and Thomas? Unless you were in the mood for something else, which is totally all good as well!
It’s no worries! That sounds good to me! Maybe we could do Cyrus and Thomas? Unless you were in the mood for something else, which is totally all good as well!
Sounds good! Which one do you want to start?
Great! I can start something for the boys? Was there a preference in location at all?
I feel like anything would work!

I'll add Hazel and Marley to my list then!
Hey daph.
That sounds good. I sort of this all my ideas at you and see which ones stick. I am happy with one or two. Aspen and Eric sounds like a good one to start with. Then maybe pick another next week if you are up for it.
Would you like to start? I am happy with anywhere in grounds or ground floor.
Here you go!
yes, she has a shop there, there was a pretty thorough description here

For them!
Hey Daphne :wub:

I do have an idea!

Since Miro and Alicia are both on the Gryffindor team and I like the idea of Miro following her around a bit and wanting to practice with her! Even though she is an alt I think Miro idolises any older student that is on the team in some capacity and I think it could be funny if he's like her younger annoying sidekick who only wants to talk about quidditch =))

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