Please plot with me!

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Awesome. So I've already established that during Halloween he took some stuff (Caspar's hoodie, someone's glasses etc) so I'm happy to have him just... nick... Lucas' stuff at random, since he just tends to take things that are lying around and use it. He usually eventually returns it after he's used it, but that's assuming he remembers who or where he took it from :blank:
I think Lucas probably has a lot of muggle nerd stuff lying around, fantasy books, d&d dice, stuff like that. Maybe that could be interesting to him?
Yeah, he likes things he's not used to seeing and since he was never really allowed to leave the grounds of the manor as a kid (he tends to wander a lot) he didn't get to see all that cool stuff.
Yeah, he likes things he's not used to seeing and since he was never really allowed to leave the grounds of the manor as a kid (he tends to wander a lot) he didn't get to see all that cool stuff.
Then we could easily do a thread where he uh, borrows some of that stuff? :p

Good luck getting it back Lucas
Awesome I can start a thread for Emerson and Lucas and pm the link to you :p
Sure! Diana may know she's Cole's sister if they're roommates though, I think she would be aware of that?

I could try to start something for him and Eric in a bit?
That is true... It would not be too realistic if Diana doesn't know Elia's last name, and didn't know about Cole. I can perhaps change it around so that Elia thinks Diana isn't good enough for her brother?
And sweet!
She wants you to pick Daph :r
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