Open Family Disloyalty

Eric Holland

💥2055 Grad | Angry | Fighter | HNZ Caretaker💥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Minnie)
Vine Wand 12 3/4" Dragon Heartstring Core
10/2036 (27)
Open after Kaitlyn posts with Hades

Anger wasn't an emotion Eric was unfamiliar with, but it had felt like he'd gotten better at managing it the last few weeks. His third year hadn't had a bad start, but during Halloween something awful had happened, and it was all Sully's fault. He was definitely angry with his roommate, but wanted to avoid him. If he spent too much time with the annoying guy, he was definitely going to punch his face in, which would land him into trouble. Eric knew that if he kept getting into fights, he would be suspended before long, and he didn't want his mother to be disappointed in him like that. But he also couldn't just sit around doing nothing. He decided to grab his trusty old marker for some fun, something he could more easily get away with and that wouldn't necessarily be linked to him. Even though Eric hated most of his roommates and plenty of other people at school, the true source of his anger was still his stupid family. None of them were worse than his stupid uncle, but his stupid daughter was a close second. He was glad he didn't have to take her classes anymore, but it had been kind of fun to mess with her in those lessons. The idea of ruining her day by writing something on her door was making him feel better already, so he made his way to her office. He uncapped his marker, then started to write next to the plaque reading "Professor Holland", he had tried to think of something clever to write, but in the end went for the simplest solution of simply writing the word "SUCKS" after her name. He got started after making sure no teachers, prefects, or nosy looking older students were nearby.
Hades Styx the third was feeling a little bothered with nothing to do. The third year walked along the corridors, arriving to the first floor. He glided across the stone, and came to a stop when he noticed a Gryffindor. He knew this one. Who wouldn't? Eric Holland. Related to the Minister, hot headed, and just all around a ticking time bomb. This could be fun. He slithered up behind him very quietly, while it looked like he was writing something out. Hades' eyebrows raised as the boy was openly vandalizing a door. Hades quietly walked backward until he backed into the wall. How could he mess with him? He ran over the spells in his head, and remembered that they learned the cleaning spell the previous year. He smirked, with his teeth showing as he pulled out his wand. He pointed it at the paths of the marker. He narrowed his silver eyes to aim perfectly. Last thing he wanted was to clean the kid's robes when they didn't look like they needed it. That would be a waste of his time. He muttered, "Scourgify." He hoped that his aim was true, before putting his wand away. Instead of ducking for cover, or hiding his wand, he just put it down to his side, and waited for his reaction.
Eric managed to write the word, but only had a moment to admire his handiwork before it was cleaned off again, clearly by magic. He whirled around, scowling as he spotted a boy from his own year standing there with his wand out. "What the h*ll are you doing?" He snarled at him. "Mind your own business!" He added, glaring. He gripped the marker tightly, then turned to start again. He didn't know the Hufflepuff boy very well, but hoped he would be easily intimidated and would now leave him alone. He glanced at him over his shoulder with a glare, keeping an eye on him as he scrawled the word again, even bigger and bolder this time.
After everything that had happened with Vader, Isla had been keeping her distance from most people, but Gryffindors especially. She’d never heard the end of it from her parents, although if Elio hadn’t told on her then maybe they wouldn’t have ever been any wiser. She found that too many people were wrapped up in their own world and own problems, and apparently not everyone took a joke in all good jest. Besides now that her brother was a prefect, she had even more reason to steer clear of the lions. She was on her way to the Great Hall when she spotted one of them snapping at another, and rolling her eyes it was kinda typical really. Another boy tried to clean up his mess, but the angry kid seemed intent on creating a scene. The fourth year chuckled at the boys attempt to scare her housemate, genuinely finding it amusing that students could be so easily wound up. Isla slowed her walk as she passed them, watching to see whether the angry boy would really try to repeat his first action, just to spite the one that had tried to clean it. Of course he did.
“That’s a bit of a waste,” she stated simply, wondering why of all things, he would write the exact same lame phrase. Besides did he think that people reading it would believe it? The Hufflepuff was a little confused but amused, wondering what the angry boy thought he was getting out of this.
Hades smirked, chuckling under his breath as Eric Holland turned around and snarled at him. Hades sneakily took out his wand once more, and planned something a little more interesting. Instead of just cleaning it, he had something else in mind. He glanced over to see an older Hufflepuff spoke, though he did not catch what she said. This time, Hades pointed his wand ever so subtly, and muttered, "Accio, marker." This might cause a fight, but he didn't care. Hades loved to learn how to fight people, especially from his family. Though, it might not even come to that point. He did keep his eye on the older Hufflepuff, since she would know more spells than both of the third years.
Eric thought he had scared the boy off when he didn't hear a reply, and continued writing quickly. He glanced at the girl who decided not to mind her own business. He shot her a glare. "Who asked you?" He asked with a scowl. But before he could go back to his work, the marker was pulled from his hand by magic. He whirled around again, glaring at the Hufflepuff boy who was clearly the culprit. "What is your problem!?" He called to him, stepping closer with a glare on his face. "Give it back."
The response she got from the angry boy was one she was expecting. It was cliché and predictable, and so it was no surprise either that he got angrier still after the other kid stole his marker. Isla couldn't help but giggle, still amused at the situation. She had a brother, she knew what it meant to taunt and tease and the idea of someone younger than her trying to get into a fight was just funny. The boy from her house didn't seemed phased either, so the fourth year was curious how this was going to turn out. "Awh, now he can't tell anyone how he feels," she teased with dramatic fake sympathy. It must have been incredibly important for the boy to tell the world what he thought about the professor.
Hades smirked as Eric just got angrier and angrier. It was pleasing to the Hufflepuff. When asked what his problem was, and to give it back, Hades placed his other hand on the marker, and snapped it in half. Hades then dropped it onto the floor, then folded his arms across his chest. He placed one of his feet against the wall, for support. This was entirely too much fun to witness, and the older Hufflepuff girl seemed to be voicing his own thoughts, though a lot more tame than what he was thinking.
Eric was frustrated that this boy was just messing with him, when he hadn't ever even talked to him. He guessed he'd heard about Eric before and was trying to push his buttons, and while he knew he shouldn't give into something like that, he couldn't help it. He snapped at the older girl who seemed determined to be involved. "Shut up." He snarled, but then he turned his attention to the boy, who was way more annoying. He scowled as he broke his marker, which surprised and frustrated Eric. It wasn't like he didn't have any other ones, but who did he think he was? Eric moved closer and gave the boy a shove. "What's your problem!?" He asked again.
Hades couldn’t help but smirk more at the outburst of this Gryffindor. Wow, he was so loud, it was grand. Hades couldn’t even hold back a snicker as Eric shoved him. Since Hades was already against the wall, it didn’t really do much. Hades still remained silent, that smile of his eerily remained. Unlike his dad, who barely showed anything, Hades, on the other hand, did. And it was as clear as day. He was tempted to hit the Gryffindor with a trip jinx, but moving his position would be way too noticeable.
Isla was just curious now to see how this would play out. As one of the boys snapped one of the marker pens, her face turned a little more into shock, wondering how strong a kid like him really was. The angry boy kept trying to push back though, verbally and now physically too. "You, duh," she said, still just looking between them. It wasn't even as though he had anything to be angry about. "Why do you hate the Hollands anyway?" she asked, referring to the name that had been scrawled out on the wall. "At least, I take it that was an insult and not a love note."

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