No longer lonely

Asher sighed in relief as Noah pulled out his wand and lit the area around them. She didn't release her hold around his waist though. He smells nice...STOP IT!! You're in a forest full of mythical creatures and you're thinking about how Noah smells! FOCUS!!
"Much better with the light don't you think" Noah said smiling as he put his one free arm around Asher and the other held the lit wand in front of them. How could we be in the middle of a forest in the dark basically and I am still having a great time Noah thought though he knew the answer she was right beside him.
"Much better..." she mumbled speaking both of the light and Noah's arm around her. Even though she was afraid, she knew that being with Noah made her feel safe and protected.
Nina turned when she heard Asher fall, and said, "Asher are you okay?" When everything was all settled she walked with Alex once again, trying not to listen to Noah and Asher's conversation but a lot of it bleed into her thoughts and she found it hard to focus. "Alex, how come you never told me you could sing so well?" Nina asked nudging him playfully.
Alex watched as everything got settled bewteen them before walkign infront again.He was actually having a good time. He had no idea what the fuss was about the forest. There was hardly anything to fear about apart from maybe tripping up like them. he smiled before coming back from just loooking at the scenery. 'Huh? What? SInce when do I sing well?'he asked looking a bit confused.
"Oh Alex, come on, you sing better than I do." Nina said, because it was true, Alex was quite a singer. "Do you sing often?" Nina asked quietly.
Alex smiled and rolled his eyes. 'Cuckoo, is there a brain in there?'he asked wavign his hand infront of her. 'There's no way I sing better than you Nina. And no, not much now,'he said before looking at the floor to see how they were going. He looked at the sky and tried to figure out what time of the day it but there was only tree-tops.
"Alex I love how modest you are," Nina said smiling and she skipped a little ahead, almost fairy like. Then she stopped and waited for Alex to catch up, "How come you don't sing infront of people, you should, I know it isn't manly and all that rubbish, so don't give me that, give me a reason." Nina said looking into Alex's eyes searching for a hidden answer.
Alex watched as she skipped so lightly there and smiled. 'I don't know,'he said after a while of debating whether he should tell her or not. He knew why he didn't sing and that was becuase it reminded him too much of his dad and how he left him to buy the food and earna living. He smiled weakly and kept walking, a bit sad now. He wished she hadn't asked that. It just reminded him of his selfishness he had carried so proudly.
Nina looked into Alex's eyes that were filled with saddness and Nina thought, Oh my god, I made Alex sad, I am an aweful person, I knew he didn't want to bring it up why do I always push things like this?! Nina looked into Alex's eyes and said, "I'm sorry Alex, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Nina looked down and frowned, she thought they were good friends and she thought they could share something a simple or as complicated as this together.
Alex bit his lip to stop himself saying something mean. 'You probably wouldn't want to here why, trust me,'he said before smiling. 'Don't smile Nina,'he said jokignly. He had to put on the brave face. It was what he was used to doing.
"Alex, I want to know honest, I wont tell anyone if you don't want to. Oh here I go pressuring you into things you don't want to do again." Nina said comfortingly at first then annoyed at herself for being so curious and a little 'too caring' as others have called it before. When Alex said, "Don't smile Nina." it surprisingly had no effect on her she was too upset at herself for being so stubborn, and she looked into Alex's eyes and saw that he was lying to her, that there was some sort of problem. Nina just wanted to help him, she cared to much for him to stand by and see him so upset.
Alex's smile dropped slightly when she didn't smile back. He saw how upset she was for some reasona dn he felt especially guilty now. 'And there I go upsetting you again, as usual,'ALex said meaning it compltely for once. He bit his lip and pushed her playfully. 'You ok?'he asked.
Nina sighed and looked up at Alex, "I'm fine." Nina lied, she had upset someone she cared for dearly and know he was feeling guilty for upsetting her. "You didn't upset me." Nina said quietly, "I did." Nina mummbled quietly.
Alex sighed and looked back nto the path. He knew she was lieing here. He muttered 'Nox,' under his breath and shoved his wand back in his pocket. He felt the dark was actually much better now. 'WHy on earth would you be upset with yourself?'he asked.
Nina whispered "Nox" and then searched for Alex's eyes and said quietly not even paying attention to Noah or Asher anymore, not that she had been when she was talking to Alex, "Because I made you upset, and I don't ever want that." Nina looked down, ashamed of herself.
Alex fronwed glad that she couldn't see his face very well in the dark. 'That's stupid. I made my problems for myself with my own stupidity. It was nothign to do with you, honest,'he whispered, clenching his right hand up into a fist. He hoped he wouldn't lose his temper here, of all places. He was glad he was good at hiding it though.
Nina felt the tension in the area and she touched his face to calm him down, "Alex, I really am sorry." Nina whispered then hugged him warmly to try and calm him down more hoping that he wouldn't be mad at her anymore, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he was mad at her much longer.
Alex calmed down slightly when she touched his face thoguh he really wasn't expecting it. He smiled, even more surprised at her hugging him. He wrappe dhis arm round her hesitantly, not sure what to do. he wasn't good at this sort of stuff. 'So am I,'he said, glad she wasn't mad at him anymore. He looked at one of the trees and noticed it looked almost the same as the one they had passed over twenty minutes ago. 'We are compeltely lost, you do know that I hope,'he said.
Nina smiled and rested her head in his chest and thought to herself, who cares if we are lost, I could stay here forever, Nina had the strong erge to say this but fought it. "I know." Nina said still hugging him warmly then after a second or two she hesitantly released her grip on him.
'Good. Bout time we headed back though. We've been walking about an hour already,'he said fishing out a watch he had brought. 'Actually make that 1 and a half,'he grinned. He put his back in and changed it for his wand. 'Well, we were goign about North so if we go south then we'll be fine, won't we?'he asked unsure.
Nina took out her wand as whispered "Lumos." and said, "Point Me." Nina's wand showed were North was and then she called out for Noah and Asher, but before she did that she said, "Sonorus" then said, "Noah? Asher? Alex and I are going to head back we have been in here quite a while, the Professor's might get a little curious." Nina said, hoping Noah and Asher didn't think it was because she was scared because she wan't, she was extreamly comfortable at least with Alex there. Then she looked at Alex and said, "Quietus".
'I was gonna do that you know,'Alex said smiling. He shoved his wand back into his back pocket and picked up a sharp rock. 'Right. See if wee pass this thing, we'll know we're very bad orienteerers,'he joked before diggign it into a tree causing a dent in it. He dragged it along tilla line was formed and dropped the rock. 'Done'he said smiling, wipins his hand agaisnt his black trousers which now had a white mark on it.
Asher turned at the sound of Nina's voice ringing through the trees. They were further behind than she thought. Asher pulled out her wand and whispered 'Sonorus'. "Thanks Nina! We'll be right behind you." she called. She muttered 'Quietus' and looked up at Noah. "Looks like its time to go!" her voice was bright with relief, but there was a hint of disappointment. She liked having Noah to herself for a little while...even if it did result in bodily harm.
Nina looked down at what Alex was doing and realized she had quite the puzzled look on her face and said, "We should wait for them." Nina smiled warmly at Alex, unsure what he was trying to do.

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