No longer lonely

Alex heard Asher's voice ring through the trees this time and smiled. 'Oops. Maybe I should of kept quiet. I hope they weren't enjoying themselves,'Alex muttered, mostly to himself. He leaned agasint the tree waiting.
Ashe tightened her hold around Noah's waist and began walking toward where she'd heard Nina's voice. After a little bit of walking, they caught up to their friends. "There you guys are...sorry I kept tripping Noah up..." Asher explained, her arms still firmly locked around Noah's middle.
"Oh come on Alex, it is pretty obvious they would be," Nina said winking alone in the forest, that sang romantic. Then she heard Asher and she turned and saw that she was holding Noah around the waist and Nina smiled for her friend. Then she said, "Oh boy Asher, another boy." Nina winked playfully and walked beside Alex holding her wand in her right and and she took his hand while they walked out of the forest, his hand was hot compared to her cold hands.
Alex smiled. 'Yeah, we know,'Alex answered jokignly. He emerged from the shadow of the tree and smiled. 'Yeah, we were thinking South would take us back. WHat do you think?'he asked them, noticing how much they did look like love-birds. Asher seemed locked to him and it made Alex feel a little out of place.
"You know more than I do. So please lead oh great and fearless leaders." she teased to the other three. As she spoke she smiled up at Noah. She couldn't keep her eyes off of his for very long.
'Since when was I fearless?'Alex asked confused. 'There's nothing much to fear here,'Alex said before tunring round. He didn't manage once step when soemthing flew into his face. 'Agh,'he yelped, grabbing it off almost instantly, noting the huge spider. He dropped it at his feet, watching it scurry away. 'Now that was different,'he said wiping his mouth where something was trickling down, red. He was still trying to recover from the shock to notice though what colour it was. 'yeah, right. South,'Alex said before turinign round again and walking though it wasn't as fast as he ussually did.
Nina giggled and said, "Nothing to fear eh?". "Oh Alex we really are my Sir Camolot." Nina teased then stuck out her toungue.
Asher screamed when Alex did. and hid her face in Noah's chest. Once she realized it was just another spider Asher opened her eyes. "Dont do that Alex!! I'm already giving my heart may have just given me a heart attack!!" she scolded, trying to catch her breath and get her pulse down.
Nina giggled once more and walked over to Alex and touched his face once more and said, "No worry no bites." She looked into Alex's eyes and her eyes danced like a small child's on Christmas day.
Alex frowned slightly when Asher scolded him. He swore silently before turning round. 'You try having a spider falling into your face suddenly and see if you scream.'Alex said as nicely as he could. He smiled before realizing she was probably scared. 'Choc?'he asked, remembering the pacet he still had. He looked at Nina before wiping his mouth again. 'Yeah,'he said smiling'
Asher stuck her tongue out at him. "I did have a spider fall in my face...when we first came out here...remember?" Asher couldn't hold her scowl for long though and she broke into a fit of giggles, leaning her head on Noah's shoulder. Wow! I'm getting a lot bolder around Noah...I hope he's not uncomfortable... Asher smiled when Alex offered her some chocolate. "No thanks, but I'll find you some other time when I want be prepared, I could be anywhere." she said slyly and winked.
'Exactly, so stop critisizing,'Alex said jokingly back. 'Don't be surprised if I don't have any then. It's my only packet so tough luck,'he said smiling. He started walking at his normal pace now.
Nina smiled, she looked dazed as she stared into his warm, black eyes. Nina felt the erge to hug him right then and there, she tried to stop herself but she couldn't refrain herself, she put her arms around his stomach lightly, forgetting that Noah and Asher were standing right there. Nina blushed violently and said quietly to Alex, "Lets get out of here, and makue sure no giant spiders attack us, that was scary." Nina looked up into his eyes discretly and look foward again walking with Alex in her arms.
" will have chocolate when I want chocolate, or I may have to set Noah on you..." she teased giggling. She looked up at Noah, " was the only thing I could think can take him." she whispered into his ear. Asher turned to see Nina wrap her arms around Alex's middle. She smiled at Nina and raised her eyebrows.
Alex smiled before giving her the oh, i'm so scared look. He smiled nd chucked her the packet. 'Have it, I'm goign on a diet as from now'Alex joekd smiling. he felt Nina hug him and he wondered what was going on in these last few hours. He put his arm round her, it felt naturalest thing to do and kept walking. 'Thank you. I'm not the only one here.'he replied to Nina quietly smiling. He wiped his mouth again before tasting the blood, realizing he had a split lip. 'Damn it. Spider split my lip,'Alex cursed to himself, rolling his eyes in frustration.
Asher caught the chocolate and laughed at Alex. "Good luck with that diet then." she teased. Asher wrapped her arms around Noah just felt a habit. She smiled at him. "Would you like some chocolate, now that we have a whole pack?" Asher saw Alex wrap Nina in his arms and she beamed at them. Finally!!!
Nina smiled at how natural this all was then looked up at Alex when he felt his lip the he said, "Dammit Spider bit my lip." Nina felt the erge to say, do you want me to kiss it better, but she knew better.
Alex laughed as Asher wished him luck with his diet. He suddenly realised he had said that minutes ago and cursed at himself again for sayign soemthign so stupid. Yeah, he would just say it was a healthy diet then, tha t would do. Done. He smiled. 'Bored yet?'he asked in general, joking.
Nina shook her head rapidly, this was just getting interesting for her at least. She looked up at Alex hoping he wasn't getting bored. "I'm fine." Nina said happily. "Alex I didn't know you were afraid of spiders." Nina teased gently, she would understand if he was, she was terrified of birds always had been, and that spider was huge.
"You can't get bored when you have whole pack of chocolate...thanks again Alex!" Asher called from behind them and giggled. She loved that fact that she felt so carefree with everyone right now. I wonder why its so different Then glanced up at Noah again. Oh....that's why...
Alex grinend as Nina teased him about his arachnophobia which he didn't have. 'Yeah, yeah, whatever Asher.'he said smiling. 'I'm naw afraid of spiders Nina. More of the actual fact it was on my face. I'm not too keen on that,'he said quietly until suddenly remembering the pack of chocoalte he had handed to Asher. He had been practising switching spells on it, and well, wasn't sure if the first couple would work but the last one certaintly did on one of the bits. 'Oh emm, Asher, Before you emm,'Alex started saying before changing his mind. It would be funny too see. 'Actually, never mind,'he said smiling and turning round to see how far behind they werre getting.
Asher noticed Alex stutter over something he was trying to tell her. "What is it it about the chocolate? You better say something, because if there's something wrong with it and I eat it, I'm going to hurt you! Noah don't eat any after all...I don't trust it."
Alex smiled before taking his wand and pointing at Asher's wand, making it droppe don the floor behind her silently. He tunred round with his wand back in his pocket. 'No, it's not. Your wand, it dropped,'he said pointing to her wand. He smiled, waitng for ehr reaction.
Nina giggled and whispered softly into his ear, "I know." Then she leaned back down, she hated having to go on her tip-toes to whisper anything into his ear, but she smiled none the less.

Then when Asher got a little skepticale about having the chocolate Nina giggled and asked Alex quietly what he did to it.
Asher grumbled. "Yea whatever Alex. I learned silent disarming spells the same day you did. I'm not eating this chocolate...looks like you get to break your diet early." she said jokingly, tossing the pack back to him.

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