No longer lonely

Nina straightened herself to try and make some composure with herself, she didn't expect to be afraid but she was. "I meant to do that." Nina said embarresed.
'Ok, whatever you say. Look, there's another twig. Are you going to step on that too?'Alex said smiling. He knew she would know he was only joking with her to keep the situation cheerfuller.
"Oh be quiet you silly boy." Nina said once she had calmed down and regained some of her lost dignity. Nina smiled, and turned back to see that Asher and Noah were holding hands. Nina looked at Asher as if she was saying, 'Ohhh la la'.
'No,'he said grinnign. 'Say, anyone know the time?'he asked, duckign a branch that was about to hit him.
Nina shook her head and said, "Nope." Nina just walked under the branch about to hit Alex, Nina was too short for it to hit her.
ALex roleld his eys as Nina walked under the branch. 'No fair,'he complained smiling before feelign in his pocket for a bar of chocolate he had brought with him. 'Well, just about tea time in my reckoning,'he said smiling. 'Anyone up for choc?'he asked smmiling.
Nina giggled happily then she smiled and said, "Yeah sure I'll have some," hoping they wouldn't think she was this person that ate to much, she just didn't eat all that much breakfast today.
Alex smiled and handed her the bar of choc. 'There. Bon apetite,'he said putting on a french accent. He smiled.
"Merci." Nina said, breaking off a small piece and hadning it back to Alex.
'Merci.Saut,'Alex replied in French since there was a rock sticking out infront of her feet. He forgot the fact that he had said it french but then, he couldn't be btoher repeating himself.
Nina looked down and walked around the rock happily, her parents taught her the basics of french when she was little. "Thanks Alex." Nina said smiling.
'No problem.'he said smiling. 'Hurry up you two. Your the slowest ehre so far,'ALex said turning round and lookign at Asher and Noah, smiling.
Nina looked back at them, they seemed like they were having a quiet conversation to themselves. Nina smiled and nibbled at her piece of chocolate. Nina whispered into Alex's ear, "Maybe its because they are scared." Nina was on her tip-toes and when she was done whispering to him she returned to her normal size and smiled goofily.
Asher kept her close proximity to Noah as they walked. She really was afraid and didn't care who knew it anymore. When Nina turned around and saw that she and Noah were holding hands, Asher smiled weakly in return. She noticed that she and Noah were falling behind, but she didn't care. Of course, Alex pointed it out too. "We are fully aware that we are behind...thank you Alex!" she called back. Asher was watching her feet and really wasn't paying attention to what was in front of her, so when she looked up and saw a spider dangling in her line of vision there was no hope. She screamed and wrapped her arms around Noah's middle squeezing her eyes shut tight. She was shaking slightly and then she realized what she was doing. Her eyes snapped open and she quickly released Noah. "Sorry..." she mumbled her face turning a violent red. Thank goodness its dark in here... she thought.
Nina looked back when she heard Asher scream and she saw the spider, so Nina walked over and picked it up, not trying to to mess up its web, she put the spider on a tree branch. "There you go little buddy." Nina said to the spider.
Alex smiled but jumped when Asher screamed behind him. He looke behind them to see if they were ok but let his breath out when he saw it was jsut a spider. He hadn't even realized he had been holding his breath. 'You ok?'he asked smiling, holding himself from laughing.
"Y-Y-Yes...I-I'm fine," she stutered still trembling a bit. Of course her shaking wasn't just from fear anymore...she was also very embarassed for basically attacking Noah. You've probably just ruined EVERYTHING!! Nice going genius!! Asher's eyes stung with tears but she blinked them away.
Nina sighed as she looked back at Asher, she saw Asher tear up because Asher turned her face and Nina was still by the spider. Nina just touched her shoulder to let Asher know she was there for support after.
Asher simply nodded. She kept her eyes on the ground. "Y-You guys go go a head. I-I'll catch up in a minute." Asher stuttered. She wanted to be alone, though of course part of her hoped that Noah would stay behind. She desperately needed to know that he didn't think she was foolish or stupid.
"Okay." Nina said hesitantly, part of her wanted to console Asher but she knew that Asher wanted to be with Noah so she took Alex by the hand again and pulled him foward quietly, and stood by a tree waiting to see if Noah would come or if he would stay with Asher.
Alex watched as the girl shad there moment before walking off again in silence now. He smiled though, still finding it funny. He put his hands in his pocket finding the forest slightly intimidating now.
Nina looked anxiously at Asher and Noah, she couldn't here or see anything. Nina looked back at Alex, and saw that he was smiling and Nina didn't find this a little funny but was still worried about her new friend.
Noah laughed "Oh a tree house sounds so much better than the tents we are in" Noah joked as he walked along side Asher their hands still connected. Noah could tell they were falling behind though Noah didn't mind. He had no need to be with the group right now. He was quite comforable where he was though he could sort of tell that Asher was afraid.

He, ever once and awhile, squeeze her hand gently in comfort. "It is going to be ok" Noah whispered in her ear as they walked. Then Asher screamed and wrapped herself around Noah. Noah wrapped his arms around her in a protective fashion not knowing exactly what had scared her until he saw the spider. A smile wanted to spread across his face but he knew that it would embarrass Asher more.

He waited for her to release and was about to ask if she was ok but Alex beat him too it. "Good" He said. Then Asher told them to go ahead "I can't leave you alone" Noah said "I'll stay back for a moment too" He added to Nina and Alex.

He took Asher's hand once more "You ok?" he asked smiling wondering if she could see it with the dark forest.
Alex looked round, wondering why it was so much darker. He just hoped it was the time of day growing darker and not the fact they were too far in for sunlight to get in. he heard some noises and looked round not seeing anything. He sighed and got his wand out, having enough of the darkness. 'Lumos,'he whispered, his wand lighting up the area they were in. 'Better?'he asked.
Nina nodded, she had forgotten completly about her wand. Nina took her wand out also and whispered, "Lumos." Then she looked over at Alex, unsure of what to say. Then Nina heard movement and was getting a little scared and hoped it was Alex messing around with her or Asher and Noah.

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