No longer lonely

Asher looked at her hand as Noah took it again. She lifted her eyes until the met Noah's. He was smiling warmly at her. She nodded and smiled weakly. "Thank you..." she muttered still finding comfort in Noah's eyes.
"Any Time" Noah said looking into Asher's eyes. Sure he had noticed that they were violet before. Not many girls had violet eyes and only two that Noah knew that would be Asher and her sister Abbey. Yet this time he really looked into them. The saying the eyes are the window to your soul popped into his mind. Then he wondered if this was true and if so was his green eyes leading Asher into viewing what he was thinking, feeling.

"You don't care for the forest do you?" Noah almost whispered. He had heard a few noises and he had his wand safely in his pocket. He didn't want to metion a thing though. There was no use scaring Asher.
Asher looked away embarassed. "Not really...its not so bad, but it is kind of scary." she admitted quietly. Asher looked up and met Noah's fathomless green eyes again. But I feel safe with you... she continued to herself.
Noah looked at her. "There is really nothing scary about this place. It is basically to scare the first years and Asher" Noah dropped his voice down. "We are not first years" he continued ending with a smile. No they weren't first years yet they were at a completely new school. In more than one way Noah did feel like a first year.
Asher smiled as Noah continued to comfort her. She squeezed his hand lightly and her eyes danced. "No we are definately not first years..." she said, her voice a bit stronger. She took a step closer to Noah was habit now.
Noah looked at her eyes. They were absolutely amazing. He wondered if his green eyes could even compare to hers. Probably not even close. "Thank god we got through that year though" Noah said. Though something inside him wondered if all this would be easier if they were first years without a care in the world.

Noah saw and felt Asher take a step closer to him. He didn't mind in the least. He actually was thinking that he was falling for Asher. He never would have guess that before this trip. In a way this trip was changing him more than he ever expected.
Asher found herself lost in the deep green of Noah's eyes. They were so vibrant, and kind, and compassionate. They embodied everything she liked about Noah. She couldn't tear her eyes away from them...they were beautiful.
"So" Noah said as they both just stared at eachother for a moment. "Doesn't it feel like we've been here forever" Noah said talking about them being at this school. In the forest the time also seemed to go on but in a good way. He was not quite sure if the school was the best dragging on.
Asher grinned. "Yea, it does seem like we've been here for a very long time. Its interesting how time works..." she commented. It also feels like forever because I haven't spoken to you since the selection... she added to herself.
"We've barely talked since we came here" Noah added wondering why he was bringing this up. This probably wasn't the time and this wasn't the place. Was it? "But hopefully that can be avoided in the future" Noah said smiling at Asher.
"Hopefully..." Asher whispered. She hated not seeing Noah, not hearing his laugh or getting to see him smile. She understood exactly why Sakura was having so much trouble getting over him. It was the same reason Asher was having so much trouble taking the next step. She knew that she would always consider Noah a friend, no matter what happened, but she didn't know if he would feel the same way. She just wanted to be around him, more than anything she wanted to love him, but just being near him would make her world spin.
"Not Hopefully Definately" Noah said grinning. He had absolutely forgotten that Nina and Alex were even there. He felt like him and Asher were the only ones in the forest, the only ones at the school, the only ones in the world.

Noah smiled slightly. He felt silly having all these feelings. He felt almost cheesy. Like one of those old fashion movies that everyone makes fun of.
Nina sighed and looked up at Alex, she knew what was happening with Asher and Noah, she could feel it, they were going to start to date and Nina would be stuck alone with out anyone. Nina was happy for Asher but was sad for herself because she didn't have anyone, well she did but not anyone that wanted to be with her. Nina looked into Alex's black eyes and saw the exact opposite thing that Black eyes aren't usually synonomous with, caring, warmth and friendship, a few other things Nina didn't want to bring foward or else she would be doing things that she shouldn't.
Asher smiled brightly at Noah's promise. Without thinking Asher slowly wrapped her arms around Noah's middle and hugged him. She had pulled away before she even realized what she had done. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." she apologized rapidly.
Noah loved her smile. Even in the dark forest it seemed to light a few things up. She went and hugged him. Noah couldn't help but give a small hug back. Then Asher pulled away and said she was sorry. "I wasn't complaining" Noah said flashing one of his smiles that seemed so common now a days. "No need to say sorry" He added.
Asher grinned and squeezed Noah's hand. This feels right! the voice in her head was surprised. Told you... she shot back. "I guess we should catch up to those two." she said nodding in Nina and Alex's direction. Her voice was bright but there was a hint of reluctance...Asher liked this time with Noah.
"yeah can't let them get two far ahead" Noah said smiling as he began to walk with Asher still at his side. Though he did wonder something and for once it was not about his relationship problems or just about him in general it was about Nina and Alex "are they a..... well....a couple" Noah asked in a whisper hoping that neither Nine nor Alex heard doubting that they did.
Nina overheard Noah ask if they were a couple and Nina's smile brightened and awaited Asher's answer. She knew that Alex wouldn'd be able to overheard this. Nina had a particular gift for hearing things others didn't want people to hear.
"No...not yet, but they will be...that is if I have anything to do with it." she whispered back with a smile. She wanted nothing more than to see Nina and Alex finally together. Well, that wasn't true. She did want one thing more, and he was holding her hand.
Noah looked over at Nina and Alex. They would make a good couple or at least he thought so. He could think of something else and two others that would probably no they would be good together but he wouldn't say that aloud not know at least.

"well I hope you are a good match maker then" Noah said smiling.
Nina blushed at this answer hoping Alex wouldn't notice. Then Nina smiled and looked lovingly into Alex's eyes.
"I don't know how good of a matchmaker I am, but it helps when the match is already just need to reveal it to the people involved." she whispered quickly as the appraoched Nina and Alex. Asher knew that Nina had heard everything and she smiled brightly at her and gave her a wink.
"Hey lovebirds." Nina said warmly not thinking of what had just came out of her mouth. Nina put her hands over her mouth and appologized profusely for saying this. "I'm sorry, it just -" Nina said then stopped in her tracks when she saw Noah and Asher hand in hand. Nina had been blushing from her accident. "Sorry." Nina said once more, calmly and clearly resting her hands in her lap restoring as much dignity as she could find.
Asher shook her head slightly at Nina to tell her not to worry about it. she glanced at Noah out of the corner of her eye. She didn't mind what Nina had said, but she wasn't sure how Noah would react.
Nina instinctivly looked at Noah to see his reaction then at Alex expecting to see him holding back a smile as he always did in these situations. "Sorry Noah." Nina said calmly, hoping he would react the same was as Asher did, or even better, so she could see what became of their little talk, not that she wouldn't find out later. Nina stood up and said, "Lets get this party started, once more." Nina smiled brightly and walked towards Alex.

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