New year new me

Alexus Granger Potter

New Member
OOC First Name
Hi everyone,like everyone else here I have loved the world of hp for a very long time and did not know this existed til today.
Im a teacher im 28 and still obsessed with everything
Hi Alexus!! Welcome to HNZ!!

HNZ has existed since 2008 from what I remembered since I have been off and on here as well. Many times I left and come back because of my love for HP, writing, graphics, and English. I have improved a lot through the help of HNZ and the site has more or less become my home with the people my family.

Danielle Corelli said:
HNZ has existed since 2008 from what I remembered

Anyway - welcome to HNZ, Alexus! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you need any help along the way, don't hesitate to send me a PM!
Excited to have a new person around the board - unfortunately, you've just missed sorting for student characters, but you can jump right into roleplaying as an adult character and maybe get somebody sorted the next go around! :)

What do you teach?
Nicolas King said:
Danielle Corelli said:
HNZ has existed since 2008 from what I remembered
Hence the "from what I remembered" since I got my hands on a computer on a regular basis starting 2007 or 2008 when I took up my computer degree. :p
Welcome!! :)
Welcome :)
Welcome to site! :D
Hope to see you around. ^_^
- madz
Welcome to HNZ! I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hey there!
Welcome to HNZ. :D
Welcome to HNZ!
Welcome :D

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