New Friends

Angela looked around and nodded. this place was creepy when it was dark out. She stood up, soaked from the waist down, and followed Shaylah.
Shaylah preferred the woods at night because she found it so easy to hide but she din't know what Angela felt about it so she carried on walking.
When they got back to the house Shaylah showed Angela to the Upstairs Bathroom. If you wanna get cleaned up in here. I've got some clothes you could borrow if you want."
"Thank you so much Shaylah. I'm gonna call my aunt, let her know I'll be gone for a bit longer." Angela said with a smile. She waited for Shaylah to leave so that she could get cleaned up.
"It's no problem." Shaylah left Angela to clean herself up and walked to her ensuite bathroom. She cleaned all the mud off herself and put on some new clothes. Then she got some clothes for Angela and walked back to the bathroom. Knocking on the door she said "Hey Angela. I got some clothes here for you."
Angela smiled and called Sarah as Shaylah left. The phone went strait to voice-mail, which meant that she was out of town. Angela left a message and began cleaning herself up. She got undressed and took off the duct tape. She hated how she had to do this. Putting duct tape around her chest to hide what her aunt called gifts. But she was 10 and self conscious already; it's hard enough for a young girl, without getting picked on a leered at. She hoped Shaylah wouldn't make fun of her. She wrapped the towel around her about the same time that there was a knock on the door. She opened it, knowing that the towel covered her. "Thanks."
Angela answered the door wrapped in a towel and Shaylah handed her the clothes. "I hope they're ok. Do you drink butterbeer?? Or would you prefer something else??"
"I'll drink Butterbeer, thanks by the way." She said taking the cloths and closing the door gently. She got dressed in them. The pants fit fine, but the shirt was a bit small, which Angela had expected. She came out a few minutes later. "So now that we are squeaky clean, what are we gonna do?"
Shaylah walked into the kitchen and poared two glasses of butterbeer. She took them into the living room and put the fire on. She sat down on the sofa and started drinking some butterbeer when Flake flew in with a letter that she dropped on Shaylah's lap.
Shaylah opened the envelope and read the letter from her dad. It said that he had to go on a trip and wouldn't be back for another week. Shaylah hated it when this happened. She hardly got much time with him as it was.
Angela walked in the room and asked what they should do. "" Shaylah hadn't noticed Angela come in which wasnt a usual thing. Most of the time she noticed everything around her. "I dunno. Here." Shaylah picked up the other glass and handed to Angela.
"Oh thanks." She said with a smile. "Whose the letter from?" She asked, sitting down next to her.
"Oh. It's nothing. It's just from my dad." Shaylah tried to act happy but acting wasn't exactly the thing she was best at.
"He's staying at work isn't he?" Seh asked. She had remembered Jay mentioning that he had to stay late sometimes.
"Yeah. It's ok though. I'm kind of used to it. I used to stay by myself in scotland for ages by myself while my dad went where ever he needed to be."
"Well if you'd like, i can stay with. My aunt is probably going to be out all night." Seh said with a smile. Seh didn't feel right leaving Shaylah home alone; friends don't do that.
"Would you really?? Do you want to go to your house and get some clothes first?? Otherwise you'll have to borrow more of my clothes and mine are rubbish." Shaylah had never had a friend round before. This would be the first time in her life.
"Nah, i won't need to borrow more cloths, i can just where these to my house tomorrow and wash them." She smiled at Shaylah, she was glad that Shaylah had said yes, she had never stayed over with anyone before.
Shaylah had a huge grin on her face "Thanks. You're a great friend, Angela." With that Sasha ran in and started jumping over the sofa. "Oh cr@p. I think we better get her tidied up." Shaylah stood up and called Sasha out the front door.
Angela laughed and followed Shaylah. "Naw I'm just an amazing person!" She said to Shaylah, with a goofy grin.
Shaylah laughed. She took Angela and Sasha round theside of the house where tere was a hose pipe. "I'd stand back if I were you. She likes to shake." She turned on the hose pipe and started cleaning all the mud off Sasha's fur.
Angela listened to Shaylah and stood back, she didn't want to get Shaylah's cloths dirty. She smiled as she washed the dog. "So anyways, how are the weasels?" she asked, making random conversation.
Shaylah was now confused but still giggled slightly. "How are the what??"
"Weasels. You know those furry little long rats?" She started to laugh.
"Are you just tryingto confuse me?? What weasels??" Shaylah laughed
Angela busted out laughing. "did it work?"
"Yes it did." Shaylah laughed gettin the last bits of mud off Sasha. Shaylah quickly chuckethe hosepipe on the floor and grabbed a towel off the ground to put over Sasha when she shook the water off.
She smiled at Shaylah. "Then my work is done." She stepped back more as the adorable puppy shook herself off.

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