New Friends

"Well i guess dad's are like that." She smiled a little. She really didn't get a chance to know what a dad was like. She looked back at Shaylah and put on a big grin.
Shaylah giggled "Yeah. He's an idiot but I love him."
"So..." Angela had finally run out of things to say.
Shaylah laughed "It's not everyday that you see me run out of words. Usually, I start talking and don't stop."
Angela laughed more. "Yeah, i'm the same way."
"My dad always tells me to slow down because once I get going I get faster and faster." Shaylah giggled remembering the time she got really hyper and ended up running round for hours and when she started to slow down she talked toher dad at 100mph with him not understanding a single word of what she said.
She laughed a bit. "Oh great, listening to fast motion talking, just what i love to do!" She said with a grin. "So now i'll need frame by frame?"
Shaylah laughed at Angela. Then she heard Sasha running. "She's back and I'd watch yor legs if I were you. Sasha likes to run without watching where she's going so sometimes she runs up from behind you and pulls your legs out from underneath you. Next thing you know you're on your back looking up at the stars circling your head."
She began laughing and started to watch her legs. Though, from gymnastics, she was used to falling on her back. She looked at Shaylah and smiled a goofy grin. She kept looking for the dog, which she could hear. She loved animals, though they could be stupid sometimes.
Shaylah looked behind her and suddenly saw Sasha running full pelt towards the two girls. "Turn around." She said to Angela. As Sasha ran towards them Shaylah stepped out the way to make sure she didn't have another two weeks with a soar bum.
Angela, being a slow one, wasn't able to move out of her way. The dog ran into her, knocking her off her feet. She hit the ground and started to laugh really hard, she found it hilarious. "I see what you mean!"
Shaylah started to laugh along with Angela. "Here." Shaylah offered her hand to Angela to help pull herback onto her feet. "I've been doing it for years now I'm used to it. There have been times when I've ended up on the floor but most of the time I manage to avoid it."
She took Shaylah's hand and lifted herself back onto her feet. She smiled and said. "At least we know that your dog is healthy, right?"
"No question about that. She doesn't stop running." Shaylah took the ball again and threw it as far as she could. She had always been good at throwing so it made it so Sash had to run further to get the ball.
"Did you play baseball?" Angela asked, noticing how far the ball went. It was pretty far too.
"What's baseball??" Shaylah never played any muggle games so she didn't know what any of them were called or what you do in them.
"well I've never played, so i only know a little." She said. "But it's where you have three bases, and a person called a pitcher throws a ball, and the other one hits it with a bat and tries to hit it really far."
"Oh right. I've never heard of it. I never used to leave the house when we lived in Scotland, only when I walke the dog."
"Oh that's right, you are a pureblood, no muggle games." She smiled at her. "I didn't usually leave the house when i was in Tokyo either. i was in the house to take care of my mom."
"I'm not very good ar sport. My dad took me to a few quidditch games and I played a few 1 on 1 games with him but thats about it."
"Quidditch?" Angela asked. She really didn't know much about the wizarding world, since, as far as she knew, she came from a muggle family. "What's that?"
"It's the main wizarding sport that everyone knows about. If you get picked for the team, you can play it at hogwarts."
";Everyone 'cept me." Angela muttered jokingly. "So, what do you want to do?"
"There's a nice river a bit further up here. How about we go there I'll warn you though, it's very muddy." Shaylah reembered the last time she went there, both her and Sasha ended up caked with mud.
Angela was a bit unsure. She hadn't yet learned to swim. But it was only a river, they weren't usually deep. "Yeah sure. I love the mud." She smiled, it sounded a bit weird, a girl who loves mud.

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