New Friends

"Yeah, that's one of the many reasons i don't like bugs!"
The moth opened it's wings and flew off into the woods. "Do you wanna sleep in one of the spare rooms tonight or do you want to sleep on the floor in my room?? Or I could sleep on my floor and you could sleep in my bed. Either one." Shaylah smiled at Angela.
"I'll sleep on the floor, it's better for my back. Plus if i sleep on a bed, i'll roll out of it!" She laughed a bit when the moth flew out.
Shaylah smiled then walked in the house. She called Sasha in and closed the door behind the dog. "Lets go and set your bed up." She ran up the stairs into her room and dragged a sleeping bag and two pillows out of the cupboard and layed them on the floor beside her bed.
"Are you hungry?? I gotta make Sasha's food so you can grab anything if you want." Shaylah started walking back out the door.
She walked into the amazing room. "Wow this is beautiful, nothing like my room!" She grinned. "I can cook for us if you'd like?"
"It's alright. I'm not that hungry. I'm just gonna grab a packet of crisps and that'll do fo me. You grab anything you want though" Shaylah took Angela down to the kitchen where Sasha was already waiting buy her food bowl.
Opening one of the cupboards, Shaylah picked up a box with dog food in and a tin of meat. She mixed the two of them into the dog bowl and put it on the floor for Sasha.
Seeing the cookies still on the table she took one and took a bite out of it. She enjoyed it very much, the cookies were amazing! "Okay i'll have these!"
Shalah opened another cupboard and grabbed a packet of crisps. "If you need anything just say and I'll get it for you."
She grinned. "All i need is cookies!"
Shaylah laughed. "So, what do you want to do when we've finished eating??"
"I don't know. i've never really done sleep overs before." She said shrugging.
"That makes two of us." Shaylah giggled. "In Scotland I was a lone wolf. My dad was hardly ever in the house and I never made any friends. I went to school when I was younger but I was only there for a day because my first day I got in a fight with another kid so I've been home schooled ever since."
Angela giggled. "Well remind me not to make you mad then." She smiled. "So... hmm... i don't know."
"I've always had a short temper. It's kind of annoying really. If someone says the or does the wrong thing I just lose it and can't stop myself." Shaylah put her empty crisp packet in the bin and say back down at the table.
"I know that feeling." She said frowning. "You should see the door back at my house. And the window too."
"What do you mean by that??" she asked curiously.
"Well i mean i broke my window. And i have put my foot through the door a few times."
"Oh right" Shaylah giggled. "Which do you prefer, your home or here in NZ??"
"Definitely here. All the people her are so nice."
"Same. Scotland was a nightmare. Here I've made quite a few friends." She smiled
"Yeha and my cousin lives here too. Which is nice. She's a freaking genius!" She said smiling. Skyle was awesome.
"And my dad doesn't travel as much as he used to but to top it all off, Hogwarts. I can't wait." Shaylah said.
"Yeah." She smiled. She was excited to be going to Hogwarts.
"Do you know your dad??"
"Um, well i don't remember him." She said looking down. "But i sometimes look at pictures, adn hear stories."

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