New Friends

Shaylah laughed. "And that is why that towel is there. The first time I washed her, I didn't know that she did that. I ended up soaked."
"I bet that made for a good laugh." She said stepping forward again.
"It was hilarious. That is untilmy dad said that I was only allowed back in the house when I was dry." Shaylah laughed at the memory of trying to sneek back in the house soaking wet.
Angela laughed. "He let you in though right. Or did you sleep out side?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"I managed to sneak past him...just."
She laughed. "you are so lucky. My dad wouldn't ever let me near mud or dirt or anyhting that could make me sick. i was his 'angel'." She smiled. Her dad had been so protective of her.
"I'd never be able to live like that. I love getting dirty. It's such great fun."
"Yeah, i know what you mean." She smiled. "I remeber getting grounded because i came home from sachool, covered in mud and had sour patch kids stuck to me."
"I hven't been grounded my whole life. Dad isn't in the house enough."
"Wow," was all Angela could muster. Never being grounded, this girl had it made compared to angela. Seh smiled and laughed. "You have a leaf stuck in your hair."
"Oh do I??" Shayla started feeing round in he hair trying to find it. "Where is it??"
"Wait, the leaf is moving." Angela said. Here eyes widened.
Shaylah laughed. "What are you on about??"
"There is a leaf shaped moth in your hair." She began laughing.
"Aww. That's so cute. I love moths." She laughed. "You still haven't answered my question. Where is it??"
"Right there." She said pointing to the strand of hair right behind her ear.
Shaylah carefully put her hand where Angela was pointing and felt the moth. She picked it up and watched it crawl around her hand. "I'm like a real animal lover. It's mad." She laughed

(Sorry it took a while to reply)
"Really, i love animals, but, the insects give me the creeps." She smiled. "They don't scare you at all?"
"No." She laughed. "Why would they?? I love them."
"Well they are fuzzy and have 6 legs, that's a good start."
Shaylah laughed and held the moth out to Angela. "Here. Hold it. Seriously, it's fine."
"No way!" Angela said jumping back. She hated insects. They creeped her out majorly.
Shaylah laughed. "You would never have coped at my old home. Therewas so many bugs and insects it was unbelievable"
"i would've been locked away if i lived in that environment!" She said her jaw dropping. "My brother once put a worm in my sandwich, and i didn't eat for a week."
Shaylah put her hand over her mouth. "Eeew. That's really grose. Talk about puke."

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