New Friends

"I like the outdoors way more than I like the indoors." Everytime Sasha came back to Shaylah with the ball in her mouth she took it and threw it again for the dog to chase after.
"Yeah i agree, makes for great photography." Angela said, watching the dog.
"You're in to photography??" Shaylah said "That's cool. I'm really bad at photography."
"Well yeah i was to. But i just did it so much that i got good. I'm sure you can get better." She said looking around.
"My aim with cameras is so bad. I leave my dad to do the photos."
She giggled slightly. "That's okay then, you should be good at other things."
"I'm alright with music I guess. Animals tend to like me as well." Shaylah remembered when she first got Sasha, she walked into the pen where nine golden retriever puppies were running around and one puppy ran up to her and jumped up her legs. That was Sasha.
"Well there you go. See you are good at a lot of stuff i bet!"
"How about you?? What stuff are you good at, except for photography that is."
"Well people tell me I'm a good singer, but that's their opinion." Angela usually didn't have a high opinion of herself, but lately she had been feeling more confident.
"I'm sure you do. Do you like singing??"
"Onlky if no one's around." Seh smiled as she watched the dog.
Shaylah laughed. "I was like that when I first started singing but now I just sing when ever there's a tune being played."
"Well you must be great!" She said smiling.
"I'm alright, I guess" Shaylah remembered the time when she sang a duet with her dad. He played guitar as Shaylah was still learning and didn't know very many notes-she was only six. She loved that dy and it would never leave her.
She smiled. Shaylah seemed to be in her own little world, she seemed so happy. It must have been wonderful. "Where's Sasha?" Angela asked, seeing that the dog hadn't come back yet.
Shaylah snapped out of her memory when she heard Angela speak. "Huh?? Oh, don't worry, she'll come back. She's a very loyal dog."
"Sounds like my pooch." She smiled thinking about Carrion, her purebred Mastiff. "So was Sasha your first choice?"
"Yeah. Dad said he ws taking me out for a surprise. I got to the person's house andwe went inside to see the puppies. I thougt they were absolutely adoreable. I got in the pen and Sasha was the first to come up to me and it was like love at first site."
"That's such a cute story. Sasha's an amazing dog, too. Just like her owner... only a little more pretty." She said teasing Shaylah. Seh looked at her with a bit of a smile.
Shaylah laughed when she saw that Angela was teasing her. "But it ain't true"
"SO what, it's still funny!" She said smiling.
Shaylah laughed again. "So what pets do you have??"
"I have two cats and a dog." She said with a smile. "And my aunt wants another dog, but she said she would take care of it."
"Oh, cool. I've been tld to think of two names for cats so my dad can 'surprise me' with me. It's not exactly much of a surprise when he's told me to think of names."

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