New Friends

"Well be glad you had someone wth you. The only person I had was dad and he went on load more trips there than he does here. I was lucky if i saw him for a week." Shaylah grinned.
"That bites." She said muttering.
Shaylah giggled "It's one reason why I'm going to HNZ. Means I can move house and start over."
"So how do you plan on reinventing yourself then?" She asked smiling.
"So far, I've been trying to get in less fights. By doing that it's easier to make friends. Not going too well though I've been in two fights in one month." Shaylah remembered the fights she had had wit the two girls.
"Who'd you fight with?" She asked. "Well i challenged some of the people from durmstrang that i met. One picked me up so i kneed him in the stomach.
"Just two girls that I still don't know the names of." Shaylah laughed. I can think of a much better place to knee him."
"Well i was going to, but i didn't for some reason." Seh shrugged. "Well if anyone picks on you, just let me know."
Shaylah smiled. "Course I will. Who else am I gonna tell. My dad??"
"Yay, i get to be protective over you too!" She said, smiling widely.
Shaylah smiled. "Great to have you on board."
She grinned. "So anyways. Boo!" Seh said randomly.
Shaylah giggled. "Just blame it on the badger." She could be random when she wanted to be.
"But the badger is not nearly as evil as the ferret!" Seh said her eyes wideneing.

((If you want to get that, look up the ferrets song, on youtube!))
"Maybe but the badgeris cuter." Shaylah giggled.

(Ok. Will do. :D)
"Yeah i agree!" Seh said with a giant smile.

((And did you watch it, it's awesome isn't it?))
"So what's it like at your house then?? What is your cousin like??" Shaylah said

(Yeah i did. That's funny. :D)
"It's nice i suppose. A few memories left over, but other then that nice. And Skyle, she's amazing, she is so smart and pretty. And then Sarah is my aunt, she's amazing too!"
"A big family is something I want more than anything. It's somthing I know I'm never gonna have any time soon." Shaylah smiled.
"Well then I'm now your family, and since I'm your family, so is Sarah and Skyle!" She said grinning. "So now you have a big family!"
Shaylah jumped up and hugged Angela. "Thanks. Your such an amazing friend. I would say you're welcome in my family but there isn't exactly much of it left." Shaylah giggled and sat back down.
"Oh there is plenty of your family left. I don't think the size should matter. It's how the people care for each other." Angela said with a nod and a smile.
"sometimes, I think Dad's caring for me a bit too much" Shaylah smiled.
"Well that's what parents do, they care." She said with a smile.
"Sometimes it can be a relief when he leaves though. When he's around he usually doesn't leave me alone. I get times when I escape but most of the time he's there watching over my shoulder." Shaylah giggled

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