New Friends

Shaylah knew she wasn't good at lying but was she really so bad that Angela knew?? "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
She looked at her. "I'm a friend, i have to believe you. So just try me!" She said sitting down.
Shaylah smiled when Angela said she was a friend. "I went to Borely Mansion with some mates and we got attacked by the presence that's meant to haunt the building."
She listened to the story. "That's so cool!" She said grinning. "I mean not that you got hurt but, there's really a dark spirit there?" She had heard a story or two, but hadn't believed them. "Oh i have to check it out sometime!"
Shaylah giggled. "Believe me You don't want to. It's pure evil. It said something about guarding the burial ground or something like that so I suppose the Mansion was built ontop of a graveyard."
"That's so interesting." Angela said with a grin. "That would be an awesome place for a first kiss, don't ya think?" She asked with a grin.
Shaylah laughed. "Unforgetable, yes. Awesome, not so much."
She giggled slightly. "Okay, call me morbid, but i think it would be." She flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "So, what do you wanna do?"
"Anything really. What's the time??" Shaylah never carried a watch and there weren't any clocks in the kitchen.
Angela pulled out her cellphone and looked, "Just past 10." She said.
Shaylah stared a the thing Angela had in her hand. "What's that??"
"Oh this, it's a cellphone. You can call people on it." She wondered if Shaylah hadn't been introduced to it yet; and if not, why not?
"What do you mean by call people??" Shaylah had never heard of a cellphone befor and didn't understand why Angela would need it.
"Well if you are away from people, and you need to like get a hold of them, you would use it to call them. And then you could talk through one end, adn they can hear it on the other." She said smiling.
"Couldn't you just write them a letter and then they can write back??" Shaylah smiled, confused.
"Well you could, but when you call them, it makes it quicker. You just dial a number and then press a button, then if they aren't busy they pick up. You can hear their voice and everything!" She said with a smile. Shaylah not knowing this, made her feel smarter then usual.
"Still doesn't make any sense to me but still." Shaylah giggled.
"Well okay. Maybe as you get to know other people, you'll get it." She said with a grin. "See we make the coolest friends, because i know muggle stuff, and you know magic stuff!"
Shaylah giggled. "I don't actually know anything about muggles except for music and clothes. Music because I'm like crazy about music and clothes because I'm stylish in my own sort of way." She smiled at Angela.
She smiled. "That's okay. You are awesome anyways." She said walking over and playfully pushing her. She grabbed another cookie.
Shaylah laughed. "I say you have to sing me a tune." She grinned. She liked making people do stuff that they wouldn't normally do.
"Sing you a tune?" She asked, confused. "Why? Or should i say about what?"
"Yep. You said you sing." Shaylah smiled at Angela "About anything."
"Um, okay...." She said looking around... "here's one you should totally know." She said with a grin. She hummed the tune to a song be Demi Lavato, and then started singing. "did you forget, i was even alive? did you forget, everything we'd ever had, did you forget, about me?" She smiled slightly, able to hit the notes and make her voice crack like Demi's
"You're really good at singing." Shaylah smiled. "And yeah, I do know that song."

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