New Friends

"Well that's a bit drastic, but it's better then being alone, right?" She asked her, smiling.
"Yes, definitely." Shaylah grinned. "When he's here I can take the mik out of him. I can't do it very well when he's hundreds of miles away."
"Exactly." She said nodding at Shaylah.

((OMG the dark presence on Bleak Street is trying to Kill her!! EEP))
"Plus, when he's not here I get so bored. Most of the time I just walk." She added.

(Shaylah got attacked by that a few days ago so Jay went serching for it in a different RP)
"That sounds pretty cool." Angela said, she wasn't allowed to walk anywhere alone usually. But she would sneak out and say she was meeting someone when she wanted to.

((That's cool i guess, but yeah, i had nightmares about it last night ))
"If I can't sleep-which seems to be becoming increasingly common-then I go for a walk round the woods. It's really nice out there in the middle of the night. The wind in the trees and the light from the moon fighting it's way throught the leaves. I love it. Apparently that's crazy but I don't care. Crazy is my middle name." Shaylah giggled.

(Hehe. Shaylah's been attacked by a dark presence twice now. Once in Borely mansion and once in Bleak street. She used to like bleak street as well. :( lol.)
"Really, isn't that dangerous. A pretty girl like you wandering the woods alone. That could be very bad." Angela said worrying.

((Wel she'll just have to fight back hard. I don't want Angela to die!!))
"I've never seen anyone dangerous there before. I've seen other kids who are our age and that's about it." Shaylah smild so Angela wouldn't look so worried.

(Luxen just made Shaylah and Trevor live their worst fears. I think Trevoor saw his little sister dead and Shaylah sat in Bleak street not seeing or hearing anyone or anything. She hates silence.)
"Well that's good, but i'm still gonna worry."

((Oh well he said that Angela has stepped on hollowed ground and must "pay" for it. You don't think he'll kill her, do you?))
Shaylah laughed. "Worry all you like, it's not gonna stop me doing it."

(Probably not. He's probably just gonna make her really scared so she wont return to Bleak Street)
"Okay, but if you get hurt, i have permission to say i told you so." Seh smiled at her.

((She's not going to return until like fourth year either.))
"Yeah, sure." Shaylah giggled. "But that doesn't include if I trip."

(How come??)
"If you trip, I'll just laugh." She commented.

((Because it's going to traumatize her to the point of which she can't even think about it. I didn't think he was going to show up so i was all like OMG Yikes!))
"So will I actually" Shaylah laughed as she said it.

(When he showed up with Shaylah, I didn't even know there was a presence in bleak street and I was like 'what's happening here??' lol.)
Angela smiled at Shaylah. "People getting hurt is amusing."

((Same here, and i was all like, crap, i'm screwed))
"I always laugh at my dad hurting himself. He can be quite clumsy when he's drank a bit too much. I find it hard too help him because I'm laughing so much." Shaylah remembered the time she had heard a thump at about 1am and went downstairs to find out what was happening. She got to the top of the stairs and saw her dad whispering loudly to a table telling it to be quiet and stop making him fall over.

(I was confused though cos he started singing jack and jill to them. I was like what are you doing?? but then he scared shaylah so i was like oooh you meany. lol)
Angela nodded, she could see it now, Jay tripping over hiself and hitting something. "Wow, i've never seen anyone drunk." She said. "Sarah doesn't like drinking, and me and Sky are way too younge!"

(( LOL ))
"My dad lets me drink because he someone who doesn't like going by the 'do as I say not as I do' rule. He would never let me get drunk though. Only ever a glass at a time or something like that." Shaylah liked the fact that her dad trusted her with that bit of freedom.
"Really, if my dad thought i was drinking, he would be turning in his grave!" She exclaimed. She smiled at her friend though, she didn't care what he friend did.
"Most of it's ok. Some of it's a bit eww but it's mosty nice" Shaylah grinned
"well i don't want to find out. Aunt Sarah would wip me for sure." She said laughing a bit. "She's real strict about alcohal for some reason."
Shaylah laughed. "So kinda like my dad when I get in fights then."
"Yeah exactly. She's so protective of me, but lately, she's been acting really jumpy, and barely lets me leave the house!"
"Oh really?? Why's that then??" Shaylah asked.
"I'm not sure." She smiled. "I guess maybe because me and Sky will be leaving.

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