New Friends

"More than I get of my mum then. My dad doesn't let me see any pictures of her and he doesn't want to talk to me about her until I'm old enough."
She rolled her eyes. "You are old enough to know. he's just afraid of telling you." Seh said. She had heard this story before from people.
"Yeah I know. I don't see why he can't just tell me. It's not like it's going to ruin my life or anything like that." Shaylah knew that her dad was just afraid to tell her because everytime she mentioned her mum it was as f he was a completely different person.
Seh shrugged. "he's just protecting you. No one told me how my dad died. But they just want to protect me. So you just have to be patient i guess." She said. These words were too wise for a girl her age, but when put through what she has been through, she was brave for being able to save them.
"I suppose you're right. Still, he could at least show me a picture or something." Shaylah smiled at Angela. Shaylah wasn't one to not be brave.
"Well yeha. But maybe he's scared you'll want to know more if he does. He might want to tell you all at once." Seh said smiling back.
"I rlly don't understand adults. They confuse me so much." Shaylah giggled.
Angela smiled. "I don't know. I think boys confuse me more then adults." Even at the ripe age of ten, Angela knew what boys were like. They were horrible people sometimes, and from what her aunt told her, they aren't interested in families.
"I find boys ok to understand. It would probably be quite hard if I didn't"
Angela laughed slightly. "Well i lived with mostly girls during my lifetime, adn even now i live with my aunt and female cousin. So, you know..." She smiled at her.
"I've lived my whole life with my dad and I spend a load of my time with my boyfriend so it would be kinda hard if I didn't understand boys." She giggled.
"You have a boyfirend?" She asked suprised.
"Yeah I know. It's hard to believe isn't it??" She said with a smile on her face. "His name's Osiris. He's really sweet and kind."
"Osiris, Oriris Valin?" She asked.

((Sory i don't remeber how to spell his name LOL ))
"Yeah. Do you know him??" She asked.
"I've met him before." She said with a smile. "But i don't talk to him much." She grinned. "I'm hoping he is nice to you, or else he might have to meet me again..." She said.
Shaylah laughed. "Don't worry. If anything happens, I'll be slapping him silly. Don't mention it in front of my dad though. This is my first boyfriend and I don't know how he'll react so I haven't told him yet. I'm waiting for when he's in the right mood."
Angela nodded. "No problem, i can handle a secret." She laughed a bit at a joke she ahd heard the other day. She had no clue why it had popped into her head.
"What's so funny??" Shaylah smiled.
"Just remembered something i heard." She said with a grin. "What's the difference between roast beef, and pea soup?" She asked. It was a stupid joke, but she found it hilarious.
Shaylah smiled. "I haven't got a clue."
"Anyone can roast beef..." She paused and smiled. "But no one can pee soup." She gilggled a bit. It was stupid, but enough to make her laugh.
She laughed. "That is such a wierd joke."
"Yeah put it's true!" She shrugged. "I mean i don't think there is even a charm to make you pee soup." She then thought. "Or is there?"
Shaylah laughed again. "I don't think so. I'd have to look through mmy dad's books and that would require reading. Not exactly my strong subject."

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