New Friends

She laughed. "I'm too lazy to read." Angela said with a grin. "SO what's a boyfriend like?" She asked.
Shaylah had a smile on her face as she thought about Osiris. "It's great. I love it. If I need someone to talk to I can just go straight to him."
Angela smiled at her. She had a few guy friends like that. But they were just friends, she had made it clear. "It must be great."
"yeah it is." Shaylah rubbed her head forgetting the scab she had there. She winced and pulled her finers away with blood on them. "That's really starting to annoy me now." Shaylah went over to the sink to wash her fingers.
"What happened?" Angela asked, looking at the blood, then at Shaylah.
Shaylah looked over at Angela. The only person Shaylah had told the full truth to was her dad and he had been furious. "It's nothing really. I went to Borely Mansion in Brightstone and hit my head. My dad cleaned it upa bit but he's not very good with cut and stuff."
"I could help." Angela said. Skyle, being a cna, made it easier for Angela to help people. "Just trust me, okay?" She asked Shaylah. Since Angela had first scraped her knee at the age of four, her mother had been teaching her how to take care of cuts and such.
Shaylah sat back down nervously. "Ok." Shaylah found it hard to trust people but she didn't know why.
"Now do you keep your stuff in a cabinet?" She asked, referring to band-aids and things like that.
"It's in that cupboard, there." Shaylah pointed to a cupboard that was quite close to Angela. "I don't know how much use it'll be though. We hardly ever use it."
She smiled and looked, pulling out a bandage and a few other things. "Okay, now i need a rag. Oh and it's important you don't touch it, you might have bacteria on your hands."
Shaylah grabbed a thin, clean blanket out of a cupboard that was used for Sasha's bed. "That's probably the closest to a rag that we've got."
She nodded and washed her hands. She then ran the blanket under warm water. "This might sting a bit." Seh said, lightly pushing the rag where the scab had been. She gently patted it, just to make sure she had gotten it.
Shaylah winced again when Angela dabbed the blanket on her head. She wasn't very good with pain because Jay had always been so protective that she hardly ever hurt herself. "I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to cuts." She giggled.
Seh pulled the rag away. "Then this is going to hurt a lot." She said, pulling out the peroxide she had found. "Just know that this will keep you from getting infected. If that happens, you'll be in a world of hurt." She put it on a clean part of the blanket. "Are you ready?"
Angela said that what she was going to do next would hurt loads. "Yeah. I'm ready..kinda."
"Here, if you need to squeeze something, then take this..." She took something out of her pocket. It was a tie-dyed fluffy bunny. "Okay just let me know." She put the rag to Shaylah's scab gently, she had to disinfect it well.
Shaylah didn't know how painful it would be so she took the bunny just in case. She soon foundout when Angela dabbed the cloth on her head again. "Cr@p. What is that stuff??"
"It's a disinfectant. Trust me, you would much rather feel this, then have the doctors work on an infected one." She said, pulling the cloth away. she put a band-aid on it. "There, we're done."
"Thanks. It's much better than getting my dad to do it I can tell you that for sure. He just grabbed a bucket of water and tipped it over my head. He said it was my own fault." Shaylah smiled. "I'm surprised it's not already infected. Dad was out on yet another trip when I did it so it was left undealt with for two days."
"Yikes, that sounds horrible. Maybe i should be the medical adviser, eh?" She said with a grin. She looked at her. "My dad used to work in a hospital, so i learned a lot from him. I hope to do something like that when i get older."
"t's alright. He was angry with me at the time so I can't blame him." She smiled. "You could work as a healr at St. Mungo's f you wanna do something like that."
She smiled. "Yeah, but don't know. i guess i'm a little young to know what i want to do. All i know is i wanna follow in my father's footsteps." She said with a proud smile. "What about you?"
"I'm the same. When he's not on trips he's always there for me. When he's on trips he can write letters but that's about it. I can't reallycomplain though. It's his job that allows me to play music and have pets and have a big bedroom." Shayla grinned.
Angela smiled. "So you sure you don't want to tell me how you really got that cut on your head." Angela knew Shaylah hadn't told the whole story, and she was extremely curious.

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