neglected student plots perhaps

Aine Thompson

Going My Own Way
OOC First Name
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Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
19 (21/9/2043)
I said I wasn't going to post a PD anytime soon and I am still a little on the slow side atm with college (which is nearly done if these hell assignments get finished though they sure are testing me at the moment) but I figured I might put feelers out for plots for some of my more neglected students for the new year! I preface this by saying that I am not good at longer threads/threads without some sort of purpose and will accidentally drop or forget things so I apologize in advance.

Broken graphics is an excuse for me to not try to make things look good.

Renata Stepanova - Renata is a 6th year (!) and newly appointed Heta Omega president (!!). I had always planned for her to not have things go well for her but then everything kind of has. Not that that's a bad thing, goodness knows my kids have plenty of drama. Though, I am down for a bit of drama but also down for doing nice things, like mentoring younger students in Heta or in Quidditch. Her grades were barely adequate and she scraped through most of the OWLs (and totally didn't fail 2 because I didn't realize the minimum to get an A changes from 4th to 5th year) so she's going to have a tough time getting through 6th year and NEWTs so study buddies are welcome too.

Dahlia Doherty - now 3rd year, she got too mopey for a bit and I kind of resented playing her when that happened but I think I've worked out where I'm going. She still wants to play Quidditch but we'll see what happens because, you know, Gryffindor. She's a bit mopey still about not being able to play muggle sports but she's working out things she can do and has a bit more enthusiasm for magic thinking about the showmanship of it all. If there's any dramatic arts inclined students around Dahlia will love them forever. Also down for crushes (boys preferred but girls negotiable) and dumb hormonal teenage stuff.

Oswald (Oz) Brambleheart - my poor tiny 2nd year I have not done very much with him as yet. Idk, if anyone would be weirded out by a part-goblin/call him out on being one? He's pretty quiet and will probably grunt at you at first. But as long as you treat him like a normal person he'll be perfectly pleasant. Friends, enemies, you name it I'll take it.

Audrey Beauchamp - my newest sort and she's...interesting. She actually was originally going to be a real stuck up kid but she's kind of just shifted in development into obnoxious prankster. Her parents weren't the biggest names in Quidditch but not entirely unheard of (and now coach juniors around NZ) so if anyone wants to have their students having crossed paths with her before I'm down. Too clever for her own good, will play exploding snap or gobstones with you and likes a good challenge. If anyone's interested in harmless pranks or engaging in general mischief, being game buddies or incredibly stupid fights I'm down.

I also have my 4th years (Michael Watson & Yuelia Rossingol) but I always seem to lack inspiration for them, if anyone has ideas or wants anything Quidditch or duelling related though I can probably do something. And of course there's Aine and I'm always open to plots with her, especially now she's toning it down and not taking every single class!

Feel free to hit me up on discord (rocketpineapple#2460) too, I am bad at starting conversations and exceedingly awkward but I do like bouncing ideas (or even just hearing what people have going on with their own characters). Also down for adult plots/if people want to build anything for the future.
Hi hi hi hello hi plots always hi

Dahlia & Rāwhiti - I feel like they could be an interesting combo! Both super sporty, tho Quidditch is his focus. (He'd be HYPE to play rugby with her tho...) He's got romance plans down the line but awkward teenage crush stuff for a bit could be rl fun too!

Oz & Corn - do i need to say how bad this combo would be? disaster hell disaster hell disaster hell lets GOOOOOO

Audrey & Marama - I think they could be good friends, Marama also comes from a fairly sporty background (though not nearly to the same level) and she's down for any kinda chaos and fun.

For Renata I could either offer Jingyi, who is the newly appointed brotherhood president so maybe they could get together to work out some kind of event between the two clubs? OR you can have my boy Zag and maybe they could do something Quidditch related like getting in practice together for the upcoming year if they want Puff to stay on top. (Or even Finley as he's still young and rather unsure of if he's going to try out again especially now there is a spot open on the team for him)

Dahlia, maybe you can have Mischa? I don't know about dramatic arts, but he would be happy to sit there and play background music with his guitar if she wanted him to, heh. He's also into Quidditch as well so that's something they have in common (and would be willing to help her practice as well)

For Oz maybe either Jupiter or Finley? I think Jupiter would be mildly fascinated with the whole part goblin thing, but would never bully him about it. Jupiter is a nice guy himself so I could see them getting along and maybe being friends. In another vein, Finley is also quiet, but he's loyal if you gain his trust and he'd be there to equally grunt, but also punch people if they ever bully Oz because he's different. Fin knows what it's like to be different thanks to being an orphan so he would "relate"
Hi Camilla!

I think for Renata something with Gwen could be fun in her new position as Social Chair, I think their dynamic will be a bit difficult with Renata in charge instead of Gwen :r which could be interesting.

I would also like to do something with Anisha and Dahlia but I'm not sure yet what :r she hasn't really had crushes yet though so maybe if Dahlia speaks to her about it she can be interested and a bit confused. Or they talk about Quidditch.
So I can offer something for Audrey, with Fraser. His dad obviously plays quidditch, as do some of the other folks in his family, so could be that they know each other because of it? Not sure if they'd be friendly, but it could be fun.

For Dahlia, could offer Emmanuel, he's a relatively charming guy who could be a crush, or just a friend. Emmanuel is kind and warm hearted. gets along with people and has a number of good friends.
Hello hello, here to throw a lot of spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. This might be a lot so feel free to just pick what's most fun/interesting!

Renata x Margo - Margo could use a bit of mentoring even if Renata is a year older haha. But her exams are this year so she is likely to be stressed. Or maybe they could just chat about Heta Omega things.

Renata x Felix - As fellow puff prefects they should totally hang out and be study buddies if you'd like. They've also got quidditch in common and can talk about the upcoming season since I think he's still going to be in a bit of a funk about last year.

Dahlia x Leah - I really enjoyed these two together and it's been forever since they hung out. And depending on how that shakes out I could see Leah developing a bit of a crush (which I would gladly have be one sided). Maybe Dahlia could teach her how to play a muggle sport or something since she'd be clueless.

Oz x Santiago - Grumpy boys unite. I think Santiago has chilled out just a little bit, which isn't saying much. But he was also raised mostly around muggles so I could also see him asking Oz some maybe borderline inappropriate questions about being part goblin. His intentions would be genuine but he is an idiot.

Audrey x Leah - Resident quidditch freak is here to be weird about her parents lol.

Michael/Yuelia x Ethan - I'm really hoping Ethan gets some actual solid friends this year and he likes both Yuelia and Michael (but mostly cause they're roommates). He'd gladly help Yuelia practice dueling even though I don't think he'd be all that helpful.

Aine x Margo - So there are a lot of things these two could talk about, but I was thinking that last year they probably spent more time together than previous years since Isadora was gone, but now that she's back I wonder if Aine would notice that Margo isn't around as much and maybe feel some type of way about it?

I'm sure I could come up with a few adult plots but I think this enough for now. But if you have any ideas feel free to shoot me a message.
Hello Camilla!

I have a couple of characters to offer! I would love to offer Molly for Renata! We haven't done much threads with the two of them, but I would defs love to do more with them! I'm totally not sure what we could do though, but I would love to do more threads with them.

For Audrey, I can offer you my first-year Marley. Marley is very chaotic and likes to cause some mischief at times. But she is very loyal to her friends and whatnot. I can see them maybe doing some pranks and stuff but im not 100% bc their personalities are a little different and they might clash a little - but I am happy to put them in a thread together and see what happens.
aaaa sorry I was slow in getting back to this but thank you all let's see what we have here! General thinking looks to be a lot of chaotic firsties so I can see it...I can see a whole bunch of mass yeargroup troublemaking and stressing out profs and older students.

I apologize for textwalls too because my ADHD brain is like "no, overexplain or you won't be understood".

@Ainsley Lynch - yes and as we discussed on discord def down for awkward crushes/sport hangouts! We can give Hufflepuff a break from being the House Where Everyone Has Weird Kinda Feelings For Each Other (esp with one of Kadi's suggestions too). I want to RP with Corn so much you have no idea, I don't even know what Oz and Corn would do but I need it like yesterday. Am also down for Audrey and Marama cause I think they'd get along but did you want to start with the first two and see how we go? Happy to start one (or both), just let me know). Would also like to potentially suggest Aine going to see Maria because she needs therapy. :r

@Flynn North-McGowan yes I actually had some ideas for events (read: reusing old events) that we could either look at for this year or next year IC (which I will PM you about at some point soon) so at least having Renata and Jingyi being like 🤝 would be good! I imagine they've like...vaguely interacted in class without really knowing each other very well. Also down for having Dahlia and Mischa hang out (and I could see her getting kind of a crush on him too tbqh especially because she's probably like omg boyssss) And for Oz I know Jupiter is in the same year but idk I'm feeling Finley just to have more awkward puffs (of the quiet boys variety as opposed to the nervous wreck muggleborn variety) and just being like grunts of acknowledgement. Same deal if you wanna start one and I'll start another (and come back to the third because I don't want to overload).

@Amber Chou Wilson yes absolutely, I think despite Renata being a little more confident (thanks Quidditch) she'd still probably look to Gwen for approval which opens up Gwen getting a bit more say in club events (while making Renata do the work for it). But it could be awkward and a little frosty and toxic because that's how it be with teenage girls (at least in my experience which probably says a lot). And yes to Gryffindor girls, honestly I feel like Anisha, Leah and Dahlia should just hang out (I mean I assume they do a bit anyway but like an on screen one). Did you want me to start a Heta thread? I can also start something for the Gryff girls which will be fairly low key but I guess just reestablishing hanging out.

@Stefan Archer ooh yes, I came to this with the distinct disadvantage of not having legacy characters who played Quidditch so I'm like yes...they were...players... but I still wanted to have someone with a little bit of connection if that makes sense? And of course she would've heard of the Fergussons and possibly at least know Fraser by name and face if not necessarily know him well? I think Dahlia could work with Emmanuel but they also kind of have different interests so maybe not but we could always see? Definitely keen to have Audrey and Fraser hang though if you wanted me to start that? Also let me know if you want to plan anything out with Renata and Eugene or are just happy for that to keep being fairly chill because honestly the chill works well.

@Poppy Perkins hello! I am down for Renata with either Felix or Margo whichever you feel more (or both if you want), Felix especially it's like well they're in the same classes, co-prefects and both in the Quidditch team so they probably should actually hang out a bit! Absolutely down for Leah to get a crush on Dahlia if you wanted (which probably sounds weird) and as mentioned with Rowan and Daph above making Gryffindor awkward but also third year girl hangouts yes/yes? I am also up for either grumpy boys or maybe Yuelia and Ethan now she's gradually trying to be a bit more sociable. Up to you, can do one now one later if you want?
(Also I can definitely see Aine feeling a bit put out with Margo down the line when she realizes after feeling weirdly paranoid and knowing she's being selfish because she's learning to manage her emotions gradually. But she probably would still feel a little left out and maybe wall off a bit especially given something I have planned).

@Samantha Jacobs it's good to see you around again! I definitely think the puff girls could do stuff, even if it's just maybe the two or three of them decorating the dorm for the new year or something like that? Not sure if that works but I could see them stringing up some like, magical lights and putting up posters and stuff and just doing something nice haha. Keen to see how Audrey and Marley go too, I meant Audrey to be a bit more of a mean girl but I think she just has the potential to be unintentionally rude. But by the looks of the firsties I think there might just be a big group of pranksters on the loose. I'm happy to start something if you'd like!

SORRY that was longer than I meant it to be aaa
@Flynn North-McGowan yes I actually had some ideas for events (read: reusing old events) that we could either look at for this year or next year IC (which I will PM you about at some point soon) so at least having Renata and Jingyi being like 🤝 would be good! I imagine they've like...vaguely interacted in class without really knowing each other very well. Also down for having Dahlia and Mischa hang out (and I could see her getting kind of a crush on him too tbqh especially because she's probably like omg boyssss) And for Oz I know Jupiter is in the same year but idk I'm feeling Finley just to have more awkward puffs (of the quiet boys variety as opposed to the nervous wreck muggleborn variety) and just being like grunts of acknowledgement. Same deal if you wanna start one and I'll start another (and come back to the third because I don't want to overload).
I will keep my eye open for that PM with all the juicy club meeting idea deets then. But in the meantime, we can focus more on the other kids. But all the ideas sound good to me! I could start something for Finley and Oz if you wanna go and start something for Dahlia and Mish?
@Stefan Archer ooh yes, I came to this with the distinct disadvantage of not having legacy characters who played Quidditch so I'm like yes...they were...players... but I still wanted to have someone with a little bit of connection if that makes sense? And of course she would've heard of the Fergussons and possibly at least know Fraser by name and face if not necessarily know him well? I think Dahlia could work with Emmanuel but they also kind of have different interests so maybe not but we could always see? Definitely keen to have Audrey and Fraser hang though if you wanted me to start that? Also let me know if you want to plan anything out with Renata and Eugene or are just happy for that to keep being fairly chill because honestly the chill works well.

Totally cool on the Emmanuel&Dahlia.

Happy to do Audrey and Fraser, maybe at the quidditch pitch? I'm happy to stat it? For renata and Eugene happy to just let them be chill for a bit. We can start something in the new semester?
@Amber Chou Wilson yes absolutely, I think despite Renata being a little more confident (thanks Quidditch) she'd still probably look to Gwen for approval which opens up Gwen getting a bit more say in club events (while making Renata do the work for it). But it could be awkward and a little frosty and toxic because that's how it be with teenage girls (at least in my experience which probably says a lot). And yes to Gryffindor girls, honestly I feel like Anisha, Leah and Dahlia should just hang out (I mean I assume they do a bit anyway but like an on screen one). Did you want me to start a Heta thread? I can also start something for the Gryff girls which will be fairly low key but I guess just reestablishing hanging out.
I like those ideas, but I can also start one of them! What if I start the gryff girls one? Just settling in the dorm?
me doing threads to stave off a panic attack at work great job

@Flynn North-McGowan for Mischa, let me know if you want me to change anything (I made it open after but if you object I can close it no problem)

@Stefan Archer oh I didn't mean anything immediately I just meant like idk feel free to message me if you want to plan out anything over the long term or are just happy with it as it is! But if you are up to starting Fraser and Audrey that would be great, thank you!

@Amber Chou Wilson yes please!
@Ainsley Lynch - yes and as we discussed on discord def down for awkward crushes/sport hangouts! We can give Hufflepuff a break from being the House Where Everyone Has Weird Kinda Feelings For Each Other (esp with one of Kadi's suggestions too). I want to RP with Corn so much you have no idea, I don't even know what Oz and Corn would do but I need it like yesterday. Am also down for Audrey and Marama cause I think they'd get along but did you want to start with the first two and see how we go? Happy to start one (or both), just let me know). Would also like to potentially suggest Aine going to see Maria because she needs therapy. :r

Def keen to start off with those first two! I could start for Corn and Oz if you wanna take Dahlia and Rāwhiti? i apologise in advance for corn being fantasy-racist hes the worst for real Also def down for Aine and Maria any time, just lemme know when you wanna get a thread going!
@Samantha Jacobs it's good to see you around again! I definitely think the puff girls could do stuff, even if it's just maybe the two or three of them decorating the dorm for the new year or something like that? Not sure if that works but I could see them stringing up some like, magical lights and putting up posters and stuff and just doing something nice haha. Keen to see how Audrey and Marley go too, I meant Audrey to be a bit more of a mean girl but I think she just has the potential to be unintentionally rude. But by the looks of the firsties I think there might just be a big group of pranksters on the loose. I'm happy to start something if you'd like!
Glad to be back hehe!!! I think a start of year dorm thread would be cute!! I feel like its very them to do that sort of thing!!

That's ok! I'm keen to see how Audrey and Marley would get on - It could go really well, or really badly, and im keen for it to go either way hahaha!

Did you want me to start one and maybe you can start the other?
@Samantha Jacobs sorry for being slow but yes sure! Happy to start the puff girls, I may make it for all three if you're alright with it (but if you'd prefer a one on one that's fine too)!
@Samantha Jacobs sorry for being slow but yes sure! Happy to start the puff girls, I may make it for all three if you're alright with it (but if you'd prefer a one on one that's fine too)!
No need to apologise!! i totally understand hehe! and that sounds all good to me!
I'm here to bother you.

Dahlia/Zerrin What about a mom friend into music? lol could be interesting.

Oz and Airen were fun, we could do something else with them?

Audrey/Amodeus. Did we talk about this? I feel like we did. It could be fun.

Michael and Hamish are both on the team, aren't they? They could hang out

Also Michael and Kyon, I feel like unless I've got things mixed in my head, Michael dislikes Kyon right now? It could be fun.

Yuelia and Emrys should hang out again.

Aine and Soren could also be fun, maybe meet up for lunch or something?
@Amodeus Jones :party: Some good ideas! I'll just pick a couple that stick out because I'm trying to keep things manageable but:

1. We did talk about Audrey and Amodeus, lol if you're down for someone to mess with him a bit that could be fun! She'd probably feed him some exaggerations that someone else could set him straight on;

2. Oz and Airen were sweet yes, not sure of anything specific but I guess this is the year he starts outright admitting he's part-goblin (and will probably not phase half the people he tells) so I guess that could be something?;

3. Yes Yuelia and Emrys should hang out she's trying to be a bit more 'normal' and confident and I guess he could find that strange? Not sure, I haven't done much with her yet so it would be a bit of finding the right voice but yes lol.

As for the others I think Michael mostly just thinks Kyon is kind of rude though he also is like well I haven't been that social and I think Aine would be incredibly suspicious of Soren outside of the speed date setting. :lol:
So five to start?

I could start with Airen looking for Oz... maybe have Amodeus hanging out if Audrey would approach him?

Emrys could go looking for Yuelia. If you want to start Michael and Aine?
@Amodeus Jones No I meant I didn't want to do those!!! I just want the 3!!! :lol: I was just justifying why those specifically wouldn't work as well. I can start the one for Audrey and Amodeus and I can start one of the other two if you wanted/have too many on backlog.

@Amber Chou Wilson sorry I almost overlooked for Gwen and Renata!
Also I was thinking vaguely about maybe Aine being a bit jealous of Isadora? Especially with the idea of Margo kind of ditching her to hang with Isadora now she's back/how seemingly well liked she is. As usual I am going to make her miserable probably. Doesn't actually have to be anything specific just wanted to know if you would be interested in that like...background plot point.
Ohhh okay! I get it :) We could have ah... you could start Oz and Airen, and I could start Yuelia and Emrys?
Also I was thinking vaguely about maybe Aine being a bit jealous of Isadora? Especially with the idea of Margo kind of ditching her to hang with Isadora now she's back/how seemingly well liked she is. As usual I am going to make her miserable probably. Doesn't actually have to be anything specific just wanted to know if you would be interested in that like...background plot point.
Ty for the link!

Ohhh I like that idea, especially because Isadora actually feels a bit lost / weird about being back. We could maybe do a thread down the line and have it in the background for now?

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