Open Peak Performance

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
open after Charlie posts on Mischa!

Dahlia had made herself comfortable in the arts room, still a little tired after trying out for Quidditch. The lack of weekly team sport was draining. She had no idea if she'd get in or not, and no idea how she could convince the captains she was worth it if she didn't, but she supposed all she could do was try and be gracious if she didn't get into the team. She just had to deal with the fact that it might not be for her, despite her being a good netball player. It was always hard to fail at something, and she knew she'd be a little bitter about it, but at least she had other things going on.

Like arts, although Dahlia wasn't exactly an artist. She could carry a tune and at least play a couple of simple songs on piano, which meant her music was a step up from her visual arts, but performance was her thing. Besides, there were plenty of artists in the group. Those who could really perform, though, they were a smaller section. Like Mischa, who was jamming out on his guitar. The older boy was pretty cool, Dahlia thought, and she had closed her book of poems a while ago now to watch and quietly hum along. As the song wound up, she grinned, sitting up and applauding. "Think we'll get to actually show off this year?" she asked, curious to know what Mischa thought. The club leader was a great painter, though Dahlia quietly thought it limited her thinking when it came to stage performance.
These days, Mish really didn't practice the guitar as much as he should have. When he was younger he always had dreams of being some kind of rockstar, but since coming to Hogwarts things had been different. Now he wanted to play Quidditch for a living or maybe be some kind of hit wizard if he could actually prove his dulling skills one of these days instead of just being knocked out in the first round. And he had been pretty disappointed with the art clubs, expecting more musicians, but it turned out a lot of people were painters or drawers. Maybe he should put up posters and see if anyone wanted to join a band. That could be fun.

For now, however, he sat in the corner of the club room, hunched of his guitar and absently plucking away at the strings in his own melody. He hadn't really realized there was anyone else in the room, not until he finished playing and suddenly heard someone clapping. "Oh, thanks," he offered, lifting his head to look over at the girl, "Didn' realize I was playin' for an audience." Then he paused as he thought about the question before deciding on a small shrug, "Dunno. Maybe."
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sorry I was waiting for Quidditch to do more posts!

Dahlia nodded thoughtfully, though she felt a bit bad for surprising him. "Sorry," she said, leaning back and giving a shrug. Her legs were pretty sore, and she stretched them out not unlike a cat finding pride of place in the sun. "Could always do a pre-game show before a Quidditch match," she joked, with how short some of the games were throwing a bit more entertainment in would make sitting in the stands a little more worth it. But it was kind of a huge ask, and she wasn't exactly willing to put in the effort and arguments to make it happen. "Or something, anyway." She figured she was probably bothering him, but wasn't exactly moving to get up or stop talking, even if it was only idle thoughts.
"I dun mind people listening," it brought him back to the days he would play out in public, rather uncaring of whether people actually wanted him to be there in the first place or not. Maybe he should look into getting in some more practice and give his old guitar some more love than it was currently getting. The more he thought about it, the band idea was sounding better and better. "Maybe Hogwarts should get mascots to try and hype the games up. That might make things a lil' more interesting." He could imagine each house with it's own quidditch mascot and supposed it could be funny to watch people making a fool of themselves.

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