Kingsley Ranch

Caysi nodded. " I will!" She said confidently. " I'm trying to forget that they even were fighting." She said softly.
"Good!" Cam said smiling, "So anything particular you want to do this summer?" he asked, quickly changing the subject.
Caysi laughed. " Win my diving competition!" She smiled. " Nothing else in particular, having a good time too. How about you?" She asked looking up at his deep brown eyes.
Cam grinned "Well of corse your going to win!" he said confidently "Hmm!" he said thinking "Well spending sometime with you of course!" he said seductivly, raising one eyebrow.
Caysi smiled. " Of course I want to spend time with you!" She said brightly smiling. She looked at his lips, they were close to hers. She leaned in to kiss him, leaving him the chance to kiss her back, or not to.
Cam smiled as Caysi leaned in, he kissed her passionatly eventually dragging himself from her and smiling at her.
Caysi smiled. " Can you try to teach me how to skate board this summer?" She asked giggling. " I'll probably break a few things." She laughed.
Cam grinned happily "Sure!"he said excitedly "It should be fun, as long as your not talking about breaking bones!" he said smiling.
Caysi giggled. " True!" She smiled. " I'm really happy I met you." She said softly. She didn't want to be mushy gushy but she meant it.
Cam beamed "And I'm so happy I met you!" he said leaning in to kiss her again.
Caysi leaned to kiss him, she did it with all her force and let go slowly and smiled.
"Wow!"Cam said quietly "This summers going to be awesom!" He said happily flopping back in the water.
Caysi nodded. " It will be, actually it will be the best!" She said smiling. " Want to see a dive of mine?" She asked him
"Sure!" Cam said smiling.

((okay :D ))
Caysi nodded. She got up out of the pool and put her hair in a tighter ponytail. She got up on the board and did a Reverse 1 1/2 twist into the water, she made a very little splash.
Cam clapped as Caysi did her dive "Wow! That was great!" he said smiling "Your soo going to win this competition!" he said smiling croakedly at her.
Caysi smiled. " Thank you, for the past 3 years I've been coming in 2nd Place, but this year I'm ready to take first." She said happily.
"I'm sure you'll get first place!" Cam said confidently "Show me another!" he said laughing.
Caysi nodded, she got up out of the water and onto the diving board. " Alright then." She said, she did a Inward 2 1/2 spin dive. She submerged her head out of the water and took the water out of her hair. " Did you like that one? " She asked.
Cams mouth hung open "Wow Caysi that was..." he paused trying to think of the right word, "Amazing!" he said clapping and swimming over to her "When did you get so good?" he asked chuckling.
Cam laughed "Thats along time!" he said "So its alot of rest and preaperation for you then!" he said laughing and swimming under the water.
Caysi nodded. " You've probably been skateboarding since you were little too." She said smiling. She went to the diving board and let her hands hold her self over it while her feet where in the water.
"Yeah but not that long!" Cam said smiling, he nervously swam over to Caysi, it was a nice evening, almost perfect...
"Caysi, erm I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" he said trying to sound casually but he sounded really nervous.
Caysi smiled a big huge smile. " Will this answer your question?" She said kissing him.

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