Kingsley Ranch

Cam laughed "What Are you doing?" he asked, watching her as she walked around the pool.
Caysi laughed. " I don't know, who knows." She said. She went near Cam and swam near him.
Cam laughed "mad, absoloutly mad!" he muttered, shaking his head. "So hows Kiera getting on with gymnastics?" he asked, his soft expression turning hard.
Caysi laughed. " She's doing well, she's really good!" She said swimming around. " Don't worry about her to much, she's been practicing like a mad man, she'll do fine. "She said stepping right in front of Cameron.
Cam stood still, his face still expressionless "Are you sure?" he asked, he was so worried about Kiera, he didn't like the idea of her competing one bit. He sunk back in the water relaxing slightly "I couldn't bare it if she got hurt," he said quietly, concern etched all over his face.
Caysi felt bad for him, and about Kiera's accident a few years back, and how Cam worried. Caysi went and hugged Cam tightly, " Don't worry please, she's one of my best friends, let her have fun, she's really good, Gymnastics is her sport." She said while hugging him.
Cam hugged her back feeling like he never wanted to let go, "I know, but...but, oh I don't know," he whispered in her ear, standing straight up out of the water, Caysi still clutched in his arms. She was the perfect way to distract him from all his worries.
Caysi smiled. " Please don't worry about her." She said softly. " Just watch her have fun!" She said smiling. " Don't think about the bad things." She said turning her face to Cameron and looking in his eyes.
"I can't help but think of the bad things though!" Cam said sighing, "And I know she loves it and has fun and everything but I can't help thinking she might get hurt!" he said quietly. "Anyway shall we move on to lighter topics?" he asked laughing but his face was still concerned.
Caysi nodded. " I think we should." She said softly. " Are you ever going to tell me where my brother is?" She asked him.
Cam laughed his expression softening automatically "I'll have to think about that!" he said laughing then pausing. "Right I've thought about it, long and hard!" he grinned at this point "And no I'm not going to tell you!" he siad laughing "How comes your so interested anyway?" he asked mockingly.
Caysi laughed. " Aww come on! Please?" She asked. " I'm worried because he was supposed to owl me before I broke out of my house and he didn't. I'm worried because he's my brother, I'm worried because he might be hurt!" She said with a few tears coming down her cheeks.
Cams face turned to stone again "I didn't mean to upset you, seriously!" he said wiping the tears away. "He's fine really, I mean he should be here soon then he can tell you all about it himself, right?" he said softly.
Cam laughed "If you kill him you'll never find out will you!" he said grinning "Looking forward to seeing him?" he asked grinning.
Caysi giggled. " That's true." She said. " I haven't seen him for about 7 months so I'm going to be really happy!" She said.
Cam smiled "Good!" he said softly, "So how have you been since the last time I saw you?" He grinned thinking about what had happened last time.
Cam smiled softly "Yeah I've been great," He said so quietly it was almost a whisper, he swam over to her and was just inches from her face "I'm really looking forward to this summer, are you?" he asked softly.
Caysi nodded. " I'm really looking forward to it." She said quietly. Caysi was looking forward to it but was this the summer that her parent's would permanently brake up? Would she be living with her mother or her father? She didn't know but she didn't want anything to happen.
"Are you okay?" Cam asked backing off a bit, he sensed something was wrong and hoped she would be able to confide in him.
" My parent's have been fighting, again..and I think that it has something to do with Mark." She said softly. She swam as fast as she could to hug Cameron, she didn't think that he would've minded.
"Why would they be fighting about Mark?" Cam asked softly hugging Caysi back.
Caysi sighed. " He's never home, then the fights always get turned around and they start fight about me." She said. " Nothings probably going to happen, but I just worry about it alot." She said quietly.
Cam sighed and rocked Caysi a bit "Don't worry while you here, just try and enjoy your summer!" He said softly, hoping neither Caysi or Mark would be badly effected by their parents relationship.

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