Kingsley Ranch

Cam felt himself being pulled in and had to stop himself from laughing under the water, he stood straight up and shook some of the water from his hair smiling at Caysi "O your going to pay for that Miss. Finnigan!" He said grinning wickedly, he picked her up straight out of the water and threw her back into the water, laughing.
Caysi laughed as she was thrown in the water. " Oh, really?" She asked. " If you can catch me!" She said swimming under the water. She swam in every direction.
Kat laughed at Harri's comment and replied, "No worries! You won't be forgotten about!" Suddenly Kat heard a splashing sound from outside the window. She got up from the end of Harri's bed and crossed to the window and peered out. "Looks like someones enjoying every bit of her summer holiday so far!" Kat said shaking her head and giggling.
Kiera arrived back at her house four hours after she had left. Today's practice had been brutal as she tried to whip herself back into shape. She was sure she looked disqusting. Kiera walked slower than usual up the stairs. It was seven and she had thirty minutes before dinner. Quickly she hopped in the shower and put on clean clothes. Every muscle in her body hurt. Now to find her friends. "Hey Yall?" she called out and down the hallway.
Kat heard the door downstairs open and then close again. Someone came up the stairs and then she heard the shower cut on. Kiera must be home from practice she thought to herself, not thinking on it too much more until she heard Kiera call out for them. "We're in here Kiera!" she called back.
"Not much. I'm dragging. This whole time difference thing has my body all messed up. I'll probably just go straight to bed after dinner if thats okay." Kat said to Kiera, hoping that crashing as soon as they ate wasn't bad etiquette. "How'd practice go?"
Kiera laughed. "No thats totally fine! I might crash as well. Every muscle is sore! Practice really kicked my butt! I didnt realize how out of shape I was." she said with a laugh. "I can still do it though! And no broken bones!" Kiera said gleefully.
Kat grimaced as Kiera described the pain, but smiled at her friend and said, "No broken bones is a good thing. You'll do great, i'm sure of it!"
"Exactly!" Kat chimed and then her stomach growled loudly. She clapped her hands over her stomach and laughed, "So....urm, when are we going eat?" She realized that she hadn't eaten anything for almost 12 hours and she was starting to feel that along with the drowsy feeling.
Kat hopped up as soon as Kiera said that it was now dinner time. "Teriffic!" she practically yelled out as she went and waited by the bedroom door. "Come on slow pokes, get the lead out!" she joked with her friends.
"You say that now, but when Mark arrives...." Harri said laughing, "Are you really excited?" she asked. "Hey Kiera!" Harri said brightly as her friend entered the room, she listened as Kiera told them about practise and hoped Kiera wasn't over doing it. "Mmm dinner I'm starving!" she said laughing as her stomach growled and following her friends out the room.
Cam laughed as Caysi swam off in every direction, he swam after her and caught hold of her arms and found himself lost in her eyes, he just stood there staring.
Caysi laughed underwater. " Well, looks like you caught me!" She said when he held her, she found herself looking at really nice chocolate brown eyes.
Cam found a sudden urge to kiss Caysi, he drew his face nearer then pulled away, a sudden wave of shyness flooding over him. He let her go and swam off smiling "But I bet you can't catch me!"He said diving under the water and swimming off.
Caysi giggled. " I bet I can!" She said , she swam around him and looked around for where he was, she was a bit confused and couldn't see him. " Cam?" She asked.
Cam had to stop himself laughing as he heard Caysi's voice, he swam up behind her breaking through the surface of the water, he laughed "Did I make you jump?" he asked grinning.
Caysi looked around. " Merlin's pants! You gave me a scare there!" She said laughing.
Cam laughed and grinned wickedly "All ready for this competition?" he asked swimming around her in circles.
Caysi looked at Cam swimming in circles, it made her a bit dizzy, but she didn't mind. " You betcha I am, it's in a few days, tomorrow is the last day I have to practice!" She said.
Cam stopped swimming and stood up straight "Well I'm going to be in the front row, so you got to do good!" He said laughing.
Caysi laughed. " Yeah, I knew you were going to say something like that." She said. She swam around Cameron, she then stood up and just walked and swam around the pool.

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