Kingsley Ranch

Caysi smiled. " Oh good!" She said. " So the diving competition is in 2 days!" She said happily. " How about yours Kiera?" She asked.
Kat watched the whole scene in front of her quietly. She didn't really know anyone who's parents were divorced before this year and thought the whole process a little odd. Must be a more common muggle thing... she thought, feeling bad for her friends.
Caysi looked at Kat slyly. " Mark is going to be here soon, I think..maybe he went with Cam to play foot ball, I'm not really sure where he is actually." She said.
Kat felt a sharp jolt of guilt flow all over her body. She hadn't told any of her friends except for Rhyspa about Makato coming back to school and that whole situation. She was still very confused as to what was going to happen now, but she just would have to wait and see how things went. "Great!" she replied with a bright smile. "I can't wait to actually meet him...and meet Cam too."
Cam walked to the front door rummaging around in his pocket for his key, he pulled it out and was about to open the door when he heard a bit of a commotion from inside, he waited a minute not sure whether he should enter or not, it seemed to blow over pretty quickly so he walked in slightly suprised at the amount of girls he were there, a smile quickly appeared on his face and he walked quickly over to Kiera "Hey sis! Gosh I've missed you alot! Hows school been?" he asked hugging her, he released her and stepped back his eyes quickly darted to Caysi's face "Hey Caysi!" He said softly, a small smile playing upon his lips he pulled her into a tight hug "I missed you!" he whispered in her ear, it was soo quiet it was unlikely that anyone else heard. He finally made himself release her and stepped back.
Caysi smiled. " Great! Mark should be here soon." She watched at Cam came in from the door, she felt a huge smile come across her face. " Hey there." She said when he hugged her. " Here Cam, it's you rbirthday present since I forgot to give it to you before." She said handing over the wrapped skateboard to him. " You can probably guess what it is anyway." She giggled.
Kat watched the exchange between Cam and Caysi and blushed slightly as she felt like she was intruding on a private moment. She looked at Harri, then Kiera and smiled sheepishly before averting her eyes to the floor.
Harri looked at Kat at the same time Kat looked at her she smiled at her, feeling like she shouldn't be here. Like she was snooping. "Erm she we go erm upstairs Kat, I want to show you something quickly!" she said trying to make it clear that she thought maybe they should be left alone. She knew it was obvious but she didn't really care.
"Oh yes! Most definitely...upstairs!" Kat muttered stupidly with a giggle. She grabbed Harri's arm, tugging her towards the stairs. "They look quite smitten with each other!" Kat whispered as she and Harri climbed the stairs to Harri's room.

((sorry about the minor godmod...if you want me to change it then i will))
((thats fine :D))

Harri allowed herself to be pulled up the stairs "I know!" she whispered back "Good on Caysi!" she whispered giggling "Must get all the details later!" she added. Harri rushed into her room and once Kat was in she closed the door "Oh my gosh, thats Cam?" she whispered though they were so far away she doubted anyone could hear.
"I know. Talk about totally cute!" Kat said with a goofy grin spread across her face and twinkle in her blue eyes. "Have you ever seen Caysi's brother Mark?" she asked Harri curiously. There was that same twinge of guilt that she'd felt earlier, and had been feeling for the last few weeks. Who knew...maybe she and Mark would hit it off, but how would things be when she got back to school and she was with Makato everyday.
Harri smiled "No whats he like?" she asked, obviously Kat liked him. What was it with the Finnigan boys? Harri smiled as she thought of Kevin.
Kat smiled as she thought of all the letters that she and Mark had written over the course of a month. "He's really laid back and sweet. He's just really easy to talk to. He said he was really excited to finally get to meet me. Isn't that sweet?" Kat said as she plopped down on Harri's bed. "So...anyone you fancy?" she asked with a sly grin.
Harri smiled as Kat described him "He sounds lovely!" she said honestly, she started to blush as Kat asked her if she like anyone "Well I met Caysi's cousin, hes called Kevin and hes so lovely, I actually met him ages ago but yeah, and we got talking and we kissed and he asked me out!" she rambled quickly and grinned at the end her cheeks still bright red "And hes absoloutly gorgeous!" she said dreamily flopping on her bed.
Cam smiled broadly "Gee thanks Caysi!" he said taking the present, then watched slightly taken aback as the other two girls ran off up the stairs and felt a bit rude for not introducing himself. He turned his attention back to the present already guessing what it was. He slowly unwrapped "Wow!"he said his jaw dropping open as he examined the skate board "This is well...Amzing! Thanks Caysi!" he said, giving her a deep meaningful look he hugged her again drapping his arms over her. "Seriously! Its great!" He said happily.
Caysi smiled. " Look at the back of it." She said smiling, there was a picture of Caysi and Cam together on the back. " Do you like it?" She asked him.
Cam turned the skateboard around and looked at the back slightly mesmorised "Wow!" he breathed, it was great! "Thats, well thats great!" He said his eyes fixed on the picture "Thanks, I love it!" He said smiling broadly.
Caysi nodded. " No problem!" She said giggling. " Have you seen my brother?" She asked softly.
"Well it sounds like you are quite smitten yourself Miss Harriet!" Kat said teasingly. Then her thoughts wandered back to the conversation she'd had with Rhyspa in the sorority and the advice her friend had given her. Follow your heart Kat she reminded herself. The horrible thing was she knew what her heart wanted, but she knew that wasn't going to make this whole situation any easier. "So...where are you from Harri?" Kat asked trying to take her mind off everything that was running through it at the moment, plus she realized that she didn't know Harri all that well.
Cam tore his eyes from the skateboard and looked straight at Caysi "Yeah I have actually," He said softly, refusing to say more.
Harri grinned sheepishly at Kat "I guess so," she said softly,"Well I'm from England!" she said smiling as she thought of home "How about you?" she asked, then sat up "Is everything okay Kat?" she asked softly, sensing all was not right.
Caysi looked at him. " Please tell me." She said pleading, she was really worried. Mark was supposed to send her a letter. She was really nervous and scared.
"Me too, though my family moved to New Zealand to take jobs at the ministry there. My grandparents still live there too." Kat replied to Harri's first question, but to the second she wasn't as quick to answer. She looked at Harri and lied, "I think I have jet lag. That plane ride wore me out. I've never been on one before and I think the time difference has me all messed up." She chuckled a little bit at how she was even convinced by her own lie, too bad she knew the truth. "I might have to lie down before we have dinner."
"Aww relax Caysi he's fine!" Cam said, still not fully answering her question "Nothing at all to worry about okay?" he said softly, gently holding onto her arms and bending down to look her in the eyes.

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