Jumping in!

Lilith Ilves

She lives the poetry she cannot write ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Hello! My name is Faye, I'm new here and got referred by Zephie.:D

I started roleplaying when I was 11 sooooo 2013, but I only did it in Finnish (my native tongue). The site I was on got taken down unfortunately and I kind of just fell off of roleplaying but I continued to write stories etc in my teenage years. About a year and a half agoish? I started roleplaying again (2 years ago the site i originally was on got rebooted.) But this time I did so in English.

Yuhh, can't wait to introduce my character to everyone and meet your characters. HP universe is one that I have loved ever since I was a child so I'm very excited to be here! <3
Yayayayay :party:
I'm so glad you've joined :wub: Also Lilith is so cute we gotta get some plots going for our babies :teehee:
Welcome! Always excited to meet a friend of Zephies!
Hey Faye! Welcome to our fun little corner of the internet! It's really great to have you here!
Hiya Faye! Welcome to HNZ!
hi! Welcome :) feel free to message whenever, i've got way too many characters and i'm always free for plots
Welcome to HNZ Faye! If you ever wanna chat or plot feel free to drop me a line :party:

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