I'm new here

Eltafez Giuliani

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lava Spire
Sexual Orientation
Rainbow-colored 15" wand with a sparkling jewel at the top
Hello, I'm Cassiopeia, other wise known as Lava Spire OOC. I'm new both to the RPG world and Harry Potter, but I saw Finding the Beasts and liked it quite a bit. I hope maybe I can get more into the world of Hogwarts by participating in this RPG.

It's good to meet you all!

I'm Alex and welcome to the dark side :p The site has many things to offer, unfortunately, sorting won't be happening till sometime next year but if you're not planning to have a student sorted, you can be a Ministry employee, shopkeeper, Professor, a creature, a ghost or simply a muggle. Click here to learn more about the site. I'm sorry, I'm too hype right now xD Anyways, welcome again. You can PM me any time if you want to plot :)
Alex covered it so all I can say is hi! And welcome. I look forward to plotting with you sometime.
I'd like to be a Muggle, so I'll look into how to apply to be one. Thank you for the welcome!

Nice to meet you. We love having new people pop up in our little corner of the internet. I like to think you've come at a great time as so much is currently happening. We have Christmas, games and lots of on board stuff as well! Here's a list of board staff. They can help you with anything you might need. We also have an Applications page where you can apply for any of the various group and sub-groups. I also recommend that you have a read of the Site Plot and Scitorari page as they are essentially the very essence of the site and what our history is. If you have any questions the Global Moderators and Admin love to help, or if you like any number of members including myself would love to help you out as well.

You can also PM me for plots, I have a couple of muggles I could make use of :D

I'm Teigan by the way, from Australia. I forgot to mention that xD
Hii, Lava Spire, and welcome!! :hug: I'm glad you liked Fantastic Beasts - I thought it was pretty awesome! Is that what inspired you to look for a HP related roleplaying site? :D

Anyway, yes, I'm Claire, and it's lovely to meet you. If you have any questions or just want to roleplay, feel free to shoot me a PM! ^_^

All the best :hug:
Hi Lava Spire :hug:
Welcome to the addictive webby xD

Im Sally and please dont hesitate to PM me if you have any question, seeing how I can answer none of it, yeah I can PM someone else to reply to ur PM any plots in mind or if ud like to start RPing ^_^

Have toooonssss of fun!! :hug:
Hi! Welcome to HNZ! I'm Cyndi, and I'm sure you'll see me around. I hope to see you around a bunch as well. :)
Welcome! I'm Annaleise and we should totally plot sometime :D
Thank you for all the welcomes! I hope to plot with all of you sometime! One question: Where can I find some info on the general Harry Potter world such as significant locations and main characters? I know just about nothing about it and would like to learn more before I start developing my character.
We don't really have anything like that on our specific board, but this might help you linkzz
Otherwise I and many others would be happy to answer any questions you might have about the generally harry potter universe or we can direct you to finding the right answer ^_^
Hi!! I'm Abby and it's so nice to meet you!!
I'm so glad you liked Fantastic Beasts enough to look up the Harry Potter world & stumbled upon us! You won't regret it ;)

Feel free to look around the site & get acquainted with everything as I know this huge site can be overwhelming :lol: and when you feel ready, if you want to rp I would love to!! ^_^
Hello! ^_^
I'm glad you've decided to join us and hope to see you around the board in future. I think you've come at a pretty awesome time, and if you need any help, have any questions or would like to plot, my PM box is always open. Take your time, and enjoy yourself around the site!
Welcome to the site!
I'm Micah and recently re-joined after a lengthy absence. Can't wait to see you around and like many others have said before me my PM box is always open if you want to talk, ask questions or rp! ^_^
Hi Lava! I hope you have an excellent time here and meet lots of friends. PM me if you want to roleplay, I love writing with new people <3

Good luck!
- KR
Hey Lava! I'm Clara and it's nice to meet you! :hug:

You'll definitely love this site if you loved Fantastic Beasts, everyone is so wonderful and friendly and you can always plot with me if you want!

Have fun! :wub:
Hi Lava! Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand. First omg Alison Dilaurentis love her! :woot: If you have questions just as everyone already said feel free to PM me. I'm looking forward to plotting with you.
Thank you all! Once I get better acquainted with this site as well as the general Harry Potter world, I can't wait to cook up some plots with you all!
And this is my adult character, Eugenia Flynn. Just to let you know.
Welcome to the site Lava :D I loveeee fantastic beasts, tempted to see it again :r

Look forward to seeing you around the board. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions - I'm Phoebe by the way :)

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