Hogwarts Monthly: Y38 Semester 1

Nell Night

🐇 curious 🐇 annoying 🐇 🐇 prophet journalist 🐇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (25)

Welcome Back to Hogwarts!
By: Nell Wright
Kia ora koutou katoa, welcome to your first issue of Hogwarts Monthly for the new school year! As ever we've welcomed new Professors to our familiar classrooms, so we at Hogwarts Monthly would like to welcome Professor Elijah Watson, who will be familiar to those in years five through seven taking Potions, and Professor Warren Spencer, who older students will likewise know from the Muggle Studies classroom. As much as we may complain about homework and exams, Hogwarts wouldn't be what it is without the Professor passing on their wisdom and skill!

As always, between the bustling Club Fair, chaotic Quidditch tryouts and matches, and the excitement of the Halloween costume contest, this year has been off to a busy start in the halls of Hogwarts. Never fear though, your trusty Monthly staff have compiled everything you need to know in this issue, so you'll never be behind on the castle's latest news!
Quidditch Highlights
By: Charlie Helkovaara
Club Events
By: Nikko Blackwood
The sport of Quidditch got its name from Queerditch Marsh, the location of the first ever recorded game.The game has evolved over time, eventually becoming the game we all know and love. Well, everyone except for a loud blond in the stands with a rather odd sign.

The Quidditch season started off with a game between Slytherin, the reigning champions, and Gryffindor. The most impressive performances came from Slytherin Chaser Jasper Night, who scored five goals, and the Slytherin Seeker Blake Irons. Irons led younger Seeker Flynn North in a classic Wrongski feint. Soon after Irons soared into what appeared to be a collision course with chaser Jasper Night. After barely missing a crash, Irons emerged victorious with the snitch in his hand, securing the victory for Slytherin. The game had barely ended when Gryffindor beater Emma Van Houten slammed a bludger into Irons. He seemed very nice about it, though Van Houten and her captain were pulled aside quickly by the referee. Slytherin emerged the victors once again and defended their title.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw took to the skies next. Hufflepuff kept main possession of the quaffle, seeing some great flying and interesting techniques from Hufflepuff Chaser Lillith Montgomery. Despite the Huffelpuff’s determination, very few goals made it past the Ravenclaw’s seeker Lars Van Houten. Lars excelled in his position, catching all five attempts the Hufflepuffs through at him. While Hufflepuff kept the quaffle, Ravenclaw dominated the bludger. Seekers Minnnie and Elliot were diligent, working hard to try and outrace the other, but in the end it was Minnie Calida that won the match, leaving them with a score of 160 to nothing.

We’ll all be waiting for Ravenclaw versus Slytherin. Will the snakes be able to hold on to their championship? Will Hufflepuff be able to win against Gryffindor? I, for one, will be eagerly waiting to find out.
The clubs here at Hogwarts have been busy this semester and kicked off the year with a variety of activities that are sure to cater to every student. But the new year also brought in new leadership to some of the clubs, most notably the Brotherhood of Magic and Accio who’s previous leaders graduated last year.

Speaking of Brotherhood of Magic, they started off the year with a casual meeting to welcome new and returning members. Their sister club Heta Omega also started off the year with a social meeting for members to get acquainted with each other. But that’s not all they’ve got planned. After last year’s success they’re teaming up again to match students up for blind dates to the Yule Ball. So everyone, keep an eye out for those awkward blind dates on the dance floor again this year.

The Wild Patch were busy at work as well. Their meeting mostly involved getting an unfortunate infestation of horklumps under control. Thankfully no students were harmed but streeler venom or stray jinxes, and hopefully they will be back to planting in no time. The Student’s Defense Association also had a very hands on meeting and used their time wisely to practice shield spells. Watch out for next semester’s dueling tournament, it’s sure to be extra thrilling.

The creatives at the school have also been keeping up their crafts. The Conglomerated Art’s Club took to quilting this time and created a memory quilt full of individual squares just as unique as all the members who participated. Here at the Monthly we have been hard at work putting together this issue for you as well as brainstorming ways to make it even better. Accio has also been hard at work taking photos and covering school events for our annual yearbook, out next semester.

That is what all the clubs have been up to this semester. Clubs are a great way to make friends and learn new things. If any of them sounded interesting, reach out during next year’s club fair to be a part of something!
Halloween Tricks and Treats
By: Estella Fuentes
Interview Spotlight: Elliot Briar
By: Adorah Zumwalt
Yet another Halloween Feast was underway this semester with even more crazy and creative costumes and decorations. The House Elves were a great help yet again as they provided us with some spooky treats and snacks including gummy worms that moved on their own. As usual, there were even fun games to play that included apples and paper-made grindylows, and amazing mirrors that completely disfigured one’s appearance. It was definitely a hoot!

My favourite part about Halloween has always been the costumes and dressing up. An Easter Bunny costume definitely doesn’t give me Halloween vibes, and nor does dressing up as your relative, but the zombie costumes and the skeleton costumes definitely stood out to me. There were fortunately a good amount of people that actually did put effort into their outfits, so it would be a waste for me to not mention them. Personally, one of my favourites had to be Salem Lee as Strawberry Ice Cream. It was the cutest take on it, and despite it not even being Halloween themed, I rather enjoyed the character that went into it. Additionally, Hattie Thorne’s spider costume was definitely one of the scariest! The legs on her back jumped out at me a couple of times as I walked by. It reminded me of those spider cupcakes.

There were however some well deserved winners who took home some prizes. Best Overall was given to Blue Hoshino for her Kitten costume. It was one of the cutest, and definitely something that caught my eye. Then was Lillith and Tilly who went as people from Sesame Street and won Best Couple. I’m not sure what a Sesame Street is, but they looked like they were having lots of fun in those monster costumes! Best Magically Enhanced was taken by Elliot Briar who went as an invisible man. I’m not sure that I saw that one, but it must have been really good. Jordan Harris’s scarecrow costume took him home the title of Most Scary, whilst Charlie Halkovaara’s Haunted Halloween Costume took him home the title of Most Traditional Halloween. They were definitely ones that stood out to me too and I commend both of them on their efforts as they prove Hufflepuff House to be just as creative as Ravenclaw! And last but certainly not least was Sutton Spencer and her costume as a bookworm for Most Ridiculous. I appreciate costumes that can make people smile! I’m definitely looking forward to seeing some more creative costumes next year, so keep up the good work guys!

Overall, Halloween was lots of fun! As we head into the new year it is certainly something we can look back on, and even look forward to as we await the next one. I am so very thankful for the house elves and the staff at Hogwarts that provide us with these opportunities and acknowledgement must be given to them and their efforts in putting the Halloween Feast for us together this year. All the best for the years to come!
When reflecting on who I’d like to interview this semester, my first thought always goes to professors. At the same time, our fellow students are just as valuable to get to know and learn things from. That’s why I decided to speak to this year’s Head Boy, Elliot Briar.

Adorah Zumwalt: Today, I’m interviewing this year’s Head Boy, Elliot Briar. Not only has he been an excellent seeker, but he is one of Hufflepuff’s quidditch captains and a co-leader of the Wild Patch. Did I get that right?

Elliot Briar: Well, ‘excellent’ feels like a stretch, but thanks. And yes, I run the Wild Patch solo this year now that William’s graduated, but I have Amy helping me with the Quidditch team at least.

AZ: My apologies. That makes you even more excellent. Don’t sell yourself short! Anyway, I think I’ll just go through my list of questions, and then we can deviate as needed. Sound good?

EB: I appreciate the vote of confidence. And sure, fire away.

AZ: Alright! So, first question: What has been the most challenging thing about being Head Boy?

EB: Most challenging honestly… I think knowing everyone’s aware of me. I feel like there’s a big spotlight on everything I do now, maybe that’s big headed of me, but it’s unnerving.

AZ: I’m sure that’s stressful. Speaking of, what would you recommend to students who are stressed, whether it be from quidditch, exams, clubs, or leadership duties, all of which you have experience with?

EB: I guess I do have experience with juggling a lot by now. And it’s still a struggle, don’t get me wrong, but I think my best advice is find something fun, or calming, and make time for it. Whether it’s hanging with your friends or for me, it’s personal projects in the Wild Patch, just make time in your schedule, no matter how busy or pressing exams or school or whatever is, and do that thing so you have time to breathe.

AZ: I think that’s some really good advice. Alright, next question - what would you consider your biggest accomplishment to have been at Hogwarts?

EB: Now I just need to follow my own advice… At the risk of dodging the question, I feel like most of my accomplishments at Hogwarts have been a group effort, but I guess I’m most proud of Wild Patch and how well it’s looked after. I guess specifically, I’m proud of the Patch’s bee boxes. It’s fun to think they’ll be something to benefit the Wild Patch even after I graduate.

AZ: I think that’s a wonderful accomplishment, even if I don’t quite know what a bee box is. It sounds like you’ve been heavily involved with that club over the years. Will you be going into something plant-related after graduation?

EB: It’s just sort of a box for bees to live in. But yeah, kind of. I think. I’ve been working at Ollivander’s for a bit now and I’m pretty sure I want to stick with it and learn more about wandlore once I graduate. Honestly, kind of scary realizing just how soon that is too, thanks.

AZ: Oh, that makes sense about the bees. Being a wandmaker sounds really fascinating and is so essential to the future of our world. I wish I could ask you so many more questions, but I just saw the time. Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with me!

What Lurks Below?
By: Sydney Townsend
There has long been stories circulating the school of the sorts of creatures that might dwell within the dark waters of the school lake. And while there is indeed a mercolony located within its waters, the school gossip suggests something far more interesting than merfolk below the surface. As any diligent reporter would do, I’ve been sifting through the rumours, stories, and recorded facts for you all semester so that we can truly get to the bottom of what may lurk in our very own watery backyard.

Though records are scarce, it would seem this is not the first time there has been discussion of beings within the lake. I’ve heard that many years ago students claimed the lake played host to both a shark or squid, though it’s been difficult to separate the fact from fiction. Considering our sister school in Scotland boasts their own giant squid, it’s not that far-fetched to consider, freshwater vs saltwater notwithstanding.

Lately though, there has been an increase in sightings of something else below the lakewater, with numerous fool-hardy or observant students trying their hand at spotting or identifying this creature with all manner of methods. I myself have not seen the creature, though I have witnessed several attempts at spotting it, from binoculars to fireworks, with none to truly yield any credible results.

Ultimately, we can be certain there is something dwelling within our lake, though the details are as murky as the deeper lake water it resides in. Truly, we can only confirm whatever it is is large, long, and according to some accounts, yellow. A truly baffling set of descriptors for any interested cryptologist to pursue. So I encourage you students to keep your eyes peeled and on the lakeshore in these coming months. Perhaps, with enough eyes on the lake we will know soon enough what lurks below.
Ask Aunt Meg
By: Samantha Jacobs
By: Poppy Perkins
Dear Aunt Meg
I've never liked a guy before. I get along really well with a boy I met, and I really like him. But I'm protecting someone very important to me and I'm worried that the boy won't understand. Is it bad that I'd rather protect the person, than be with the boy? It hurts thinking I might have to choose, but I know I'd always protect the people I love no matter what. Am I a bad person?
Torn troublemaker.

Dear Torn Troublemaker,
There is absolutely nothing wrong or bad about protecting someone else. If you think that the boy may see it in a different light, the best way I think that may help is that you could talk to the boy you may like it, hoping that maybe it may help him with the miscommunication. But I don’t think you’re a bad person, and it’s okay to protect those you love. I respect that.

Aunt Meg.
All my life it's just been me and my dad. I've grown up with magic and non-magic combined, we live in the middle of New York. I've never had anyone other than my dad. He convinced me to come to school but I've never been away from home for more than a few days in all my life. I don't know how I'm supposed to make it seven years with only seeing him for a few months at a time. And why is it that there's no such thing as a phone call or something similar? We can reverse knees and grow horns out of each other's heads but we have to communicate through birds? How does anyone survive being cut off from the world here?

Dear Homesick,

I can somewhat understand how you feel. I’ve also been brought up with both the magical and non-magical world, as both of my parents have different blood statuses. However, I have heard that the school had a meeting for the witches and wizards that grew up in the muggle world, I think that may help. I also think that talking to people who have a similar experience to you may help.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): If you’ve been feeling down about yourself, this is your sign to change that. Do something drastic or try something totally new.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): You might need to double check your homework. Now isn’t to do anything halfway. A little extra work now will benefit you later.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Romance seems like it might be in your future but in a place you don’t expect it. Keep watch for Scorpios, they don’t have your best interests in mind right now.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): If there is some task you have been putting off, it will resolve one way or another. Better take care of it before it breaks bad for you or others.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Have you lost something? It might be coming back to you. Keep an open mind and follow your gut. Luck seems to be on your side for now.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Fortune is in your future. But you will have to let go of the past before it will find you. Also, try seeking out Aquarius for some help.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): It looks like things are about to get worse before they get better unfortunately. Stay strong and the tide will turn eventually.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Determination is a good look for you. Keep it up and your goals should be reached soon. But don’t hesitate to ask for help if you really need it.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Now should be a time of listening and reflecting. Be conscious of your actions more than usual. You might be surprised with what you find.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Do you know any Aries? They may be hiding something that could possibly hurt you. It’s best to address it head on and ask them directly.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): You should be focusing on yourself and what you need. The energy you put out isn’t always returned and it’s ok to be selfish sometimes.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Everyone makes mistakes but it’s important not to let them define you. Do what you need to make things better for yourself and others. Lucky number: 8.
Branson's Bookclub:
The Library of the Unwritten
By: Branson Archer
Loaded M&M Oreo Cookie Bars
By: Rhys Garner
"Nothing burns up humanity as thoroughly as eternity."
Welcome back everyone to another book report. This time around I took the time to read, The Library of the Unwritten, a muggle novel by A. J. Hackwith. This book piqued my interest when I found out it was about a library, and not just any library but a library in hell, a neutral space of hell. The library doesn’t store traditional books but it holds unwritten books, ideas that never get fully written down, fleshed out or finished. It is a very interesting premise with an interesting idea. The protagonist of the book minds the library and keeps everything in control. Sometimes characters from these unwritten novels manage to escape and often try to go into the living world. This is how we find our main character, racing into the living world to stop an unwritten character from speaking to their creator.

Library of the Unwritten is a fast paced and really interesting novel, it explores really interesting themes overall is a really fun read. It is definitely a more engaging read than the last book we covered and though it doesn’t really delve much into romance is not a book lacking in strong supporting characters. Everything is really clear and easy to follow. It shows a world that is pretty different from our magical one and stays more than interesting the whole time. I don’t want to give anything away from the plot of the novel, it’s a really fun book, definitely won’t take up too much time and deals with really interesting things, so I’d definitely recommend that everyone go check it out.

This perhaps a rather short book report, but mostly it is because I believe most would benefit from just having a read at this book. But I will leave you with my favourite quote from it, speaking to the way not every idea that a person has for a book can end up becoming something:

“Stories can die. Of course they can. Ask any author who's had an idea wither in their head, fail to thrive and bear fruit. Or a book that spoke to you as a child but upon revisiting it was silent and empty. Stories can die from neglect, from abuse, from rot. Even war, as Shakespeare warned, can turn books to graves.
We seek to preserve the books, of course. But we forget the flip side of that duty: treasure what we have. Honor the stories that speak to you, that give you something you need to keep going. Cherish stories while they are here. There's a reason the unwritten live on something as fragile as paper.”

Next semester we will look at the apparently very sad novel, On the Beach by Nevil Shute. But until then happy reading everyone!
  • 1 large egg, room temperature
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, optional
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 18 Oreo cookies, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 cup milk chocolate M&M's
  • Preheat the oven to 360°
  • Line an 8-in. square baking pan with foil, letting the ends extend up sides of the pan. Grease the foil.
  • In a large bowl, whisk egg, brown sugar, butter, and vanilla until blended.
  • If desired, add baking soda and salt to the flour, then, add the flour to the brown sugar mixture.
  • Stir in chopped Oreos to the mix.
  • Pour the mixture into the prepared pan, then sprinkle with the M&M's evenly.
  • Bake the mixture for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with moist crumbs.
  • Cool completely in the pan on a wire rack.
  • Remove from the pan and cut into squares and serve.

"If you had to change to a different House, where would you want to be sorted and why?"
By: Nell Wright
Chloe Lee
Ravenclaw First Year
"If I had to change houses, it would be Slytherin. Because it seems closer to my essence, because I have a very big instinct for self-preservation, everything has happened in my life. Moreover, I am not smart enough to be historically appropriate house in which I am now."
Natalia Novak
Slytherin Second Year
"I wouldn't want to change, Slytherin is the superior house. I suppose if I had to it would be Ravenclaw."
Skylar Anderson
Gryffindor Third Year
"I would definitely want to be sorted into Hufflepuff since they all seem so nice and caring! And what's even better is that it'd mean I'd get to eat more of Lillith's baking!"
Casper Beckett
Hufflepuff Fourth Year
"Who, me? Oh, um, Gryffindor? My cousin is in Gryffindor."
Tobe-Mae Ellis
Slytherin Fifth Year
"Ask the Sorting Hat. I can't see myself anywhere but Slytherin. It's me."
Hattie Thorne
Ravenclaw Sixth Year
"That is a very hard question... I really love Ravenclaw House, but if I really had to pick another house to be in it would be Gryffindor. My aunt was sorted there and I really like Professor Kingsley!"
Jasper Michaels
Gryffindor Seventh Year
"Why would I change houses? I suppose if I must, I would be a Slytherin, they have less stairs to trek."
Professor Yvonne Dubois
Divination Years 5-7
“Probably Ravenclaw. They’re a clever bunch and I like the towers.”
Editor's Note
By: Nell Wright
Well, that's another issue done and dusted! This is the beginning of my final year as the editor of Hogwarts Monthly, but I have no doubt that this incredible team will continue to bring you bumper issues every semester, for years to come! As always I would like to thank my wonderful staff for their work on this issue, and the commitment they've put in to bringing news to the people of Hogwarts. This paper would never happen without such an amazing team behind it, and I'm incredibly proud and grateful to work with so many talented and committed journalists.
Sully didn't always bother with the Monthly, but he usually at least spared a moment for the Quidditch section, flipping it over to skim while he ate. He scowled when he saw the coverage of the Gryffindor and Slytherin match, mouthing Jasper's name in annoyance when he saw he got a shout out and none of the Gryffindor chasers did. Quickly searching for the name of the author, Sully stood up, glancing around the hall. "Oi, Charlie Hacka-whatsit, what gives with the bad Gryffindor press?" He called out to the room at large, giving the Monthly in his hand a little shake. "Lame as," he muttered, sitting back down and tossing the paper on the table in front of him dismissively. They could have at least got some credit for playing their butts off that game, it wasn't their fault they were up against Blake.
Elliot probably never would have agreed to doing an interview if anyone but Adorah, or possibly Nell, had asked him. The idea of having something like that printed for the whole school to see was daunting, but at the time it had just felt like he was chatting with his friend. Now that Elliot was actually staring it down in the Monthly though, he was less sure about it.

He'd probably read the article a thousand times and was desperately hoping he didn't come across like an idiot. Not that he didn't trust Adorah to help him save face, and he had enjoyed doing it, but Elliot still couldn't dismiss the lingering voice in his head that said he looked like a tool for doing this. He reread the article again, his free hand shoved in his hair, on the off chance that one last review of it would help decide if he should be embarrassed or not yet.
Charlie was eating his breakfast when he heard someone speak his name. He turned,, seeing a Gryffindor player, Sully, and couldn't help but swallowing nervously. "Helkovaara. And there is no bad press, Slytherin just gave a stronger performance. The first draft was more detailed, but word limits." He shrugged. @Solomon Tofilau
Lily walked into breakfast, and immediately spotted Elliot. She smiled softly, recognizing the look on his face. She sat next to him, reaching out to pat his hand. "Now, now, you did wonderfully. Don't worry so." she tried to reassure him. @Elliot Briar
Adorah was glad that the paper was finally out, pretty proud of her interview with Elliot. She grabbed a copy, looking at quidditch to see if her sister had been included and was disappointed when most of the Ravenclaw coverage was about the captains. They did well, sure, but maybe she was biased. She saw Elliot nearby, giving him a smile, hoping he was okay with the interview as she continued to sift through the articles.

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