HM Meeting Y37/S1

Nell Night

🐇 curious 🐇 annoying 🐇 🐇 prophet journalist 🐇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (27)
After a year of running the Monthly, Nell wasn't all that worried about her performance as Editor anymore. Somehow she had managed to pull off putting the paper out and keeping on top of her studies. Certainly a lot better than she had done the year before that. So this year Nell's worries had nothing to do with her actual capabilities. No, this year it was all about her mood. Although she had been nervous, last year she had kicked things off with a bright smile to welcome their new members and encourage the team to believe in her leadership. But this year... It was hard not to be scared of the way people would look at her.

'Most likely to get married'... getting her copy of the yearbook had felt like a sick joke, and knowing all of her schoolmates had seen that, some of them had probably voted for her, it only hurt more. She had done okay just hanging around with friends so far, but now that she had to face the club at large... would they pity her? Would they think it was pathetic? She almost didn't know how much more sympathy she could handle, and the thought had given her a lump in her throat the size of a quaffle. Nell did her best to ignore her nerves and keep herself occupied, neatening the Monthly office over and over again and straightening the chairs around their big round table as she waited for the rest of the club to arrive for their first meeting of the year.
Samantha had joined the Hogwarts Monthly since she started Hogwarts. She always liked to write or help any way she could for the paper. Sam liked writing and showing her creativity, even if she wasn't one of the greatest writers out there. One of the things she liked the most when joining the club, was that she liked going to the meetings. As it was somehow one of the ways that the club could interact with the club members, as well as meeting the new members, as ones graduated from Hogwarts. Sam was a little nervous to go into the meeting this time. And she didn't know why. Samantha slowly but nervously walked inside the Monthly office, noticing that she was the first person to turn up. Usually, there were people here before her. So this was a little weird for Samantha. She waves and smiles at Nell. "Hey, Nell. How are ya?" Samanta greets the older girl with a wave, as she takes a seat.
Thalia was looking forward to the new year. She was a third year now, which meant that she had the chance to pick her classes, though it hadn't been very difficult at all for her to choose which ones she wanted to do. She enjoyed most of them, and figured that not having too much on her plate was probably the best way to do well. She was excited for Quidditch, not to mention the sisterhood and the school newspaper. She planned to be more involved and attempt to socialise a little more than she had in her first and second years at Hogwarts. It was scary, but she had to push herself sometimes. She entered the room for the HM meeting, and took a seat. She noticed that besides Nell and another older girl Thalia forgot the name of, she was the only one in the room. She remained where she was, thinking of how awkward it would be if she just went up to them to greet them; they were probably friends which would leave Thalia as the outsider. Not to mention she did not want to be rude and interrupt their conversation. So instead, she gave them both a small smile and a wave and waited for everyone else to arrive.​
Poppy was nervous to enter the Monthly room for probably the first time ever. But this time she was assistant editor and she wanted to make a good impression, even if everyone on the paper already knew her. She just wanted to do a good job since Nell had chosen her over all the other qualified people on the staff. When she arrived she frowned seeing there were already people seated at the table. She smiled warmly at Nell and took a seat near her and waved to the rest of the staff that had already arrived. “Hope everyone had a good break!“ she said cheerfully, to no one in particular.
River walked into the Hogwarts Monthly room. She had gotten a little lost, but managed to find her way eventually. As she entered the room she looked around nervously for her older sister. The two hadn't spent much time together, but she planned more in the future of course. The nerves were mostly due to the fact River was joining the same club as her sister. In reality, River had always wanted to be a journalist. It was her thing. Instead her older sister joined the club before she even arrived at Hogwarts. It was ridiculous that Emmaline had thought this would be an easy club that looked great on a resume. Journalism was serious. It required focus and the work; creating a story but just the details, always ending in an amazing read. All the work was always worth the final product. River had always known this as writing was something that had always interested her.

The young Slytherin first year smiled as she saw the other members of the club. Although she did not know anyone, she knew she would soon know them all. It seemed like a group activity, much like her swim team in school previously. A team. Something this young girl missed as she felt a little lonely in such a new and big school.

"Hey Everyone" She said with a little wave, her red hair bright as ever today, styled in a simple bob with her signature bow. She could not contain her excitement, even if once a while a little of her nerves got the better of her. Everything would be better when Emmaline arrived. Then at least it would be out in the open. River looked around the room wondering if she was the only first year to join this club. River did not mind, but could not help but be curious about the fact.
Sydney's year was off to a terrible start. She'd been made a prefect against her will, Tyler had underhandedly stolen her duelling victory in their exhibition match and Samantha was dating that idiot, Ren. At least the HM provided some semblance of sanity in the madhouse of a school she was forced to attend. Entering the clubroom for their first meeting though, Sydney immediately had to alter her course to avoid coming too close to Samantha. Instead, she simply took a seat near Poppy, who was apparently their new assistant editor. Sydney was fairly sure she had only gotten the job because Sydney was too busy, as a consolation, so she was willing to give Poppy a chance. The Ravenclaw seemed reliable at least, even if her usual Horoscope column was a load of hogwash. "I take it you did since you're so cheery," She said blandly to Poppy, nodding a vague hello to one of their new first years who greeted the room. Sydney liked to keep a general eye on the new interns, always curious to see who would actually pull their weight or not. @Poppy Perkins
Cyzarine had a lot more work of her own to be doing, but she was still going along to the meeting, she had been a part of the monthly since she had started at the school and was very hopeful that she would continue to be when she graduated but she knew that she just did not have as much time to dedicate to it as she might’ve wanted. Cyzarine had to just let herself realise that she didn’t have to do everything, she could maybe take a little step back from writing each semester and instead write in one if she had the time. She’d been part of the club for long enough, written enough for that to possibly be the case for her. She greeted Nell with a smile as she entered the meeting room, she’d heard about the break up but didn’t really want to crowd Nell. Not in such a public space. She just gave the girl the warmest and friendliest smile she could as she took a spot to wait for the meeting to get started.
If he had been nervous for his first brotherhood meeting then he was even more nervous for his first ever meeting with the hogwarts monthly, while he wouldn’t have to do much for the brotherhood, he would actually have to do things with the monthly, he’d literally signed up for that. So while he was keen and he’d already started on the book he was going to cover, he was still nervous. He stepped into the meeting room and looked to the people that were already there. He didn’t recognise any of them, well, apart from the leader of the club since it was her he’d originally spoken to when signing up. He took a spot in the meeting room, and nervous fidgeted with his hands as he waited for the meeting to get underway.
Emmaline entered into the room in which the Hogwarts Monthly club would take place. She had only written one article so far, but the young girl was determined to put more of an effort this year. She had struggled so much with her classes the last semester and the stress of getting the best grades, she was exhausted at the end of the year to say the least. Luckily after seeing what life would be like if she was back home, Emmaline realized how lucky she was to be back at Hogwarts. The issue stood that now her homelife had joined her here at school, as her sister was sorted, luckily into Slytherin. At least that gave Emmaline some time to herself.

Emmaline's blue eyes widened as she noticed River in the room full of students. Although she had expected her 'writer' sister to join this club, she had not really given it much thought. I guess I put this upon myself She thought knowing this was not the worst thing ever. Maybe even River could help her with her article.

The young Gryffindor smiled at her fellow members fondly before taking a seat next to her young sister. She flashed River an almost motherly smile, before Emmaline took out her notebook, just in case something important needed to be written down.
Adorah had been nervous to join a new club, but she wanted to have another thing to add to her resume after she graduated. Heta Omega wasn't very helpful in terms of anything except social gatherings, and while she now could add prefect, there still seemed to be some things lacking. As she entered the HM room, she saw Samantha and Nell, taking a seat beside her friend. "Hey," she said to the Hufflepuff and gave a small wave to Nell. She glanced around the room and noticed another familiar face or two but not really many others she had interacted with. This might be a good thing as well. More people that she would know around school.

@Nell Wright @Samantha Jacobs
Beckett arrived at the meeting, this better be worth his time because he was wasting hours of study. This year he was working twice as hard, he would never be Ravenclaw points top earner before his third year but he decided to still keep trying, one thing that killed him was Emmaline being Gryffindor's points top earner.
As he entered the room his eyes were drawn to a person with red hair but when he saw the person sitting next to the red haired girl he froze. Emmaline. Of course she had to be there. The good thing was that at least here he could show her that he was better than her.

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