he's home

Junior listened to her description and hugged her close to him. He kissed the top of her head the cupped her face in his hands so he could look her straight in the face. "You know I'd never do that Cloe. I love you too much." He hugged her again. "I've already told you, dad's not getting anywhere near you."
Cloe felt better and fell asleep right in his arms. "i love you junior" she mumbled, then closed her eyes and snuggled close.
Junior held Cloe in his arms and fell asleep after her. He felt so comfy having Cloe in his arms, he didn't know what had made her have such a weird dream but he wanted her to forget about it as much as possible.
Cloe woke up the next a few moments later and felt hungry, so she went to the kitchen to seach for some food so she was in the mood for frenchfries and a cheese burger so she started to cook her some and she put some music on and started to dance to it.
Cloe turned and smiled then frowned when she saw his shirt, "aww my poor husband sorry i cried all over you last night i just don't know what happened" she said, giving him a kiss and taking his hand and spinning under his arm.
Cloe grinned, "yeah that dream wasn't as scary but it was the thought of you dad murdering that little kid" she said, smiling at him.
Cloe stepped close to Junior and wrapped her arms around him, "Babe, you won't turn into him i won't let you and besides your gonna be a great dad not like your father but better then him" she said, giving him a kiss on the lips.
Junior kissed Cloe and hugged her but he couldn't help feeling that he was starting to turn into what he used to be; a heartless tw@t with no friends and only his family to stand by. "I just hope you're right."
Cloe was gonna have to do something if he didn't cheer up, "cheer up or i'm gonna go hang out with your mom and the other two" she said, pulling him close and kissing him hard.
That had hurt Cloe feelings, "you mean i'm fat?" she asked, frowning and looking down she though she looked the same but she was getting a little fat.
"Of course." Junior smiled and put his hand on her stomach. "You have our baby growing in there. You'll need to be fat because otherwise it wont be big and strong like it's mum." He kissed her and then noticed the food. "You do realise that's about to burn don't you." He laughed.
Cloe tooke it off the burner and blushed, "um can you help?" she asked, smiling at him and all the fries as she started to eat them right off the pan and she just ate the burger plain.
Cloe grinned and thought for a minute, "hmmm yeah a few more things." she said, giving him a kiss and smiled.
Cloe shook her head, "Those are mine" she said, giving him a shove and heard her faviorte song and started to dance to it.
"You asked for help." Junior laughed. Then he watched her dancing. She looked so beautiful. He knew that she was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He was hypnotized by her amazing beauty as she spun round dancing to the music.
Cloe caught him looking, "hey buddy your my partner so that means you dance with me" she said, pulling him and started to dance with him.
Cloe stopped and gave him a puppy dog look, "Please" she begged him moving in closer and giving him a kiss on the lips.

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