he's home

Cloe heard Sam leave and then saw Junior when he entered the room, "you should curl up to you look tired" she said, smiling at him.
Junior turned away from the closing door and looked at his mum as he spoke for the first time since she'd arrived. "How's everyone doing??" Junior asked it out of concern not curiosity.
"Not very good." Sam shook her head. "Jasper's worst off. I don't know whether Odie's going to have a good pregnancy because she keeps having him at her throat." Sam put her elbows on her knees and her hands over her face. "Everyone's been making the best excuses possible to get out the house. Others have been legging it the second his back is turned."
Cloe heard all this and was worried and wondered what was wrong with him.
Cloe couldn't sleep so she decided to sneak out and go to the libaray.
"He's still in bed. I've been having to take all his meals up to him so he doesn't have to get up. He hit his head very hard. Every time he stands up he falls over. It's horrible seeing him like that." Sam sighed. "Everyone's ended up with some marks."
Cloe heard this and decided, "is he still drinking?" she asked, finally heading to the livingroom.
Sam's head shot round when she heard Cloe speak. She hadn't realised she was there. "He says he isn't but I know he is. I've seen him and I've smelt it on his breathe. He still denies it though."
Cloe came to sit down, "hmm it seems that if you let him drink freely at home not to much but like during the day it might help a bit for when we're over he was in a good mood when he was drinking" she said, knowing how stupid it sounded.
"Him drinking just makes our life hell as well. He has no idea who he is when he's drunk and he ends up hurting himself which then hurts other people anyway." Sam leaned back in the sofa.
Cloe gave up, "i don't know anymore" she said, sitting by her mother in law.
Sam put her arm round Cloe. "Nor does anyone else. I've known him for thirty years and I've never seen him like this. He was for a few months after his dad was put in azkaban but he was fifteen then. It wasn't very difficult to stop him."
Cloe thought her father in law and thought he need help but didn't want to saw so as a million emotion went across her face.
"He's under a lot of stress right now. We just need to find a way to calm him down." She kissed Cloe on the head. Sam felt like Cloe was her actual daughter.
Cloe smiled at her, "yeah so how the baby?" she asked, her smiling at Junior because she never told him but thought he knew.
"I don't know. The stress in the house isn't the best environment for a pregnant woman. It's the same with Odie and Ana." Sam was worried for all the babies and didn't know what to do.
Cloe looked at her, "maybe all three of you should come over here and how is Candy? is she really pregent?" Cloe asked, knowing that Jasper was in pain right now.
"She was. She's not anymore." Sam shrugged. "I expect it was probably because she had too much stress so ended up reabsorbing it. I don't know though."
Cloe smiled, "so i heard that she came back and talked to Jasper how did that go?" she asked, her.
"Bad." Sam took in a deep breath. "Candy stood up to Dervish and that's something that makes him worse than he already is."
Cloe felt pain now and felt sick and she was pale, "what happened?" she asked, clutching her stomach and bending over.
Cloe swallowed, "yeah just need some water" she said, trying to keep the thoughts out of her head.

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