he's home

"Nobody's been exactly getting along with my dad at the moment and it's resulted in injuries. I don't want you to get hurt. I want you safe." He kissed her forehead.
Cloe gave up, "fine lets go home and then send them an owl" she said, hoping he liked that idea as she ran her hand under his shirt.
Cloe grinned at him, "your welcome i love you" she said, smiling at the thought of a little green running around. "so what do you want to do now?" she asked, him.
Cloe grinned and went to make her something to eat. "i'm hungry" she said, smiling at him bringing him a plate also.
Cloe laid on the couch with her head in his lap and smiled up at him, "yeah but i don't want to then who will take care of my death eater?" she asked, hearing a knock on the door.
Cloe smiled, "yeah your mother" she said, as Junior opened the door to revel Sam Green. "hey mom" she said, smiling at her.
Sam smiled as she walked intothe room and hugged Cloe and Junior. "How have you two been??"
Cloe smiled at her, "sick and tired and happy that Junior back" she said, hugging her and laying back on the couch and sitting up to have Junior sit down by her.
It wasn't unusual for Sam to feel sick or tired as she was pregnant but it was odd that Cloe was feeling that way. "What do you mean sick and tired??" She sat down by her son and daughter-in-law.
Cloe smiled at her, "didn't you get my message I'm Pregent" she said, and looked at Junior.
"I'm so happy for you." Sam smiled as she pushed herself up and hugged Cloe. "We could make a club with all the pregnant women in this family." She laughed.
Cloe blushed, "i bet" she said, smiling at Sam and taking Junior hand in her own. "so how Dad?" she asked, knowing he probably went to the meeting to.
"Not good." Sam smiled but the smiled didn't reach her eyes. "He's in really bad tempers just recently and nobody can calm him down. It seems the best idea is to stay away from him."
Cloe looked at her and felt sadness for her, "oh maybe there's a reason he always upset was he always like this?" she asked, wondering.
"No." Sam shook her head. "He's had times where he's been in a bad mood but he used to be a great guy. Now he just hits anyone who steps slightly out of line."
Cloe worried for Junior, "so if he knew would he get mad?" she asked, scared now and thought of when she first met Junior.
"Probably. It's best to keep it quiet for now. Wait till he's in a better mood." Sam smiled encouragingly at Cloe.
Cloe smiled back, "ok i'm gonna go lay down you guys" she said, hugging Sam and giving Junior a kiss.
"Are you sure??" Sam asked. "I always find it best to keep moving otherwise I end up vomiting."
Cloe smiled, "yeah i didn't sleep last night and it been tiring" she said, standing up and walking to the bedroom.
"Well, I'll let you rest then." She smiled as she watched Cloe walk into the bedroom.

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