Help me with some RPs

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi everyone,

Every once in a while, usually when I’m at my busiest xD , my muse to write creatively kicks into high gear. I think it’s because HNZ has always been my me time. Anyway, here we go. Just as a warning, I say I have muse but it might still be a few days in between replies from me (though if I go longer than a week, you should probably poke me ;) ).

Primary Focus:
1. Jeremy Thorne – Healer. Single. Former Ravenclaw Head Boy.

I’d like Jeremy to begin the process of adopting a child, so if you have an idea for a child character or have one already that might be adoptable, let’s talk! :D I’m also open to him renewing friendships with any of his old schoolmates, having RPs with people who have medical issues (he works in the emergency room at St. Mungo’s) or anything else.

2. Tobiah Djordjevic – Unemployed. Single. Trouble.

I do think that with a kick in the butt, Tobiah might end up joining the Scitorari. I'm pretty sure I had an RP planned once for this. He believes in their ideals, but doesn’t have the desire to actually do the work to help ‘the cause.’ He recently found out he has a daughter, which should have forced him to grow up a bit, but it hasn’t. He spends time with her when it’s convenient for him. For Tobiah, I’m up for anything.

3. Cyndi Kingsley – Professor of Ancient Runes. Married. Gryffindor.

I’d like for Cyndi to expand her social circle, in and out of the castle. Being the wife of the Minister is much more isolating than she’d expected it to be, and as his term is coming to an end, Cyndi is ready for it (and hoping her husband doesn’t run again though she’d probably never admit that to him :r ). I’m also always up for RPs with students. I love having her have conversations with the students. ^_^


4. Desislav Zhefarovich – Gryffindor. Dating Kayleigh Hunter. Prankster.

Desi is dismayed that people seem to have forgotten what a prankster he is, and he’s determined to fix that before he leaves the castle. If you’re up for getting pranked, let's do this. I also just enjoy RPing Desi in general, so help me!

5. Mason Talarico – Head Auror. Dating Sara Moon. Friendless.

Mason needs a life outside of his job and his girlfriend. Help!

And you can always check out my account tracker if you want to RP but the above characters aren't doing it for you. :p

I think that’s it! Thanks! ^_^
Feel free to PM or Skype me to plot, or post in here. Whatever works for you. :)

Cyndi! You have no idea how much I want to RP with you :hug:

I've had an idea of creating another child character for a while and it would definitely be a good idea if they could be adopted by Jeremy. They can be any age, preferably a baby when adopted, and we'll see where that goes from there :D

Feel free to message me on Skype about it!

We still need to do a Kendra/Jeremy rp. xD
Depending on when would be if she is pregnant or not. ^_^
Let's do this.

For Cyndi, I think she would get along well with Ariel Blade. She's cute, fun loving & she's bubbly af. I think the two of them would probably be good friends just through Ariels personality since she's so out there & happy.

Tobiah could meet Jake & I think Jake could be the kick in the butt you mention to get him to join the Scitorari. He could meet Jake & be a bit childish & Jake would crack a serious case of the shits and probably threaten him & he could let slip or mention that he would make a good Scit or that he should fear them or something.

That's it for now, I'll get back to you if I think of more though.
Desislav can absolutely prank Norton again if you want? Because Norton would 10/10 enjoy it. :r I'll come back later with better suggestions for the rest xD
:hug: Cyndi

am up for Desislav pranking Minerva.
She's so uptight and serious, she could do with a good pranking - though it could possibly traumatize her for the rest of her school year :woot:
Stefan Archer said:
Desislav can absolutely prank Norton again if you want? Because Norton would 10/10 enjoy it. :r I'll come back later with better suggestions for the rest xD
And Evelyn will sure hate it xD We discussed it a bit on skype but I think Evelyn and Desislav could be fun again. And also I got Elizabeth Wespurt and she enjoys doing pranks and explore stuff and isn't really someone to follow rules. I guess she would love to help him.
Yay, I have replies! :party:

Kaye: I will! :D

Kaitlyn: OMG, that would be a blast from the past. I forgot they were friends but seeing her name made me look up their RPs. ^_^

Zach: I don't know about Ariel just because of the age difference. I've found that Mrs. Kingsley always seems to fall into a motherly role when she RPs with people younger than her, so I think she needs someone closer to her age and probably with kids.
Tobiah/Jake: Sure. I'm not sure what he needs to be swayed towards or away from the Scits, so I guess we'll find out together. xD Want me to start or you?

Emzies & Linda: Considering both of your characters are first year Puffs, do you mind if we do a group RP where he pranks both of you? :r

Jamie: Yes, I'll Skype you so we can figure out how to start the Desi/Evelyn RP. I have an idea. :)
Maybe Des can convince Kayleigh to help him prank someone xD otherwise Finn will be there to help if need be! Or maybe they can have a pranking war.
Umm...yes. Let's discuss a Finn/Desi something. :devious:
I'd love to RP Cyndi and Kahurangi again if you're up for it - I've really wanted to do more with Kahurangi for a while and I think they could make good friends... I imagine they would have had chats from time to time about student matters and syllabus stuff and whatnot, sharing a subject, and I think it'd be nice for them to build a bit of a friendship too :)
I'd be game for that!
Rowan: Yes, that sounds great. I enjoyed their last RP. Would you like me to start or would you like to?

Emzies & Linda: Great!! I'm going to see if Donna is up for this and then I'll PM you both. :)
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Kaitlyn: OMG, that would be a blast from the past. I forgot they were friends but seeing her name made me look up their RPs. ^_^
Whenever you are game for it, I am!
Aaah I don't mind, I'm happy either way :)
Professor Kalif Styx said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Kaitlyn: OMG, that would be a blast from the past. I forgot they were friends but seeing her name made me look up their RPs. ^_^
Whenever you are game for it, I am!

Ainsley Lynch said:
Aaah I don't mind, I'm happy either way :)

I can work on both of these and have RPs up on Sunday/Monday. :)
Hey bro :D
So on top of what we've already kinda planned, I'm kind of thinking a friendship with my character Levi and Mason would be pretty cool! Levi is a reformed workaholic who now balances work between his new child and his wife, and it would be cool for him to have a friend to wind down with. Levi currently lives in Boston, but since his stepchild(ren?) live in New Zealand, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to spend time there. Let me know what you think!
Samuel Phillips said:
Hey bro :D
So on top of what we've already kinda planned, I'm kind of thinking a friendship with my character Levi and Mason would be pretty cool! Levi is a reformed workaholic who now balances work between his new child and his wife, and it would be cool for him to have a friend to wind down with. Levi currently lives in Boston, but since his stepchild(ren?) live in New Zealand, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to spend time there. Let me know what you think!
Sure! I'll poke you so we can see if they might have known each other at some point before right now. He's just about the right age for a friend for Mason though if I was looking at the right profile. :)
November Albertson said:
Annual meet up of Jer and Georgiana? :) :hug:
It's that time, yes!
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Samuel Phillips said:
Hey bro :D
So on top of what we've already kinda planned, I'm kind of thinking a friendship with my character Levi and Mason would be pretty cool! Levi is a reformed workaholic who now balances work between his new child and his wife, and it would be cool for him to have a friend to wind down with. Levi currently lives in Boston, but since his stepchild(ren?) live in New Zealand, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to spend time there. Let me know what you think!
Sure! I'll poke you so we can see if they might have known each other at some point before right now. He's just about the right age for a friend for Mason though if I was looking at the right profile. :)
Sounds good! You were looking at the right profile :D
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
November Albertson said:
Annual meet up of Jer and Georgiana? :) :hug:
It's that time, yes!
Should we have them go to the same place as last time or should we have a new location? :)
Georgiana Night said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
November Albertson said:
Annual meet up of Jer and Georgiana? :) :hug:
It's that time, yes!
Should we have them go to the same place as last time or should we have a new location? :)
It doesn't matter to me.
Let's have them meet in NZ this time. I'll start this one since you started it last year :)
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