Closed Getting into the business

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The blonde was back at her own office and had an busy day today. When she made her way to the office in New Zealand she thought of her idea's of working less to get some time with her family and friends, but her work was just too nice to say no to stuff. And if she would work hard now she could later on enjoy. Her new collection needed to be done in a while. And if she looked to the future she wanted this before she would take an next step with her boyfriend Lucas. Things were good between them and he followed her around the world, he had been the best support she could have. And also Evelyn was glad that he got his own career and passion. It was sometimes an search to find what you wanted and she was glad she already know from young age on what she wanted. The first thing on her agenda today was meeting up with an girl who followed an internship with EVELYN some time ago. The girl wanted to meet and Evelyn liked giving young people an stage or some advice. And from what she knew with her internship and how well the girl did, she perhaps could offer her an job at her own company. She was creative enough. But she was also critical and wanted to see what the girl had done so far or which idea's she had.

As she sat down at her desk and got an coffee from her personal assistent she looked around. Her office was light and stylish. She had glass so she could watch people walk by or see coming and they could see her. An large desk to sat on and drawings on. Photo's from her collection and runways on the wall. And on her desk she had an photo of her and Lucas and one of her and her father. To make it an bit more personal. Evelyn liked to change stuff. She changed a lot also in the house and Lucas sometimes got crazy about it, but she couldn't blame him. She was inspired by a lot of stuff. The blonde took an sip of her coffee and waited for Juniper to come. She was ready to speak to her.

@Juniper Zumwalt
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Juniper had spent quite a bit of time focusing on quidditch since graduation, but it hadn't stopped her from designing in her spare time. She had continually forced Adorah to be her model, designing outfits for her to wear to nowhere. But at least she was creating. Thankfully, it had paid off, and she had been in talks with Vibez about a partnership to sell some of her clothing. It was the first time she was really going to make money off the whole thing, other than a few times at school from friends. Juniper was ecstatic but also nervous - what if her collections were only things she wanted to wear? What if the critics thought she was off base with her market? It brought up a lot of questions that she wasn't sure of the answers to, but thankfully, she knew of someone who might be able to quell her worries.

The former Ravenclaw had enjoyed her short time with Evelyn when she was younger, and it had actually allowed her to make a few connections in the industry, including Evelyn herself. As Juniper entered her building, she held onto her portfolio tightly, hoping that it would impress someone other than herself. She greeted a few familiar faces before being led up to the office. "Evelyn?" she asked, giving a rap on her door.
It seemed like people were finding their way to her company and that she didn't put the chance out there for internships for nothing. Since Juniper was here again meeting for whatever she wanted to discuss. And the blonde already got an new meeting appointed for an internship from an Hogwarts student. Also she got the sales report on her desk that Espen had dropped of. Gladrags did well with selling the EVELYN collection it seemed. It made her happy, money wasn't all but it was good to see that people liked the items. And it was special to her that she and Amber could work together in this.

As she heard an knock on the door she closed the sales report and watched in front of her noticing Juniper. Taking her wand out of her pocket she made an gesture and the door opened. '' Come further. Juniper.'' She said and smiled. Standing up and welcoming Juniper, gesturing to sit at the chair in front of her.
Juniper took a little breath before finding herself in Evelyn's office and taking a seat. It was odd to be here not as an intern and as, potentially, a promising colleague. She hadn't spoken to the woman in quite sometime, but she had hoped that with her advice, her collection would be ready and successful once it was released. "Thank you so much for meeting with me. How have you been?" she asked. Evelyn wasn't a terrible amount older than she was, but they were at very different stages in life, and Juniper loved hearing about what her twenties could be like.

After pleasantries, Juniper cut straight to the point. She definitely didn't want to waste Evelyn's time, and she knew it was important to get the most out of their visit. "So, the reason I asked to meet is because I'm finishing up my first like full collection, I guess. I've been in talks with a shop to put some pieces there. I'm still finishing up the like actual collection - they're a take on more fashionable wizards' robes. But I have a few one of a kind pieces that I would love your advice on." Juniper handed the book over to Evelyn and leaned back in the seat. She wasn't generally an anxious person, but this was something pretty important to her. "My sister did a lot of the modeling," she continued.


Evelyn knew she wasn't the only one with the ambitions to be succesfull in this industry. But it was no secret that she liked to be in the attention. Although Evelyn wasn't an person to walk next to her shoes, and pretend to be better than someone. She was gratefull for all she had achieved and worked hard for. And if there was something she could do for another she would. She smiled at Juniper and it was nice to see her again all grown up. '' I'm very good. Thanks.'' The blonde replied friendly. '' You have grown up.'' Evelyn than said with an smile. Meaning ofcourse she wasn't an child anymore. Evelyn put her hands over eachother and as her assistent put down something to drink for the both of them her lips curled as she heard Juniper being directly and why she was here to meet her. Ofcourse Evelyn knew some as her assistent always informed her what the meeting would be about. It wasn't like anyone could just walk in here to have an chat. The blonde liked that Juniper just told what was on her mind, she always liked that and had done herself. She was actually impressed she was around the same age when she did. '' That's good for you. So you decided to actually go for it.'' Evelyn than replied to the girl. Ofcourse it could be competition, but she felt more like an proud mother or sister in a way. She took the book from the girl and looked at it. '' Looks good. It's good to start with a few designs. The mermaid dress looks fantastic. '' Evelyn than replied, she loved the colour and the way magic was used in. Evelyn had also used some magic in her newest collection herself. It was nice seing creativity. '' You gonna parter with any store specific?'' The blonde than asked curious.​
Juniper gave Evelyn a smile at her comment. She had probably grown an inch or two since her internship and definitely looked and acted older. But it did feel odd for people to know her from so young and have preconceived notions potentially. Taking the drink, she gave the assistant a soft thank you before sipping it as she had told Evelyn about her designs.

Juniper tried to read Evelyn's face as she looked at her designs. It felt weird to only have them on paper and not people, where she felt the work truly shined. Thankfully, Evelyn seemed to like at least one piece, one Juniper had been pretty proud of since the magic had been a tad challenging. "Uh, Vibez? Well, I've been in talk with them, and it seems like a good fit. My designs aren't always... I'm not really a "something for everyone" type of person," she joked, thinking about the time she made Michael Newton a whole outfit out of flowers. "I guess I just want to know if you think there's a market for these, and you know, general advice."
Evelyn was impressed as the girl said she would partner with Vibez. Some of her pieces were also in the store, but she had an more close relationship with Gladrags. Although she figured it would not hurt to visit Vibez. She smiled as Juniper said exactly what Evelyn thought. She liked to have unique designs herself but she loved the strong confident look for womans and now also man the fashionable one. And it worked, but just like you grew yourself her designs also changed. '' Vibez really, that is an good one for you. '' As she noticed her designs and kind of style it was perfect fit. '' There is your signature than. I already figured. That is the nice thing about designing. It's bold, but I love it.'' Evelyn always had an eye and was an trendsetter, her brand was mostly the first to set an trend and than people followed. But she enjoyed people who thought differently and did their own thing. Evelyn nodded at her question. '' I guess there is. It's not the regular witch that will buy it. But people who want to stand out or have another opinion I think and dare to be different. And if that is what you want to present you have your market.'' Evelyn said truthfully and than sighted for an moment. '' Too bad for me than. I've would like to have you here. You have talent.'' She than said and put an charming smile. '' There isn't any position I can offer you I guess?'' Evelyn asked with an grin.​

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