Game of Thrones Discussion

Fewer episodes, but a number of them have a longer run time if I recall correctly.

Yeah that's right. I'm so excited for the end, but also sad. Though glad that there will be a spin off in the future.
I'm almost through season five now- just two episodes to go - and damn it's been a good season in every way.
I'm rewatching season 7 because I love it.
HOLY OMG YES. I just saw the trailer for the new season (and the last :cry:) It is amazing. Got goosebumps. Can't wait!!
Should I jump on this bandwagon? All this discussion makes it so tempting.
I lowkey want to watch this show, but I hear a lot of people die, and I cry when characters die. xD
I lowkey want to watch this show, but I hear a lot of people die, and I cry when characters die. xD

I understand the feeling. But it is worth it! You don't need to read spoilers and stuff but just watch. Trust me the best thing you ever have seen. And this fellow playby for Noël plays in as well -> he is a reason to watch for sure. Can't wait to use his gifs with a beard. Now he is just such a baby xD
oh my, I am so late to this thread. I'm sadly not on season seven at the moment, I just got onto season four, an episode or two after Joffery's death. Can i just say that was a little wild! There is so many twists and turns on the show, so I'll probably mention a few on here if you guys don't mind it being this late haha :D I haven't read any of the messages that have been posted on here as it might contain spoilers for me.

But I do have a question for you who have seen the show. Who is your favourite and least favourite character at the start of the show and who was your favourite and least favourite by the end of the show?

Again, I hope you don't mind starting this thread up again!
With this fellow my love for GOT is no secret. My absolute favorite is Daenerys Targaryen. Still after the end of the show as well. Least favorite I think Joffrey or Walder Frey.

It’s absolute my fave show ever! I can’t wait for the spin off series. I’m curious what you think if you seen all the seasons.
Really liked Eddard Stark at the start of the show. :r
I think I liked him more at the end of the show, the more you learn about him and his family (and Jon!), the more you realize how good a man he really was. Gotta respect that.

Obviously loved how the Stark women each learn to be powerful through their own paths.

Was really excited for the Bran potential around the middle of the show, and his storyline intrigued me the most. At the end of the show...... very disappointed. <_< Hopefully Martin's able to solve that for the book readers.
Hahaha yeah, my friends who have seen it, says that the last season was a huge letdown and a disappointment :(

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