For a little while

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi everyone!

In December, I was promoted and went from overseeing one program to four at the non profit I work for. Things really picked up in January...or so I thought until the end of February. x_x xD These past two weeks, especially this week, have been incredibly busy for me. And none of that's even taking into account site work. :o xD

I've been in need of a break for a bit, so I'm going to take advantage that apps are closed and responded to and lessons aren't happening to take that break. I'm not going on vacation so it won't be a total break :tut: , but I'll take what I can get. :p

I'll be away from the site from tomorrow until Monday, March 13th, just a short break to recharge. If you need a quick response on something, PM Nick. Otherwise, you've got a few hours to PM me before you'll have to wait until I'm back for a reply. I know I've plotted with a few of you (Anna and Cole- I haven't forgotten about you two though if I have RPs planned with anyone else I have forgotten and you should PM me :p ) and will be excited to get to those RPs when I return. ^_^

Have a good week.

Sounds a lot of things and busy what you all had to do! Enjoy your break and a well deserved one. Go and watch a lot of netflix with good food and do a lot of things you like!

Until soon! :hug:
Enjoy your break :hug: you certainly deserve it!
Enjoy your super well deserved break! You do so much so I hope you have a good time!
Thanks for taking care of the us, the hnz-ers :hug:

Enjoy your break, you totally deserve it!
You definitely deserve a break! Can't wait to rp when you get back :hug:
Hi y'all,

I hope everyone had a great week. I'm sort of back today, though I won't be on much tomorrow.

My week wasn't very break like- I had to work some on a day off D: , went to the state capital to do some lobbying, and started interviewing for an open position- but it was productive so I'll count that as a victory. :p I was able to get to the movies for the first time in months and get a desperately needed hair cut. xD

It'll be a day or so for me to catch up on things, but I'm getting to it (and your PMs).

:hug: I'm sorry it wasn't as relaxing as you hoped but I still hope you enjoyed your well deserved break! Take it easy ^_^
Yeah Cyndi welcome back!! To bad you couldn't netflix like all the time, but being productive is not bad either! ^_^
Welcome back Cyndi!! :hug: I'm glad you had a little time to yourself. Hope the movie lived up to the reviews! :party:
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