Fancy Werewolf

Monty Pendleton

💡 Inventor | Guardian 💡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (63)
It's time for another WEREWOLF! *howl*
This time with 100% extra fanciness!*

*extra fanciness does not affect gameplay

Please do not sign up to play this game if you won't be active on the board during play.

This is a forum variation of the popular table/party game "Werewolf" (or "Mafia", "Assassin", etc.).

The Story:
Players live peacefully in a small village until one night everything goes terribly wrong. It seems werewolves are loose in the town, and every night another person is mauled! The townspeople must unite, weed out the werewolf, and lynch them before any more of the comrades go missing.
The villagers play to kill the werewolf.
The werewolves play to decimate the town.
Who will win in this epic struggle?

How We'll Play:
Signups will begin immediately and close once we have enough people to play or sometime next week.
Once signups are closed, every player will be sent a PM with their role in the game and, if needed, instructions on how to play their role.
There are two phases during play.
Day Phase:
During the day, players talk and discuss suspicions as well as vote for who they want to lynch that day from the village. The player who most of the players vote for is killed. Dead players cannot talk during the day. You're allowed to lie all you want, but no player may at any time "prove" their role by sharing the personal message sent to them. It's all in how you talk.
Night Phase:
Everybody goes to sleep - except certain players who go about business at night. Nobody should talk in the topic during night phase.

What are the roles?!
[ul][li]Wolf - You are the enemy in the game. Each night, you are allowed to kill one player. (I will forbid you from killing another wolf.) During the day you must blend in with the villagers in order to survive to the end of the game.</LI>
[li]Seer - You are a villager with a very special power. Each night, you are allowed to see the role of one player. This can be a very helpful tool as you can see.</LI>
[li]Guardian - You are a villager with a very special power. Each night, you are allowed to guard one player from the wolves. If the wolves attack the guarded player, the attack will not occur. However, if you guard the wolf, the wolf will kill you instead of the target.
[li]Angel - You are a villager with a not-so-special power. You are "automatically guarded" each night--you cannot be killed by wolves, regardless of whether a guardian guards you.
[li]Traitor - You are a villager with no special powers whatsoever. You don't know you are the traitor. However, to the seer you will appear as the wolf. Beware, seers!
[li]Villager - A player with no special role. You hunt down the werewolves.
[li]Other roles:[ul]<LI>[li]Ghost - 11 players. Is a regular villager, but may kill one player the night after he/she dies.
[li]Cupid - 13 players. Is a regular villager, but chooses two players the first night. These two players will be lovers. When one lover dies, so does the other one. (Strategy tip: The two lovers should form a team.)
[li]Fool - 14 players. The fool thinks he/she is a seer, but receives random roles instead of the real ones. Each random role may or may not be correct.
[li]Devil - 22 players. The devil is a seer, but wins with the wolves rather than the villagers.
[li]Extra wolves - second with ghost at 11, third at 17, fourth at 23.
[li]Extra guardian - second at 23.[/li][/ul][/li][/ul]

Other Notes:[ul][li]When voting during the day, please make it clear who you are voting for. "I vote to lynch <player name>."
[li]If you want to change your vote, please do so in a new post and indicate you've changed your mind. "Changing vote to <player name>."
[li]This game is out of character. So OOC people sign up, not accounts. So you can only be playing this game as you. ;)
[li]To make this easier on everybody, it would be ideal if you only used one of your accounts during gameplay. Otherwise, ensure any account you post with during play has the exact same OOC name (and the OOC name field filled out).
[li]Each phase should last about 24 hours. This will give everyone around the world a shot to vote/nighttime roles/etc.
[li]Special thanks goes to ElementalAlchemist from IF/ZB Support, who showed that this game could be played on a forum, has worked out a good number of kinks in it, gave me the code to generate game roles and (most graciously) let me copy his summary of each game role from his post in previous games verbatim. :wub: EA.
[li]This is the same werewolf as when Nick hosted. No special roles, just regular werewolf![/li][/ul]

So - what are you waiting for? Sign up!

Werewolf Signup![ol][li]
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*]

<FONT font="times new roman">Want to learn more?
See how a previous game went
Read more on Wikipedia!
Or read up on the previous Werewolf games, hosted by Nick or Mia.
Loving the new font :p

Werewolf Signup![ol]

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
Werewolf Signup![ol]

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
Werewolf Signup![ol]

 [b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
Werewolf Signup![ol]

 [b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
Werewolf Signup![ol]

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]

Werewolf Signup![ol]

</i>[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]

Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[justify][font=verdana][color=black][small][b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[justify][font=verdana][color=black][small][b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
[font=times new roman][color=black][b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
We need two more people to join to get a third wolf in the mix. :r
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[font=times new roman][color=black][b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
</i>[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Werewolf Signup![ol]
[li]Kelsey Ruth
[li]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1]
[*]Kelsey Ruth
[*]Kaitlyn (Professor Kalif Styx)
Sign ups are now closed! Here is the full line up:
[ol][li]James Adams</LI>
[li]Sara Moon
[li]Madeline Walden
[li]Hemi Te Rua
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Professor Kalif Styx
[li]Professor Cyndi Kingsley
[li]Kate Moon-Archer
[li]Patricia Styx
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Riley Sparkles
[li]Professor Justin Cliffeton
[li]Samual Kaster
[li]Professor Kida Frost
[li]Stefan Archer
[li]Olivia Havelock
<LI>[li]Danyel Withsby[/li][/ol]
Please remember to play on the character you signed up with! Roles will be sent out soon ^_^

3 Werewolves
9 Villagers
1 Guardian
1 Seer
1 Angel
1 Cupid
1 Ghost
1 Traitor
1 Fool

T'was the night before Easter, when all through the town,
The ladies and menfolk were quietening down.
They went to their homes and lay in their beds,
With nothing to worry their sweet little heads.

Down went the sun, and up came the moon,
With nothing to startle the happy commune.

Their dreams were quite pleasant, their eyes scarcely peeping,
Blissfully blind to the creatures a-creeping.
Up through the market and 'round through the square,
The werewolves are coming... villagers, beware.


It is Night. Roles have been sent out.
Those with night roles now have approximately 24 hours to PM me with their night actions.​


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