The narrator was stuck in a bit of a fix,
For she didn't know if it was '
Stikes' or '
Regardless poor Kalif was next for the rope,
And on James' word the town clung to last hope.
Fearful and worried, they clamped shut their eyes,
And when they reopened were met with surprise.
With thanks to the help of their lovers and friends,
They'd hung the last
werewolf, and here the game ends.
Stefan the
angel jumped into
Kate's arms,
love for the
villager completely unharmed.
Justin Cliffeton stripped out of his cloak,
Revealed he was
cupid, and laughed at his joke.
James Adams the
seer was no longer required,
And turned to new means in a bid to be hired.
What those means were, we never shall know,
Though perhaps in the wind the answer does blow.
No one was sure where
Kida had been,
Though rumour did have it she'd slept through the scene.
Madeline Walden ran off to go wake her,
But try as she might, she just couldn't shake her.
Though it should now be quite easy to tell,
The final two players were
villagers as well.
Now that we're through, my work here is done,
Congratulations, town, y'all frickin' won!

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