Emily Madison

Emily Madison

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
3/2035 (28)

Name: Emily Bacardi Harris Madison
Meaning: Emily - Hard Working, Bacardi - Rum
Birthdate: March 27
Zodiac: Aries
Strengths: Independent - Generous - Optimistic - Enthusiastic - Courageous
Weaknesses: Moody - Short tempered - Self-involved - Impulsive - Impatient
As an Aries born on March 27th, your personality is defined by enthusiasm, energy and passion. You take to all matters of life with great energy and dedication. You strive to be the best in all you do, which is why you will dedicate countless hours to overcome a challenge that you deem to be worthwhile. You may have noticed that people gravitate to your energy. In this respect, you are a natural leader and have gained many admirers throughout your life.

Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Birthplace: Sydney, Australia
Blood Status: Unknown
Wand: Curly 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Ivy wands are best suited for social wizards and witches who adapt well in difficult situations and thrive. They also seem to have a knack for healing magic.
Core: As a core, mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as Care of Magical Creatures and water-based spells. Though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand.
Flexibility: Swishy: A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor


Hair: Emily has long blonde hair, in rough waves down to her waist. It is often tangled and quite dry from salt water.
Eyes: Wide and brown.
Build: Emily is average height for her age, and slightly muscled.
Complexion: Usually deeply tanned from all her time in the sun.
Style: Beachy and boho.
Distinguishing Features: Emily quite often doodles on her arms, and is usually covered in some form of art.
Playby: Alana Blanchard


Personality: On the surface, Emily is cheerful and happy-go-lucky in the extreme. She hates negativity and negative emotions, and does her best to never let them show. The difficult times in her life have instilled in her an instinct to avoid thinking about difficult subjects, so Emily will always do her best to keep on a bright face through most hardships. Her temper has a breaking point though, and she can lash out and act out when she gets frustrated and feels powerless.
-Emily is capable of enduring a lot, and will adapt easily to most situations, suppressing her discomfort to make things work.
-Emily is friendly and gets to know people easily, making friends easily in a lot of situations.
-Emily loves to learn, and absorbs new information with a fascination.
-Emily really struggles to deal with negative emotions, and when she finds a situation overwhelming her instinct is to lash out and act in destructive ways.
-While Emily finds it easy to make superficial friends, she rarely lets people close, and tends to see most people in her life as temporary until they prove themselves to her.
-Emily can be dismissive of things that matter to others, and sometimes struggles to empathise.
Surfing - Surfing is Emily's biggest passion. She spends as much time as she can on the beach with her board, dedicated to learning new tricks and perfecting her moves.
Swimming - Emily also loves to swim, and just spend time at the beach in general.
Skateboarding - Emily learned to skateboard frorm Charlie, and loves to go out skating with her big sister.

Crafts - Emily is quite crafty and likes in particular to make her own jewellery and cut up her clothes to more fit her personal aesthetic.
Personality Type: ESFP (The Entertainer)
If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the Entertainer personality type. Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.

Strengths: Bold, Original, Aesthetics and Showmanship, Practical, Observant, Excellent People Skills
Weaknesses: Sensitive, Conflict-Averse, Easily Bored, Poor Long-Term Planners, Unfocused
History: Emily's existence was an accident. Her birth mother was going down a rough path, and wound up pregnant very young. Encouraged by conservative family to go through with the pregnancy, Bexx found herself with a child she was entirely unprepared and unable to care for, and struggled to even connect with. Dealing with some darkness, Emily's biological mother spent more time partying than looking after her child, and eventually Emily was taken into foster care. From an early age her life was a lot of back and forth, between foster care and her birth mother, and her birth mother's family. She tried not to let it affect her, but the lack of stability was extremely unsettling for the young girl and she became quite violent, until she met Charlie at one of her foster homes. The other child was similarly troubled, and through Charlie Emily began skateboarding, until she found a board she liked much better. Out on the water all of Emily's problems seemed to fade and she took to surfing with a passion, spending most of her youth out on the waves. One of her many counsellors was Maria, and Emily found herself bonding with the woman the way she never had with her birth mother, or any of her foster families. Maria felt the same, and she took in both Emily and Charlie as her own. Emily's adoption remained open though, and she still has strenuous contact with her birth mother, who felt mostly relief at the loss of the pressure to care for a child she never knew how to want. With Maria and Charlie, and later Finn, Emily finally felt happy and stable, settling comfortably into a family life for the first time and growing up with people who loved her and cared for her.
Health: Emily was often malnourished in her youth, and her immune system is weaker than most kids her age, making her succeptible to a lot of illnesses. She tends to catch anything that's going around.


Goals: To be happy and comfortable in a stable environment.
Fears: Emily's biggest fears are abandonment and powerlessness. She tries to pretend they don't affect her, but feeling powerless often sets off her anger.
Secrets: Emily tries to play nice to her face, but she both resents and pities her biological mother.
Regrets: Emily's only real regret is being born in the circumstances that she was.

Colour: Bright turquoise
Food: Hawaiian Pizza
Smell: The ocean
Music Genre: Pop
Animal: Dolphin

Adoptive Mother
Name: Maria Madison
Date of Birth: 2011
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Occupation: HNZ Counsellor
Biological Mother
Name: Bexx Harris
Date of Birth: 2019
Blood Status: Half Blood

Occupation: Bartender
Adoptive Sister
Name: Odette Madison
Date of Birth: 2031
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Occupation: Moutohora Macaws Beater
Adoptive Sibling
Name: Charlie Madison
Date of Birth: 2032
Blood Status: Unknown
Occupation: Auror
Adoptive Brother
Name: Finn Madison
Date of Birth: 2039
Blood Status: Unknown

Occupation: Art Student
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Thrilled to finally be at school with her big sibling, Emily wasted no time getting involved in life at Hogwarts. After making Best Friends For Life with Alice Holland, she helped the other girl set about making friends with their yearmates, setting up a meet and greet for all the new first years. Both girls got their older siblings to help with the setup, and both immediately noticed chemistry between Charlie and Phoebe. They immediately set the older students up for a date, and Emily was delighted when they began dating.

Somehow, Hogwarts managed to be even bigger than Emily had always pictured it. The castle was tall and beautiful, and the grounds around it were gorgeous. Seeing the lake had sent a pang through Emily... she would be able to swim, but it was no beach. The nerves and anticipation that had begun building on the train were beginning to boil over inside her, and by the time they entered the building, Emily was positively jittery. She was ready, ready to be sorted, ready to start classes, ready to learn magic, she was ready for it all. Her wand hadn't left her pocket since she had gotten it, except for when she slept, when it had laid carefully on her bedside table. She was ready for everything.

Entering the Great Hall, Emily looked up at once to see the ceiling. It was even more beautiful than Mum and Charlie had described, and Emily couldn't believe she would get to eat in such a beautiful room. Every single day, every single meal! Once she was finished taking in the surroundings, Emily stood on tiptoe to look for what really mattered. She spotted mum first, jumping up on her toes in excitement and waving her hand above her head. "HI MUM!" She called out, before looking to see which table had the red banners over it. A moment later her eyes fell on Charlie, clearly hiding at the furthest end of the table, but looking curiously right at Emily. "HI CHARLIE!" Emily bounced on her toes, eager for everything. Charlie had told her there was a song, but she hoped it would go quickly, wondering which table she would wind up spending the next seven years at. Emily had to fight to keep from bouncing from foot to foot as the hat seemed to keep singing for ever, and then, as if the song hadn't been bad enough, the list of names started so, so far away from Emily's. She felt like she was slowly melting away, waiting for M-s to arrive. She tried to pay attention to where her classmates were going, but barely managed to pay attention, until at last!

"Madison, Emily!"

Emily almost ran from her place in the group of new students to the stool, practically diving onto the chair in her excitement. She was ready. Ready to start this year, to start her new life, to reunite with her sister and become the person she was supposed to be. New friends, new adventures, new things to learn, it all started here.

The Last One StandingWith Alice Holland and Jenna Toubia
Stealth MissionWith Charlie Madison and Emmett Lancaster
If I Could, I Would StayWith Odette Harper, Maria Madison, Charlie Madison, and Finn Madison
Firstie MeetupWith Various Firsties
Finding YouWith Alice Holland, Charlie Madison, and Phoebe Holland
Another Cub Lion's RoseRecieving Valentines Rose with Evelyn Manning


The end of Emily's first year at Hogwarts marked a big change. When their mother asked how they felt about her fostering another child, Emily had almost no hesitations. She had worried a little about Charlie's strong need for boundaries, but seeing how readily Charlie agreed to take Odette in, Emily had no qualms herself. She quickly tasked herself with making Odette feel welcome, empathising a lot with the girl's fraught relationship with her birth mother, and it wasn't long before Emily felt quite close to Odette. Back at Hogwarts, Emily's life carried on as normal, having fun with friends and keeping an eye to make sure her older sibling didn't get into too much trouble.
Put Your Empty Hands in MineWith Odette Harper, Maria Madison, and Charlie Madison
Steady By My SideWith Odette Harper and Margo Ellis
Going NowhereWith Diana Holland
MatchedWith Charlie Madison and Phoebe Holland
First ChristmasWith Maria Madison, Odette Harper, Matthew Harper, Charlie Madison, and Finn Madison
Seventh, A Little Court!Receiving Valentines Rose with Cyzarine Haden
Yule Ball


Entering her third year, Emily threw herself into her social life at Hogwarts, hanging out with old friends and making new ones. Partway through the year she received a birthday card from her biological mother, months out of date, which led to a heart to heart with the newest member of her family about having complicated feelings about their biological mothers. One of the schoolmates Emily met throughout the year was Abian Hunter, and she was surprised as the year progressed to feel herself feeling fluttery about the Hufflepuff. Never one to keep her feelings to herself, she sent him a pink rose to cheer him up, an act which inspired her to sign up and deliver roses. Emily had always loved learning other people's business, and she was excited for the chance to bring them some happiness while doing so.
Already Busy WorkingWith Vader Hume
AdventuringWith Arielle Marchand
Making FriendsWith Artemis Pourrolis
Happy BirthdayWith Odette Madison
Rolling AlongWith Abian Hunter
S2 Y33 Gryffindor House MeetingWith various Gryffindors
Keeping CompanyWith Abian Hunter
Golden RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Jatin Tiwari
Deliveries for DeliverersDelivering Valentines Rose with Madeline Kaimarama
Friendly FlowerDelivering Valentines Rose with Emilia Manning
Bright BlossomDelivering Valentines Rose with Amy Jewel
Rose for a CaptainDelivering Valentines Rose with Jacob Kingsley
Loving GiftDelivering Valentines Rose with April Ward
Picture Perfect RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Violeta Finch
Final FlowerDelivering Valentines Rose with Cyzarine Haden
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


Emily hadn't expected anything out of the ordinary for the beginning of her fourth year, expecting this would be a year like any other. Those expectations were quickly dashed though, as when her best friend was attacked, Emily flew into a rage like the ones she had had as a child, lashing out and attacking both the boy who had attacked her friend, another boy who got himself involved, and a professor who tried to break the fight up. Ashamed and horrified by her backslide, Emily withdrew into herself more than she ever had before, returning to counseling with her mum to try and regain control of her long-standing anger issues. It took a lot of courage but she was able to reconnect and apologise to her friend, and by the end of the year, Emily was finally feeling back to normal enough to act on her feelings for Abian Hunter and ask him to be her boyfriend.
Gryffindor House Meeting S1/Y34With various Gryffindors
Burden To BearWith Connor Holland, Alice Holland, Eric Holland, Noel Waldgrave, Professor Mitchell North, Nova Valtoria, Samantha Jacobs, Professor Monty Pendleton, Uno Bear, Phineas Ellis, Liam Waldgrave, and Professor Hezekiah Mowry
Knotted RemorseWith Elsie Baros
Bright BlossomDelivering Valentines Rose with Analei Louw
A Rose BelowDelivering Valentines Rose with Zennon Baros
Lion's RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Madeline Kaimarama
Scarlet RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Lily Lockwood
Golden PetalsDelivering Valentines Rose with Joshua Toubia
Sunshine BlossomDelivering Valentines Rose with Arthurian Taylor
Picture Perfect PetalsDelivering Valentines Rose with Vader Hume
Friendship RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Aaren Vyhnal
Pink Like Strawberry Milk!Receiving Valentines Rose with Alexei Kozlov
Never Be Board With YouWith Abian Hunter
Two Forwards, One BackWith Maria Madison
Stick TogetherWith Alice Holland
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


After last year, Emily's only goal for fifth year was to keep her anger under control. She desperately didn't want a repeat of the previous year's fight so she kept her head down as much as she could, keeping mostly to herself and her friends, enjoying time with her loved ones and boyfriend. Towards the end of the year while Emily was feeling more confident that her anger was back under control, another aspect of her life fell out of her control. After the two being inseparable for the majority of their lives, Emily had to face the prospect of Charlie graduating, of being the oldest Madison at Hogwarts, without her other half.​
Gryffindor House Meeting Y35/S1With various Gryffindors
Jumping In JoyWith Abian Hunter
Sunshine BelowDelivering Valentines Rose with Sydney Townsend
Red For A LionDelivering Valentines Rose with Ren Lockwood
Pink BlossomDelivering Valentines Rose with Wendall Layton
Bright BloomDelivering Valentines Rose with Alexis Kramer
Cheerful RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Clara McCarthy
Red In The SunshineDelivering Valentines Rose with Tiziano Edogawa
Gold For A SnakeDelivering Valentines Rose with Nicole Fisk
Vibrato In YellowReceiving Valentines Rose with Vader Hume
Red ButterflyReceiving Valentines Rose with Cyzarine Haden
Y35 Graduation Ceremony: GuestsWith various attendees
Yule Ball
Abian Hunter
Valentines Dance
Abian Hunter


As happily as her sixth year at Hogwarts had begun, things didn't stay good for Emily for long, as her relationship with Abian ended shortly after the year began. Despite the flare-up of her temper she experienced as a result, Emily was mostly able to keep things under control for the rest of the year, continuing counselling with her mother and trying to focus on the positives in her life.
Gryffindor House Meeting Y36With various Gryffindors
ContentionWith Abian Hunter
Pufferfish EyesWith Willow Cullen
Gold and GrudgesDelivering Valentines Rose with Tyler Lee
Red and RegardsDelivering Valentines Rose with Athena Holmgaard
Pink and PassionDelivering Valentines Rose with Jenna Jusantrea
Blond and BenevolenceDelivering Valentines Rose with Ajaccio Skey
Ruby and RaptureDelivering Valentines Rose with Derek Tahana
Saffron and SupportDelivering Valentines Rose with Sapphire Michaels
As True As It Can BeReceiving Valentines Rose with Marie Allard
Jazzercise Instructor
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


With her time at school nearly at an end, Emily wanted only to make the most of her last year at Hogwarts. She spent her time with friends and loved ones, trying to help out those around her and keep out of trouble, focusing on the bright side of life. She was relieved to regain a handle on her temper, and by graduation she was once again her cheerful self, ready to face adult life head on.​
The Giving SpiritWith Jasper Night
Y37 S1 House MeetingWith various Gryffindors
One Last (Stress Free) SpookWith Vader Hume and Avaria Lockwood
One Last DanceWith Avaria Lockwood
Y37 Semester 2 House MeetingWith various Gryffindors
Y37 Graduation CeremonyWith various attendees
'70s Skater
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance
Emily still didn't know how she felt about today, even once she was settled into her seat for graduation. It didn't feel real, that her seven years at Hogwarts were all over, just like this. She was ready for her adult life to begin, ready to move on to new, bigger adventures, but there was so much she was leaving behind, so many ways her life would change forever after today. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew she would remember her years at Hogwarts for the rest of her life. She was excited for the speeches, whooping loudly in pride as Alice took the stage. Emily had expected her best friend's speech to bring a tear to her eye, and the reaction came exactly as she had thought, eyes prickling as she listened to Alice. She applauded loudly once the speech was over, wiping her eyes as she listened to Vader. She was relieved his speech wasn't quite so emotional, smiling and posing with the rest of the class when he took a photo. That would be a wonderful memento to have, and Emily made a mental note to get in touch and see if she could get a copy to keep.

Clapping once Vader was finished, it struck Emily that the time had come. Speeches were over, there was nothing left to be done but... to actually graduate. She watched as her classmates started to take to the stage one by one, clapping as they passed by. It occurred that this may be the last time she ever saw some of these people, and she took a moment to just... remember them all. The smiles, the tears, everything they had shared as a class. And then her own turn came and Emily had to hiccup back tears as she stepped up to the stage, ready to accept her diploma. Her time at Hogwarts was over, and whatever came next, it was time to face it. She shook the headmistress's hand with a teary smile before returning to her seat, diploma clutched in her hands. This was it. It was time for life to begin.

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
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Opening UpWith Charlie Madison, Maria Madison, Odette Madison, and Finn Madison
Party Time!With various attendees
Y41 Graduation Ceremony: GuestsWith various attendees
Unexpected NewsWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, Diana Holland, Alice Holland, Lucy Holland, Maria Madison, Odette Madison, Emily Madison, and Finn Madison
Beach WalkWith Jason Mcleod
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