Electives Fair Y40

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
The Great Hall was certainly a malleable space, the Valentine's decorations from the dance easily cleared away and the usual house tables pushed aside to make room for trestle tables and chairs enough for each of the elective subjects. Being Head of House had come with a lot more work, some Angel had expected, and plenty had he had not. Today, he was rather looking forward to simply setting up the tables for his colleagues and then getting to sit back as they did all the real work.

Flicking his wand to conjure some banners for each subject table, Angel cast a glance at the enchanted ceiling above, noting the grim looking clouds swirling, relieved he could spend the day inside for the time being. Content that everything was in its place, Angel spent a final moment conjuring himself a cushy armchair, pondering the logistics of trying to summon himself some coffee as the other professors settled at their tables and the 2nd years began filtering in to learn about their prospective subjects next year.
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Yvonne had come to really enjoy the elective's fair. She liked getting to talk to prospective and curious students who were interested in the subject. Divination could be a bit mysterious but she was always keen to talk about her favorite subject. She waved to Angel as she entered the great hall and wasted no time setting out a couple decks of tarot cards, scrying mirrors, and a crystal ball for good measure. She made sure everything was in the right place before taking a seat to wait for the students. She wondered if Elvera would be bringing any snacks. Yvonne could use a cup of tea right about now.
The electives fair had always been one of Kahurangi's favourite parts of the year, and she was looking forward to it as always. Getting to share the potential her subject held with the younger students was always a delight, as was trying to guess which ones would be joining her in a few years time. She had a guest helping out today, giving Angel a wave in greeting as she settled Hinemoa gently in a high chair she conjured next to the Ancient Runes table. After giving Hinemoa a set of blocks inscribed with runes to play with, she set to arranging her half of the table, featuring books and pamphlets, several different sets of runes for if students wanted a reading demonstrated, and a selection of pendants bearing bind runes designed by her former students. With the table arranged, Kahurangi settled into her seat and waited for the second years to arrive, occasionally picking up the blocks Hinemoa was expertly dropping on the floor around her chair.
Even if he was still pretty new to teaching Joseph had enjoyed the electives fair last year, quite ready for another. He greeted his colleagues as he made his way through the hall with three small cages levitating in front of him, carefully setting them down once he reached the table graced with a care of magical creatures banner. Deciding to leave the creatures a few extra moments of rest Joseph left the veils he had hung over the cages right where they were as he started up setting up the table. He hung up some pictures of the larger creatures students would encounter during the later years and placed some flyers down on the table. He also added some smaller items he had brought with him including a Hippogryff feather and a few different dragon scales he had gotten from one of his friends. When everything was ready and students started slowly making their way into the hall Joseph removed the veils from the cages he had with him. One revealed a colourful, obviously silenced, Fwooper bird, another an already grumpy Knarl. The third cage temporarily housed a Niffler, the lock being magically enhanced to keep the little troublemaker from getting out. Content everything was set up Joseph took a seat, watching his creatures to make sure they were doing alright as he waited for Eleonora and any students interested in their subject to arrive.
Elvera was loaded up for the walk to the electives fair. the flights of stairs seemed twice as far when you were balancing a tray., a large teapot, several cups and a bag full of divination tools. She reached the great hall and could see that yvonne had already set up some tools onto the desk. "Hello Yvonne. thanks for setting up" she said. placing her things down and displaying them on the table. before taking one of the lemon tarts of the tray. she had started making sweets for today as small matcha cheesecakes. then thought to add in blueberry muffins then realised that was half of the house colours covered so added red velvet cupcakes and lemon tart to round out the lot. "help yourself if you want any" she said. to Yvonne before loading a few onto plates and headed over to each of the other tables. leaving one of each type on the benches. and greeting her friends and colleagues in turn. marveling at the animals Joseph had, to greet kahurangi and heenimoa with comments "Isn't she getting so big" to kahurangi.[/B]

@Professor Yvonne Dubois @Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Professor Kingsley was never on time for this event, so she was shocked to see that professors were still setting up. She slowed her pace, greeting her colleagues as she headed for the Ancient Runes table. The table seemed pretty set so the professor only added some lollipops with different runes imprinted on them to the table in a bowl. She passed Kahurangi a block that Hinemoa might have dropped. "She really is" the woman stated with a smile in response to Elvera's comment, a twinge of nostalgia hitting her. It had been ages since she had a baby in the household. Her youngest was midway through her schooling.
Lena was excited to have another turn at the elective fair this year. She really did enjoy teaching arithmancy and getting to know the students. It also gave her a welcome distraction from the things at home. Setting up her table on behalf of both she and Quinn, she laid out some books and charts for students who'd like to see the process in action. Behind was a blue and purple shimmery drape, with the same colored accents on the table. She looked around for a moment, giving a wave to some of her coworkers before taking a seat, hoping a few students would arrive at her table.
Leonardo absolutely had no idea what he wanted to do in terms of electives. His grandfather had ideas, which he had written to Leo in detail about, but he wasn't sure about any of them. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He knew his dad wanted him to be an auror, fight against the evil, but there was nothing that Leo wanted less than that. It had torn his family apart and his father wouldn't be on some never ending quest. His grandfather thought he should do something noble and worthy of status, he'd been a potioneer, a dueller in his youth, and an occasional curse breaker. None of which interested Leo that much, potions maybe, duelling less, and breaking curses...no.

Leonardo stepped into the great hall and glanced about at the tables and the professor's at them. It seemed like all the classes that his grandfather had said, he'd been warned off muggle studies, but he thought that looked cool and he'd make sense of the things he'd never understood. He spotted the animals and slowly approached that, and the man. Care of Magical creatures had been given an okay status from his grandfather. "What could I do with care of magical creatures?" he asked the man.
@Professor Joseph Burleigh
Seamus arrived at the great hall with his twin beside him. Picking classes in his mind had come far too soon, he didn't know what he wanted to do and this was making him have at least half an idea. He glanced about at the different stalls with professors. He knew his head of house was there, but knew that the man didn't teach an elective. Maybe he should do the class with Hamish's head of house. "What does your head of house teach?" he asked.
@Hamish Reid
Akihiro already knew exactly what he was signing up for. But all the same, he needed to make a good impression. He walked into the Great Hall, looking around and walking up to his first table. "Hello Professor," Akihiro greeted with a charming smile. "You teach the upper years for Herbology, don't you?" He asked, glancing about for the sign up sheet. @Professor Angel Castillo
Hamish had absolutely no idea what classes he was going to take. He supposed he would just sign up for whatever Seamus did. He might care about his classes if his brother was in them. He looked over as Seamus spoke. "Oh, uh, ancient runes I think," He replied, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Why?" @Seamus Reid
Angel had decided risking dumping hot coffee on a student wasn't worth trying to summon himself a cup and had instead conjured up a magazine, leaning back and flipping the pages idly until he heard a voice. Recognizing Akihiro from the little squabble he'd experienced earlier in the year, Angel set his magazine aside for the moment, nodding. "That I do, though I'm just here to observe," he said, motioning to his armchair. "I can answer some questions if you have them, but I figure you know what Herbology's about by now, yeah?" @Akihiro Chen
Akihiro smiled, trying to look as charming as possible. "Oh, I think so," He replied with a light laugh, trying to sound a little shy. After that incident earlier in the year with the absolutely insufferable fool that was Katarina, he needed to redeem some credit in the eyes of his head of house. He looked around the hall, pretending to consider a question. "Well, is it only questions about herbology, or may I ask about the rest of the fair as well?" He inquired, turning back to Professor Castillo with a carefully crafted bashful smile. @Professor Angel Castillo
Seamus shrugged lightly, "I dunno," he answered, "Would you want to take that class? I dunno what to take, but I figured you would," Seamus had never been the academic, he got by with his grades, never excelled, but never failed. Hamish was smarter, more interested, surely he would've decided what he was doing.
@Hamish Reid
Angel was surprised to see Akihiro acting so demure, he’d figured the boy had seemed more confident but perhaps he’d misjudged him. “Ask away,” Angel said with an easy gesture of his hand. “I’m always happy to hear the sound of my own voice.@Akihiro Chen
Students were slowly moving into the hall and Joseph got up when one of them approached his table, making sure to keep an eye on his creatures as he listened to the boy's question. "There's various things you can do." He started with a friendly smile. "If you want to know about jobs for which tehe knowledge gained in this course is specifically useful you should think of things like being a Magizoologist or working for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures." He explained. "And I'm sure there's plenty of other jobs in which an adequate knowledge of creatures can turn out to be quite useful." @Leonardo Orr
Leonardo nodded along as the professor answered his question. It wasn't too detailed, it didn't really help him, but he didn't know what he was going to pick any more. "Thanks," he said with a nod, since the professor had answered his question, him not knowing more was more down to him not having a firm idea that he wanted to do. "What do you like about care of magical creatures?" This was a question that he thought he could figure out if it was worth his time. He knew this was a class that was on his grandfather's okay list, and he was at least curious about it comparatively with all the other classes.
@Professor Joseph Burleigh
Going to the electives fair wasn't really a special event, but Gwen had dressed up for it a bit anyway. She had put up her hair and had put on a pretty dress, wanting to impress her future professors. She had no idea what electives to pick yet, so this day would be pretty interesting. She walked past a few tables, looking at the things the professors had put out. She saw Akihiro talk to their head of house and waved at him in passing. Then she went on browsing.
Hamish's mood shifted down as Seamus spoke. "What do you mean? I was going to take whatever you signed up for," He replied, before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing heavily. "Okay, okay," Seamus grumbled, taking out a pen and scribbling the classes on a scrap of parchment he had in his pocket. "Is there anything you don't want to take?" He asked, looking at his brother. @Seamus Reid
Seamus frowned a little. "You've always known more than me, I've always just let you make decisions," Seamus returned with a shrug. He glanced about the hall, "I dunno...they're all just classes to me," he didn't think it would make too much difference which classes he took, and none of them sounded that much worse than the one before it.
@Hamish Reid
Akihiro smiled, pleased he seemed to have the mans attention. He spotted Gwen and smiled over to her, making a note to catch her later before turning back to the Professor. "Realistically, is it plausible to take all of the classes?" He asked. @Professor Angel Castillo
Angel hummed in thought at Akihiro's question. Personally, he thought it sounded like a terrible idea, but he figured he probably shouldn't discourage any of his students from trying to do their best. "Well... It is plausible yes, but is it realistic? Ehh. I think you should consider if you really have the time and interest to take on that large of a classload; it's a lot of work. Especially if you're just doing it so you don't have to make a decision about what to pick," he said after a moment. "Frankly, I wouldn't personally recommend it. And not just because I think arithmancy is boring," he added in a playful whisper. @Akihiro Chen
Hamish looked at his brother blankly a minute before letting out a deep sigh. "Alright, alright," He grumbled, looking over the list and crossing a few out. "I want to take Herbology, neither of us will need runes, we might need care of magical creatures..." he mumbled to himself for a bit, scribbling out a list before offering it to his brother. Herbology. Comc. Potions. Transfiguration. Charms. DADA. HOM. "How does this look?" @Seamus Reid
Akihiro listened to what the man said, nodding slightly. He laughed with the Professor, bemused, and shook his head. "Well, thank you, I'll certainly keep that in mind, Professor." He gave the man another charming smile and a slight wave and wondered away, seeing if he could find @Gwen Goodwin anywhere. @Professor Angel Castillo

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