Checking back in

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest · tall
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2051 (12)
So, what's it been, about 9 months since I was last here?

You might remember me. You might not. Understandable. I'm sorry for the silent exit I made back in December, with my sister leaving the site (Charlie says hello, by the way. She's good but has moved on from RPing for the time being so probably won't be back anytime soon) and one character being very much tied to hers, and the other I was somewhat struggling to vibe with, I thought it best if I exited the scene as well. What can I say? I just don't do well with leaving and always feel guilty about it, so end up just not saying anything and vanishing off of the face of the planet.

But I've now moved into a new flat with my partner, my job is messing me around with hours and I have a bunch of free time and I suddenly felt the itch for RP again. So, I've decided to come back. I'm not going to be reviving Conan or Toby, I loved them, but it's been 9 months since I've written them and too much time has passed for me to just jump back into things with them. So, I'm starting off fresh. Which is bad timing seeing as next sorting period isn't until the end of November. BUT it is what it is.
Hey Vicky, I definitely remember you! Good to see you back and I'd be happy to RP with you. Sorting is a while off but s1 is basically over and s2 always flies by so hopefully it won't feel like very long, and I have an upcoming firstie I could throw at you if you want!
Hii, welcome back! There is still quite a bit time until next sorting yes, however I do have a upcoming firstie we could get a plot going if you wanted to do something while waiting for sorting! Feel free to PM me here or discord if you wanna plot! :wub:
Hey Vicky, I definitely remember you! Good to see you back and I'd be happy to RP with you. Sorting is a while off but s1 is basically over and s2 always flies by so hopefully it won't feel like very long, and I have an upcoming firstie I could throw at you if you want!
At least someone remembers me :') I'm certainly hoping that s2 is going to fly by, ⁣ ButxD I would love to thread with your upcoming firstie! I don't think I can wait until November to start rping properly

Hii, welcome back! There is still quite a bit time until next sorting yes, however I do have a upcoming firstie we could get a plot going if you wanted to do something while waiting for sorting! Feel free to PM me here or discord if you wanna plot! :wub:
Thank you as well. I'd also love to plot with whoever you have and get some pre-hogwarts connections going :)
Hi Vicky!!! Yesss i defs remember you!! Hope you’re doing well and had a great nine months since we last saw you!! It’s good to have you back! (Hope Charlie is doing well!) S2 flies by quite fast so hopefully it doesn’t feel too long until the upcoming sorting hehe! I too have an upcoming firstie if you ever want to rp! Once again welcome back and I hope you have a good time back on the site! :)
Welcome back!
Welcome back Vicky! Hopefully we'll get to RP soon, I have a few adults and an upcoming firstie available :)
Welcome back Vicky!! :hug: I definitely remember you, of course!! I totally understand starting fresh after a break, but I loved your characters before so I'm excited to see what you do with Miles. Hope to see you around more soon :wub:
Welcome back Vicky! I don't think we ever got the chance to RP, but I do remember you! Glad to see you back :party: I've also got a firstie in waiting, so if you wanna set up a thread or do some plotting feel free to hit me up any time, I'd love to plot!
Thank you all for the welcome backs! I'll deffo be reaching out to some of you for upcoming plots and such!

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