Character Plotting

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Tesla Wilde

thunderers chaser · gym rat
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Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Demiguise Hair Core

Hey y'all! Since it's time for the new ic year I've decided to make a little plot development threads for a few of my characters - a mix of students and adults that I'd like to plot more. So please post here or PM me if you'd like to plot because I'm super keen for it. I will also link to the character's biographies and aesthetics if they are in order for that character. Otherwise keep your eyes peeled for them as they come in because I'm working on bios more and more! If there are characters that aren't detailed below please feel free to mention them as well if you'd like plots because I'm always willing, just a bit lazy in all truth.​

Ravenclaw Second Year • She is the younger sister of Marisol Woods but is not a hot headed person. In fact, she's much calmer when it comes to her anger though. Admittedly, she is not extremely developed as a character but she is one of my favourites because I like the idea of Camila. She is not the typical Ravenclaw in the sense that she likes to have her ideas heard over all. Instead, Mila is very submissive and is a follower. She's painfully loyal and is bubbly. She is also rather naive as she is the baby of her family and never much thought about the consequences of her actions. For friends I'd really like people who take more of the dominant stance. She can sometimes have a hard time understanding that people are malicious as well so if your character is a leader with poor intentions she would probably easily be manipulated. I'd also like some genuine friends as well. She's very girly so take that into consideration. She's still a little too young for lovers in my opinion but if you'd like your character to have a crush on her feel free or if you'd like to plot for the future she's entirely up for grabs. Aesthetic.​

Astronomy Professor • Another painfully underdeveloped character of mine. He is the 5-7 year Astronomy professor. He's been a professor for a majority of his adult life and has such a passion for teaching and is so work oriented that he is currently hiding his relationship with Kennedy Pratt. He is the type to make dad jokes and wait expectantly for people to laugh but mostly he just really loves space. For his students he tries to seem strict with them but really wants the best for them and is generally pretty understanding and doesn't like to talk down to his students and treats them like they are adults for the most part.Students would be nice to plot with - perhaps a student he could take under his wing and teach them extra about astronomy if they're interested. Or students who are a little less than well behaved who start to have a vendetta against him could be fun? I'm honestly up for most things. Friends are currently still few and far between. His best friend and cousin is Jonathon Phillips and he's gotten close with Maurice Welch but I'd like him to have some more professor and non-professor friends of all sorts. He respects people who are really hard working but can be silly with him. He's also got a ridiculous sweet tooth too so if they are up for cake at any time he's pretty much down for friendship. Aesthetic.​

Ravenclaw Alumna Cook • A recent graduate, Kylie is a cook at a muggle restaurant in Wellington which pays her bills while she takes extra cooking lessons so that she can be a chef in the future. It's always been her dream because as much as she loved duelling that was a hobby for her and something Kylie did for fun. She is extremely competitive and takes great joy in winning. She's basically a Latina Monica Geller. Kylie enjoys athletic pursuits like running and is equally comfortable in the muggle and wizarding world so she can interact with all sorts of people but some might not like her extremely outgoing and attention seeking personality. She is also quite the romantic and loves to see the beauty in all things leading her to be a little idealistic at times. I'm looking for all sorts for Kylie except for lovers as that is covered. I'd particularly like her to have some friends she can spend time with outside of Pia and Archie so please hit me up! Aesthetic. Biography.​

Slytherin Alumna Seer • Finally a non-Ravenclaw! Niamh is my extremely underused baby who I just love using so much. She is currently living with her older brother in Ireland to escape winter (ha) and to hope that it helps her sort herself out but the truth is that Niamh never really imagined a future for herself, as ironic as that is. She plans to soon move into a place in magical New Zealand but first is taking this break. She is not particularly ambitious but she is very strong-willed and can be manipulative. Couple that with her ability to see into the future she makes for quite the interesting company. She doesn't exactly view herself to be better than most but it is easy to see how she might with her general aura of dissonance. Niamh tends to spend much of her time awake into the wee hours of the morning and sleeping most days which doesn't make her the idyllic company nor employee but this is due to the fact that she's always felt more control in the night of her visions and it prevents any extra migraines that she gets because although she has mostly grown out of them there are times when she does get quite rough migraines which makes her utterly unagreeable. She is a very loyal person to those she deems worthy and can become much better company once people get to know her. I would like her to develop one or two solid friendships with people who are perhaps patient and willing to call her out on her b.s. as well. Lovers would be nice too. Niamh identifies as queer and is almost strictly attracted to women. I have zero planned for her from this standpoint but I'd be keen on plots for this as well as anything else. Aesthetic.​

Ravenclaw First Year • My firstie Odessa is a half blood from Whangarei who has a stay-at-home dad who has been teaching her bits and pieces about being a wizard and also her basic education. Mostly they go bird watching together, something Odessa loves to do which is why she's extremely excited about being a Ravenclaw. She is a quiet, calm person who prefers to observe rather than partake as she's actually very poorly socialized but is friendly nonetheless. I'd like her to have friends of all sorts who don't mind that she probably won't start conversations out of the blue. I'd really like some enemies who think she is an oddball and just call her out on being strange. For crushes, she's a little too young to have any of that quite yet but come at me for future stuff. Aesthetic.​

Hufflepuff Fourth Year • Local science enthusiast and Quidditch chaser here is my wee girl Tess! She is an extremely determined person who works hard to get what she wants and won't accept anything less than that and has a strong moral code which she tends to impose on others - sometimes this can be quite a bad thing but she views herself as assisting rather than being a pseudo-vigilante. She is a little left of centre as well and is a bit of a nerd with an interest in the classic comics - particularly ones to do with women and girls as she grew up in quite a feminist household with both her parents working in STEM. She can be quite withdrawn but this year is going to try to be more outgoing and meet as many people as she can, admittedly though she is not a fan of Slytherins with the exception of one or two so if someone can prove her wrong she'd be their friend but otherwise she'll make friends with people in other houses who have similar values as her. It's also time that she starts to date, I think so lovers would be fun. She doesn't entirely know her sexuality and isn't bothered by it as she's pretty willing to try most anything as she views personality over all else as she sees it as a fluid spectrum. She would be a fair bit awkward around a person she has a crush on so it would be slow burn but it could be fun. So hit me up, please! Aesthetic. Biography.​

Gryffindor Fifth Year • My main man Wyatt. I love him so much and he is my baby to a degree that is probably a little worrisome but that's ok because I still torture him and make him angst for plots! He was recently diagnosed with clinical depression and is going through a lot of changes because of that - namely he is going to have to learn who he is when he is not depressed and how to handle SSRIs because they aren't the easiest things to take at times. He can be very reckless (see: destroying the Ravenclaw common room) and views his friends happiness more important than his own but in recovery he is going to have to become more selfish in ways he wasn't before. At the moment he is processing by self-isolating but will soon get over that and will need friends who are positive and encourage him to do the same. Hopefully some who are less inquisitive because he is really private about this and most 'real' things. He will soon be leaving his relationship with Amber as well and will need a few girlfriends to date over the next few years as well until seventh year - I have no true timeline aside from that and I know there are one or two people I need to message about this but for the most part any and all would be good. I'd love him to have haters too. I'd imagine this would be Ravenclaws with a poor sense of humour or Gryffindors who were less than pleased at losing house points. Come at me for it all, ok! Aesthetic. Biography.​

Ravenclaw Fifth Year • A little notorious for the protests she and her twin throw against Quidditch, Zara took a break over the past year and completely stuck to herself as she is discovering a lot about herself and her identity. She is still very much against the sport but is taking a more passive role primarily due to the fact that she doesn't want any extra attention drawn to her during this time. She is focusing more and more on her artwork but only shows her pieces to select people as she is a fair bit nervous about sharing that sort of vulnerability as she grew up having to be strong for her mother, her brother and herself. She is currently in a fake relationship with Xavier Jeffreys and has a huge crush on her best friend so for the moment her love life is a little too intense for any plots to do with that but I'd love people who can look past the Quidditch thing and be friends with her. She's not exactly the easiest person to get along with as she is extremely stubborn but she is nice when she wants to be and gentle to those she trusts it just takes time for her to trust. Enemies could be vast, I'd imagine so just give me plots. Aesthetic.​
So many lovelies!! :wub:

I can offer Kahurangi as a friend for Eduardo - I've been wanting to do more with her for ages too, she's also quite the workaholic, and could use a friend. (They could run into each other getting coffee and cake and make it a thing, maybe?)

Zoe's in the same year/house as Odessa, so they could be fun! Zoe's quite an oddball and I think would fit in well in terms of being the one to start conversations, she doesn't have much of a filter. There's an open thread here in the Ravenclaw girls dorm which would be an easy way for them to meet if you feel like jumping in :)

And for Tess, I can offer Lizzie as a potential future girlfriend? She's SUPER AWKWARD too, so slow burn would suit me well ^_^ (Though if you'd rather keep them as friends obvs we can do more with that too!)
Alexiiiis lets plot :woot: I love all of your characters and if you have more ideas with mine than the ones I've listed below, please let me know!

For Camila I can offer April as a friend, she's a very friendly and bubbly second year Hufflepuff and can be a bit more of a leader than a follower, which might make them work together. She has no bad intentions but can be a bit insensitive at times, though she generally means well. She really likes attention and tries to get it by standing out and being loud sometimes, but I think the two of them could be friends!

For Eduardo I can offer Matt, my HoM professor! He's very laid back and relaxed, with a good sense of humor. He's only been at Hogwarts for a year so the two probably don't know each other too well yet, so maybe they can start talking? He doesn't have too many friends either and I would like him to get to know more professors.

I'm trying to get Amber to connect more with her fellow fourth year Hufflepuffs, I think she and Tess talked a bit in their first year but I'm curious to see how they would interact now? I really can't predict if they would like each other or not, I think they might? But they seem a little different. Amber is a lot more traditional in a lot of ways, and has little interest in science and quidditch. She's also not a fan of Lizzie Taylor who is Tesla's friend, so it could be an interesting interaction? I'm not sure how it would work out, but we could see!

Aaand Wyatt and Amber's end should happen soon too xD they were cute but it's time. They'll definitely stay friends though!
Oooo boy what a lot of characters I have ideas for

My girl Stella is extremely passionate about astronomy, and will probably seek out any adult that knows anything about science in this strange school where it's barely a subject, so she may well seek out Eduardo as a mentor.

I'm also very keen for her to meet other Ravenclaw firsties, and she could be a good friend for Odessa. Stella's also quite quiet and not the best at starting conversations, so it could go well or terribly to meet someone else like that. She's also in Rowan's Ravenclaw dorm thread.

Tesla is quite a bit older than Stella, but science enthusiasts should stick together, right?

Also if Tesla's looking for friendly Slytherins Hayley might be a good contact to make. She's a muggleborn like Tesla, and is very angry about the prejudice she gets from her fellow Slytherins because of that. Hayley wants to change the world, and as a vague step towards that she's aiming to seek out other muggleborns this year and compare experiences. Tesla's vigilante outlook might fit quite well with that too.

And maybe Hayley would get along with Zara? She's also an artist, and also extremely stubborn.
I've always liked the idea of them being friends to tell you the truth. I think Kahurangi is such an interesting character who could compliment Eduardo as a friend in such a nice way. I like the idea of it being a weekly thing so much where they just meet up and complain about the student who picks their nose or the talk about what is going on in the government or really whatever. Also he loves cake so yes, he's happy as a snug pug in a rug for that!​
I think Oddie would get quite a kick out of Zoe and just let her run wild with conspiracies without fighting them if she ever spoke about some because it is just amusing to her how Zoe's mind works. Since Oddie is more quiet and probably a lot calmer of the two it'd be cute to see them as friends, for sure. Maybe she could help Zoe to slow down once in a while too and just observe what's going on as well? I'll take a look into the thread for sure.​
I'm not entirely sure if Tess would feel comfortable risking her friendship with her only female friend but I think the will they/won't they could be fun to play out to see how that goes because Lizzie is such a sweetie. The only thing that could be a problem is the fact that Tess doesn't really identify with a sexuality which could create some doubt from Lizzie if they were ever to get together, yeah? Either way I'm happy for them to be thrown together more just to see what happens and how they like each other.​

Oooh yes they could be top notch together because Mila would just naturally gravitate towards April and be a bit of a pushover as well! She has no issue with people with loud personalities as she's still found ways to separate from the crowd in that, ironically enough. Also I have this idea that for the Yule Ball a group of girls go together as friends and maybe they are all shy to hit the dance floor and April drags Mila out onto the dance floor but surprise she can't dance at all so instead of making fun of her they just silly dance and have fun. Thoughts?​
Eduardo loves history too so he wouldn't even mind talking to Matt about the lectures he has as well. It'd be neat because for the most part he isn't laid back - especially around colleagues - as he tries to keep a level of professionalism so that the students will respect and listen to them all so Matt would surprise him a fair bit. I imagine they've probably had small talk about the weather but that's pretty much it but I'm happy for more!​
Yes they talked about Rory who Tess still hates a lot but I'm sure they've both pretty much barely talked despite sharing a dorm room. Her best friend is Asaiah as well so that could impact Amber's opinion about Tess but Tess wouldn't have outside influences affect how she thinks of a person so that would be on Amber. I don't imagine they would have anything in common aside from their house so maybe we could thread them and see how that works?​
RIP Ambytt or whatever their ship name was. We need to thread their breaking up for sure but them breaking up would probably be a catalyst for Wyatt to wonder how they ever got along in the first place simply because of the fact that they don't really know that much about one another. They'll have to get to know our another more as friends and when they are older they can laugh at themselves for sure.​

Eduardo would be super happy to help Stella with anything and as he grew up with a muggle mother I'm sure he could help her adjust to the wizarding world coming from a way that she might be able to grasp so if she were to approach him he'd be happy to assist Stella with anything even if he isn't her teacher yet.​
They could probably notice one another and maybe aside from sharing classes and a dorm barely talk to one another? I'm not entirely sure how their threading could go.​
Yeah for sure. As Tess grew up in that environment she'd probably be able to help Stella with any possible questions she has or at the very least could get an answer from her parents considering there is no google which really peeves her off. She is also a muggle born and would be super happy to talk to her about anything from that standpoint as well. She had a professor teach her about how to write home so she'd be able to pass on that knowledge if Stella needs help too.​
She'd be super surprised to find another nice Slytherin and would probably take some time trusting Hayley simply because of that as she does have some prejudices against them but for sure would eventually warm up to Hayley. Tess is a little less optimistic than her about changing the world for the better but would definitely like that idea and wouldn't discourage her but would certainly have a hard time believing that one person could change anything as she's become a little bit more jaded than she was before Hogwarts.​
Zara isn't really okay with sharing her work with just anybody so I don't know if Hayley would know about it but we could see how they would interact and go from there? I feel like they could very possibly clash due to Zara's uppity persona.​
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I love the idea of April and Mila together and that Yule Ball idea is great! April would totally drag people onto the dance floor, I believe she may have done that already at some point xD She's also totally not shy about being silly in public, so that's a great idea!

The contrast between Matt's laid back and casual air with Eduardo's more professional and formal style would be great! Matt cracks jokes during his lectures and is very self deprecating, as well as a bit chaotic sometimes. Maybe they could get to talking about some of their lectures? Matt could give some anecdote from class of him being silly or reacting to a student or being late xD I'm not sure. Talking about history could really work too.
I actually realized just now that Amber and Tesla have a hatred of Rory in common, which is kind of funny as it might be the only thing they do have in common. Amber's also chatting to November in an open topic in the dorm if you feel like Tesla could join that, but a separate thread could work really well too.
Amber and Wyatt really don't know each other well and I think they haven't really interacted since they said goodbye for the holidays, and neither of them really feel as excited about the relationship anymore? Like I get the feeling like they sort of avoided each other maybe. The breakup might be a bit awkward but I think ultimately mutual and friendly, so we can do that soonish! It will probably be a little awkward for a while after but I do really want them to remain friends! Maybe we could start that topic soon so we can move on with their lives after the relationship?

your formatting in this post is beautiful btw mine's a mess sorry xD
Maurice & Eduardo: We haven't really done anything with these two other than the thread with Jon, and since Maurice has been at Hogwarts for a year now, I think it is time for us to have our Professors interact more with each other????

Asaiah & Tesla: Now that he's, presumably, free, I want them to hang out with each other again since they haven't done that for quite some time. I was thinking that maybe we could have them at the Pitch again? (he'd probably spend most of his spare time there now that he's allowed to go outside again)

Asaiah & Wyatt: Asaytt/Wyaiah - whatever their ship name was, we need more bro time with our boys.

Asaiah & Zara: Last time these two spoke she was mad at him for the common room thing. He feels bad for having her being targeted so would like to apologise for that if she would let him

Aimee & Odessa: I feel like these two could be friends? She'd be a little quiet and awkward at first, but if Odessa wouldn't be the one starting a conversation, I feel like Aimee would probably be the one to do so (cause who likes awkward silences, amirit)
Mila would love April then because she likes to do stuff like this but would never do it of her own accord. Did you want to maybe have a quick thread to see how the get along and stuff to help with it?​
Yes that'd be good. Eduardo likes to focus on the task at hand and be professional around students and is perhaps a little silly outside of school so maybe they also bump into one another after they've gotten to know each other a little and he's let his hair down so to speak and Matt is fully shocked at how sugar high this dork man child can get and what he will do?​

Yess double date with Mae/Maurice and Kennedy/Eduardo perhaps? I think that'd be fun albeit a little awkward for Maurice's bae who doesn't work with them. Maurice and Eduardo could like get together before the date and maybe play like a wee game of basketball in the house and talk about whatever before they go to pick up their dates? I don't know I'm fresh out of ideas.​
Odessa doesn't feel the need to fill time with conversation but will oblige if someone else is uncomfortable with silence. They'd probably get on well enough so they don't get on each other's nerves or something. Maybe they meet because Odessa has like ink on her face and Aimee saves her from walking around like that? They could probably strike up a conversation because of that?​
UM DUH! She'd totally go to get out her anger that her captain just up and left but would be so happy that her other friend is back in her life again and she'd prove that by kicking his butt at a one on one game of quidditch or like tag or something? Maybe after they could get a snack and properly talk about what a doofus he is.​
Maybe it was DudeBro because #DudeBroLuv2k4eva or Finphy or Murpinch. Or whatever really but yes, they need to meet up. Wyatt is obviously going through an adjustment period at the moment but will soon pretty much be apathetic to plans rather than actively disliking them and self-isolating but at the moment that is exactly what he's doing. Maybe Asaiah could talk to Stella to try to find out what's going on (up to Abby if she tells him) and has her pass information on through Caleb as well because what else is Mini WAM for? (I also want mini WAM stuff) Either way Asaiah should basically force him to spend time?​
She is still endlessly angry at him because she thought that they were breaking up for a good reason even if she couldn't tell him and that they could be friends but the person he revealed himself to be was not someone she'd easily become friends with. However maybe over time they could slowly start to regain friendship and after Asaiah goes through more serious stuff Zara could help in her own way?​
Aaaaah I'm glad you like Eduardo & Kahurangi as friends too! I think they'd get along really well :D Should we start something for them soonish?

I love all those thoughts about Odessa & Zoe too :wub: I think they'd get along well and she'd be good for Zoe to be around, both as someone to talk at to and a bit of a grounding influence.

And I totally get that about Tess & Lizzie, Lizzie doesn't have a ton of female friends either and she'd definitely be very nervous about the potential of ruining things between them. I'm totally happy to keep their friendship as is, or play with the will they-won't they thing, whatever direction you want to take them :)
Alright sooo hey boo :D

First of all, I really want Flavio to send Kylie a few Owls during the school year. He's going to have a pretty confusing time with his friends and I'm thinking he could use this as an excuse to reconnect with Kylie and ask for advice! He could always ask Val or Pia or even Ignacio but it's not the same as asking Kylie :r I also do still want to establish that he still isn't completely over his unrequited crush on her and this seems to be the way to make that happen! We also have Ignacio and Kylie already running together and being work out friends but I don't think it will turn out to be much more than that ;)

The second idea I have is for us to rp Niamh and Pia cause I always thought they were awesome and we have less restrictions now that they're out of school. I'm thinking that Niamh could show up to the Medley for a drink one night or something, and Pia can nonchalantly be like "it's on the house, for an old friend *wink*" or something along those lines. Let me know your thoughts!

My last idea is less of an idea and more me saying that I'm excited for Flavio and Tesla's friendship to grow during this year and for them to stare at each other like they're on the office during all the drama that's going to happen :D
I think I may have inadvertently misled you a bit about Stella - she's a half blood, so she does understand a fair bit about the wizarding world. It's just that her mum's a muggle scientist, so she grew up with science and wants there to be more.

For Odessa I was thinking more that she and Stella might both appreciate having a friend who's fairly quiet and laid back, amongst all the business of Hogwarts. But if you don't think they'd work out that's okay too.

And with Zara and Hayley I don't know how that'd go, but Hayley's pretty open about sharing her art with people, and maybe that would get Zara to gradually open up? Although clashing is also always fun. (Hayley clashes with a lot of people.)
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