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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Welcome to the next biweekly update. there is a lot going on around the site. so buckle your seatbelts, get a cup of tea/coffee/beverage of your choice, and let's get to it.

End of semester.
Exams are over and as Y40 comes to a close there is a lot going on around the site. After a very close competition, Slytherin has knocked Gryffindor from the top spot and is the house champion. React to it at the end of year feast.
Graduation is up so if you have the seventh year, prefect, professor or invited guest please feel free to post in the thread of your character getting their diploma or watching Connor's heartbreaking speech and cheering on the graduates.
For the full end of year update see here

Student Publishing
Some students have been very busy as well as studying for exams they have worked hard Accio has been released and Hogwarts Monthly out. Follow the links to have a read.
A massive thank you to all of the people OOC who are behind both of these publications. A lot of work has gone into them and they both look amazing.

With the end of one year comes the start of the new. Keep your eyes open for sorting ( 🎩 ⌚ rumour has it that the sorting hat has already been spotted). it doesn't matter if you are sorting ten people (though maybe you shouldn't) or none. it is always fun to watch.
Post your predictions and reactions here

Ministry Elections
Minister holland's reign is coming to a close and that means we need a new queen minister to take her place. There is already a lot of action going on, the formal interview, Daily Prophet article and the first debate. read through it and see who you will vote for (obviously Rowan-Cullen). There are also topics up in various locations with a listen in where characters can react. Keep a look out for less formal events such as the candidate's brunch, and each candidate's campaigns.

As groups get promoted students and staff get their allowance. so why not make the most of those galleons and buy something. There are many shops out there for every witch and wizard's needs from satisfying a sweet tooth to updating a wardrobe or buying a pet. Shopkeepers and assistants keep an eye on your shops for some fun shopping Roleplays.

Apps are closed
due to the busy time of year, most apps are closed to make way for sorting and transfers which will be opening soon.

Apps are open
Plot highlights, Galleons, and standard group change do remain open for those who need them.
There are apps open for two professors, Transfiguration 1-4 and Muggle Studies 3-4, and a Shopkeeper for the silver snake.

Holiday forums are open
I think the title says it all. get those holiday RP's in. I hope to see lots of highlights in the next update

Be nice, a netiquette reminder
With the opening of sorting, we often get a lot of new members to the site. Remember to be nice. We have members from all over the globe and from many different walks of life so think before you post we want HNZ to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone. You don't want to upset or offend anyone by accident. If you are not sure don't post report it or contact the site staff before posing.

  • Something Mildly Nice - By a Ravenclaw:
    • Ravenclaw was so close to getting 5000 house points for the year, and they just needed one more good deed to push them over the edge...
  • Just a lost boy. Ready to be found?
    • Casper has spent a couple of weeks hiding in the Conglomerated arts club. Linden tracks him down to try and convince him to move back into the dorm.
    • Other roleplays in this plot: Roses and Their Thorns An argument breaks out in the sixth year dorm room as Linden gets two red roses that aren't from his boyfriend.
  • Kitty in the Evening
    • Kitty van Zijl's comedy radio show has kicked off its election coverage with a roast of this year's candidates!

  • Sorting
  • Election happenings
  • Sorting
  • Holiday RP's
  • First-year madness
  • Sorting
  • HNZ coming of age on its 17th birthday
  • New prefects and head students
  • Did I mention sorting?

so as a famous bunny once said "that's all folks"

Mia :mia:

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Oooo!!! So many exciting things to come!! Thanks for the update Mia! Congrats Slytherin once again hehe! SORTING!!! And I'm excited to see who the new prefects and head people are!

Thanks again Mia! 💗
Thanks for posting, Mia!

Congrats Slytherin, I guess 😒 I kid, I kid. It's fun seeing the site in a different color! ^_^

I can't wait for sorting and more election stuff! :party::party::party::party:
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