Apparition 2

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood in her Ministry robes waiting for the sixth years to arrive looking as poised as ever. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You don't have all day and neither do I" Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "You don't need to be on top of each other. Space yourselves out!" she stated, exasperation in her tone. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson. If you'd like your character to splinch themselves, please speak with me first.
Mazikeen was getting herself together for the day ahead, she had spent a good amount of time in the previous week in getting herself together and ready for the day ahead of her, and she hadn’t been able to spend nearly as much time on her homework, She knew it was a good thing that her homework was pretty easily done, that she didn’t struggle too much on it, even though she was a first year newt student, with the classes having exams in their own semester, she found it far simpler to spend time going over it and doing it. She knew she needed to study, but she knew that she could spent a little time relaxing too, that not everything would fall apart if she took a little bit of time for herself. If she took some time to figure out the work that she was supposed to be doing, to be sure that she understood it perfectly. She was NEWT student after all, the work was not simple, she just didn’t need to work as hard at it. With that in mind she was putting her notes and books into her bag, she was getting herself dressed for it, getting everything she would need for the day and then headed out of the dorm sand to the first class of the day.
Mazikeen walked into the great hall with the rest of her classmates but she could feel an excitement in her bones, one that felt more than any other time she got excited before a class, like in this case, the class would be something more. The teen was looking forward to being able to apparate thinking that it would be an expression of her move into being a full, fully trained witch. She was so excited for it, so eager to be able to try it and given that they hadn’t in the last one, they were bound to do it this time around. She distanced herself from the others in the class and looked towards the professor once she had done so. The teach took a little time reintroducing what they’d done in the last lesson, asking someone to say what the three D’s were. She listened as one of the other students said what it was before they were given a few more instructions and left to get to it. Mazikeen concentrated on the hoop in front of her, she cleared her mind of everything else, and only focused on the hoop. She felt herself grow more determined and more eager and eventually with a little crack in the blink of an eye and a little tug she was where she was meant to be. The gryffindor smiled excited at it. She’d done it. She looked around and noted that others had gotten it before her and others were getting it after her. With that the lesson was wrapped up and she left the hall, very pleased with her first attempt at apparition.
Derek was enjoying the semester, while the last one had been both tricky for classes and relationships, this year was a lot easier, he was feeling a lot happier and a lot more satisfied by the work that he was doing. The slytherin was sure that he would manage in the upcoming exams and he would manage just fine in the exams that would follow. He knew there was some time till he was really sitting his NEWTs but he didn’t feel all that concerned about them. He had a feeling they would go just fine. The slytherin was getting himself together for the day ahead, he didn’t have plants around quidditch so he wasn’t so concern about what he had to do. He had thought about joining a quidditch team after school, but he wasn’t too sure about it. The slytherin knew he liked some things and would want to do some things more, but there was little else that he felt so passionate about that that was what he wanted to do after school. Perhaps he could reach out to Professor Styx and ask the man if he had any advice for the future. The Slytherin finished getting himself together and then headed out of the dorm to the first class he had that day.
Derek walked into the great hall, he felt a little nervous about it, thinking that he wouldn’t manage it, that it would just end up being a lesson where he didn’t do very much and didn’t manage it. He found himself a spot and when the professor told them to spread out further he moved further from anyone. He looked at the hoop that appeared on the ground and found it funny, after so much time waiting to be taught this skill he was moments away from learning it. He was moments away from having it be taught to him. He listened as the professor went back over the things they had done in the previous lesson and then they were allowed to get started. He looked at the hoop, stared at it for a long minute, unaware that in doing so he completely cleared his mind and when he felt an odd sensation he just leaned in and with a crack he was where he wanted to be. It had been easy….Derek hadn’t thought he’d find it easy or be one of the first to manage it, but he had found both. He watched as others did it, and eventually they were all dismissed and he headed out of the great hall.
Zennon was having an interesting day. Valentines was over now, had been for a while, yet he still couldn't shake the quiet feelings he had inside that he didn't quite understand. He needed to talk to someone about all of this, but who? There wasn't really anyone who could understand. He supposed the only person he trusted enough for any of this was... well, he just wasn't an option since a lot of this pertained to him in the first place. He never thought, of all things, King Jay would be the source of all of his confusion. How long had this been something he'd had at the back of his mind? He had no idea, he couldn't think of it at all. He'd been having trouble focusing in Classes he and Jake shared and even being in the same room as him was a mission since his eyes searched for him wherever he was, especially concerning when he was supposed to be present with Sam. Merlin, how did this get so out of control. It probably didn't help that he didn't spend near as much time with Jake as he used to, so that made things pretty difficult as it was. Why was everyone so busy, it was hard having friends when they were never around, not that he was around much himself, he'd been making friends with all the younger years lately, plus all of his patrols and extra duties, it was crazy and it was starting to get just a bit overwhelming for him. He was doing his best, but perhaps he was taking on too much? In any case it was too late now, he had to live with what he had for the moment.​
They were immediately beckoned to sort of line up, so it was pretty clear that they would be learning how to actually apparate today, he was very excited about that. He hoped he would be okay, since he had a lot on his mind, he definitely needed to learn how to quiet his mind. Otherwise this could be quite dangerous for him. The hoops appeared in front of them and he put his hand up to answer the question. "The three D's are Destination, Determination and Deliberation," they were probably three of the most important words he would ever learn at Hogwarts and he didn't want to forget them, because who knew what that would mean for them. Miss Finch started talking about everything, letting them know pretty seriously that this was a very dangerous thing they were about to do. He had to assume that if anyone here wasn't aware of that yet, they probably were never going to be aware of it, since this was a magic school and everything was dangerous, surely that wasn't so hard to wrap one's head around. The lesson moved on and he tried to concentrate on the apparition itself. It seemed like a long time until the next thing he knew everything went black; he was pressed very hard from all directions; he could not breathe, there were iron bands tightening around his chest; his eyeballs were being forced back into his head; his ear-drums were being pushed deeper into his skull. When he opened his eyes, he hadn't moved that far, just into the hoop and he felt awfully sick. Running from the room, Zennon did his best not to lose his lunch as he got out of there fast. At least he'd managed it, but why would anyone want to do that?​
The semester was in full swing, and Emilia was happy that she had managed to organize a cool event for her club, as well as the Brotherhood. From what she could tell, the party had been a hit, and she was glad everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Valentine's day had been a bit more confusing for the Hufflepuff. She had received a few roses she wasn't sure what to do with. One anonymous pink one, and she had no idea who had sent it. The other was from Derek, who had asked her to meet. Emilia had no idea what to expect from a meeting with her ex boyfriend, but she was nervous about it.

Another thing Emilia was nervous about was apparition. Now that it was time for the second lesson, they would really have to show what they were made of. The teacher had been clear last time, and Emilia knew better than to hope for another theoretical lesson. The teacher told them to head into the great hall, then told them to space themselves out. She sounded pretty angry, and Emilia felt intimidated as she found a quiet spot. The teacher went on to tell them they would be making their first attempts at apparating. She asked someone to remind them of the three D's, and Zennon Baros from Slytherin answered. After that, they were supposed to put it into practice. Emilia winced at the reminder of the school nurse. The fact that that was necessary was honestly terrifying, and Emilia froze up a little. They were told to begin, but Emilia had no clue what was expected of her. Yes, the three D's made sense in theory, but how to actually do it? She looked around nervously at her classmates, then stopped because she didn't want her uncertainty to be too obvious. She closed her eyes and tried to focus, but while she felt a little strange after while, Emilia didn't actually manage to apparate. She saw some of her classmates had managed, Derek was one of the first to her immense frustration. Humiliated, Emilia left the hall, feeling dejected.
Diana had enjoyed the Valentine's Dance, it was fun that she finally had a boyfriend again to spend time with. But the knowledge that he would graduate at the end of the year put a damper on her mood a little, and the fact that she was a little nervous about how his family would react to their relationship. But those were all problems for the future. Diana had her final semester to complete, and if she didn't do well she might be stuck at Hogwarts even longer.

Apparition was something that was very intriguing for the Slytherin, and the problem of her boyfriend graduating soon was also something that was motivating her. It would be a lot easier to see him over breaks if she could apparate, so she would try her best do pass. Rose had never managed it, and while she didn't seem to mind it, Diana didn't want to be dependent on the floo network like her sister. The lady from the Ministry was very impatient and rude, and Diana considered dropping that her mother was the minister. But here was no real subtle way to do it. She found a good space in the great hall, then listened as the lady told them they would be making their attempts at apparating today. Zennon answered the question, and then the ministry lady pointed out the school nurse. Diana wondered if that was to intimidate them, it wouldn't surprise her. She seemed to thrive on making them feel intimidated, and Diana was not going to let her. She thought the instructions on what to do were rather lacking, but tried to focus on the three D's. She watched her classmates at first, but then just focused on herself. She wasn't sure what she was doing, but eventually to her surprise, she managed to apparate. One moment she was standing on her spot, the next she was standing in the wooden hoop. Diana grinned smugly. It didn't even matter that she didn't manage it again, she had done it once, which was loads better than some other students. Diana was confident as the lesson ended, she would nail this.
Katy was practically thrumming with excitement for today's apparation lesson. She knew some of the other kids in their year looked a little green at the idea of trying out apparation for the first time, but in Katy's mind, this was the first step in the direction of her dreams. Finding a spot near Emilia, Katy gave her an encouraging thumbs up, taking a few steps to the right to space them out before the ministry lady summoned hooped in front of them with a dull clack. There was a moment as the woman stared at them that Katy felt like she was being sized up, but she was determined to get this right and wasn't about to let a bit of awkward eye-contact unsettle her.

There was a comment about the Three D's and the nurse, but Katy's entire focus had narrowed down to the hoop in front of her. She could do this. She knew she could do this. Katy stared intently on the hoop, trying to will that confidence in her mind to extend to her body as she swung her arms a little. Katy could just feel it, she was supposed to be in that hoop, nothing was keeping her from just being in that hoop. She almost felt like she was getting tunnel vision as she stared into the spot on the floor in hoop when suddenly Katy blinked, feeling the world shift for a moment, and she was there. "YES!" She cheered, covering her mouth with a quick sorry, but Katy was too excited about her success to feel too bad to disturbing everyone. She'd actually managed it, her first apparation. Excited to share her success with her classmates, Katy frowned when the class ended and she spotted Emilia already beating a hasty retreat, followed by some other kids who looked even greener than she started. Frowning, Katy followed after the other sixth years, though still with a definite pep in her step.
Another week did not come any sooner. A few more weeks and it would be exams again. Noelle had just spent most of his time in the common room and the library. Checking everything in his bag, the Puff made his way down to the Great Hall for his Apparition class.
Noelle arrived and greeted the professor politely. With the others not just far behind him, the class was all in attendance. The class began with a quick question on the 3 Ds. The lesson went on with no delays, Prof. Finch magicked hoops in front of them. They were instructed to apparate into them. Shocked that they were to apparate just on their second lesson. He looked around to see shocked faces before he focused back on his hoop. Destination, Determination, Deliberation. His eyes fixed on its interior and on instinct, he closed his eyes before attempting to apparate. After a moment, he opened an eye and looked down. Happy to see that he was inside, he stepped out to try it again. After a few more tries, he grew confident with it that he tried one more time before the lesson ended and they left the hall.
Gwen was nervous for her second apparition lesson, it wasn't failing that she was concerned about it was splinching. She could cope if she failed to move an inch but she was nervous about the prospect of apparating and leaving something behind. She made her way into the Great hall where the instructor told them to spread out. Once everyone was in place the doors were closed and wooden hoops appeared in front of each student, they would have to attempt to apparate into it. Gwen looked around the room at the mention of one of the school nurses, their presence only making her unease grow. Gwen closed her eyes as she tried to concentrate on the three D's. She could hear the popping sounds around hear signalling people who had successfully apparated in or near their hoop. Time seemed to melt away until she hears Ms Finch bring the lesson to an end. Gwen opened her eyes, she hadn't moved, not even a little bit. She may have been in one piece but it was embarrassing considering so many of her classmates had been successful. Gwen made her way out of the great hall once they were dismissed.
Analei had been practicing the theory lots, and studied as much as she could about apparation. It sucked that they couldn't actually physically practice, but surely this lesson was going to be one where they did. She excitedly made her way to the Great Hall with everyone else, embarrassingly moving away from everyone when the lady scolded them for 'being on top of each other'. She raised her hand, wanting to show that she knew the answer to Finch's question, but unfortunately she wasn't chosen. Analei didn't dwell on that though, as Finch continued speaking. She listened carefully, and then cleared her mind, focusing on where she wanted to apparate to. Animagus training had definitely helped with the focus. She focused on the three D's and nothing else. Closing her eyes, Analei took her time before giving it a go. Hearing a crack, Analei opened her eyes to see she had done it. She had done it!! She could almost squeal with excitement, but she didn't want to distract anyone. Analei looked over at Finch to see if she had seen her do it. But, upon looking around, she noticed a lot of people, including Zennon, racing out. With a frown, Analei thanked the lady before leaving to see if she could find him.
Maggy was excited for another class in Apparition. She knew this time they'd be actually teleporting around the room she guessed which made her a little nervous. She thought about the three d's on her way to class; Destination, Determination and Deliberation. As a sort of mantra that ran in her head. Once there she stood around with her classmates glad some of the other Hufflepuff girls from her dorm were there. She wished Acacia had decided to join the class, but she wasn't there. They stood around as the teacher spoke but soon enough it was time for them to actually start. She tried not to worry too much as she got ready for her turn. She was glad she hadn't had much for lunch, which had been a suggestion from her mother, the Astronomy professor as she watched other students running out holding their stomachs. She already knew it was going to feel like. Her mom often used Apparition to bring her and her sister to the shops for school and other errands as a kid. She wondered if her mom had been nervous the first time she took one of them with her. Was she afraid of splinching one of them? She shook the thoughts out of her mind as she looked where she was going to be going and then closed her eyes. She knew where and she had the will to get there and now to make it happen. She heard a crack and opened her eyes to find she hadn't moved but Analei who had been next to her was across the room now looking happy. Shaking any negative thoughts out her head the girl closed her eyes again and focused. She saw herself in the hoop in her mind's eye and she willed it to happen. She felt a slight pull and then a cracking noise and when she opened her eyes she was standing inside the hoop slightly off centered just as she had pictured it in her head. She was excited for this progress and thanked the teacher on her way out, feeling a little dizzy and heading to the kitchen to get a snack to eat.
Anastasie didn't know what to expect for her next Apparition lesson. She hoped that they would do a little bit more theory work on the subject, as she wasn't entirely confident that she could try it yet. She listened as the lady spoke to them, suddenly feeling nervous butterflies in her stomach as they were told to stand next to a hoop and get started. She was also angry. How could the lady think they were already ready? It was just absurd, and Ana was reluctant to try it. She didn't want to hurt herself and just wanted to be more confident before doing so. She simply stood there and watched as other people attempted to do it, not wanting to try it just yet until she was very sure she could get it.
After the first Apparition lesson, Gwen was keen for another. She was still slightly scared of what might happen, but was confident that she would eventually get it. The instructor told them to stand next to a hoop and apparate inside of it, and Gwen took a deep breath as she did so, hoping she'd be able to do it. She was glad the instructor could trust them so quickly and didn't want to stuff it up. She watched first as people attempted to do it, and some of them actually did. Focusing as hard as she could on the three D's, Gwen closed her eyes tight as she imagined herself inside the hoop, knowing that she could do it. When she opened them, she had succeeded, and Gwen jumped with excitement, happy that she was able to do it. At the end of the lesson she thanked the instructor before heading out.
Sam was prepared for this next Apparition lesson. She was feeling more reassured by the idea of it after she had done some reading, but she knew that wasn't enough. She was still naturally nervous about how today would go. She arrived to the great hall and stood with her classmates, near the front so she could focus. When the woman instructed them to try out apparating, Sam followed suit. She was glad she had closed the door, so she wouldn't be distracted by anything that was going on outside the room. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. Then she solely focused on the three Ds: Determination, Destination, Deliberation. She imagined where she wanted to be, which was to appear in or as close to that circle as possible. She imagined it well, as vividly as possible. When she opened her eyes again a few moments later, she had apparated, not near enough to the circle and not in it exactly, but she had apparated nonetheless. She smiled despite herself, there was always room to improve, but she had done it.
Sapphire took a few minutes to breathe. Valentines had just passed, and she was bored. There was hardly anyone in class to keep her attention, though she did stick her tongue out at Zennon when he wasn't looking. She wasn't sure why, it just seemed the thing to do. She listened as the woman from the ministry began to speak, nodding to herself as they were reminded of the three d's. Sapphire was still a bit, focusing on what it was she wanted to do, and with a small step forward she shut her eyes and pop! she found herself exactly where she wanted to be. Hey, that wasn't so hard. She looked towards her brother, wanting to see how he managed.
The semester was sliding by slowly, and Acacia loved settling into the rhythm of Hogwarts life. It felt bizarre that this place had ever been scary to her. The accents were still weird and the seasons being backwards wouldn't ever stop driving Acacia nuts, but all around she loved the life she had found in New Zealand. It had taken some time to get to this point, but she was so glad she had. Another day, another class, and everything was just... flowing. It felt good.

Today, Acacia felt particularly good. She had been thinking about apparition ever since their first lesson, and was beyond excited for today's class. They were going to try to apparate for real this time, and Acacia was totally ready. It couldn't be as hard as that lady said. She joined her classmates in the Great Hall and spread out when instructed, ready to get this show on the road. Destination, Determination, Deliberation. Easy. Acacia focused on her destination... inside the hoop. Duh. And she was totally determined to get there, obviously. So she squeezed her eyes tight and deliberated on how she was gonna get there. Just a flash and a pop and she'd be where she wanted! Easy! And then she could go shopping any time she liked in the holidays! So easy! Acacia's mind wandered immediately to plans for what she was going to do once she got her license, and when she opened her eyes her heart sank as she saw the hoop still in front of her. Oops. She closed her eyes and tried again, focusing even harder this time on the hoop and nothing but the hoop. This time she felt a strange sensation pulling her on, and she followed that feeling, yelping slightly at the sudden uncomfortable change. When Acacia opened her eyes and looked around she was over the moon to find herself inside her hoop. Perf! Squealing with delight, Acacia kept practicing for the rest of the class, confident in her abilities once the time came to leave the Great Hall.
Jacob frowned at the woman as she scolded them all before rushing them in. Her attitude was not the best, and as he rushed by to grab the spot he'd had last week, he passed Diana Holland and realized that the woman up front was her future. They shared the same terrible attitude.

Jacob was all business today, and he only spared the smallest of grins as Zennon answered the question. The three Ds were easy enough to remember. It wasn't the first time he'd heard them or even the second time like it was for some of the other students. He'd grown up around magic, and side-along apparition had been a huge part of his life. His mother had never seemed to love it, but his father did it like it came naturally to him, and Jacob hoped that was the case. He hoped that this was a skill that was in some way inherited in spite of what the woman had stated before. When she set them the task of practicing, Jacob didn't waste any time. It was a lot of standing around at first, and he noticed that most others seemed to be in the same boat whenever he got distracted and looked around. Then Jacob would catch himself and get back to work.

He heard a faint pop across the room and knew that someone had succeeded, though he didn't know who. He didn't hear any screams so assumed all had gone well, and that pushed him back into focusing. If he couldn't be first, maybe he'd be the second one to do it. Jacob ended up being the eleventh, though he would never know where he fell in the count. One moment he was repeating the Ds to himself and willing himself into that hoop and the next moment, he was there, a slight swimming sensation running through his mind. He felt slightly unsettled, but he didn't puke or fall and Jacob took that as a win. The teenager didn't want to lose his touch and he jogged back to his spot to try again. He didn't succeed again before the lesson ended, but it was no matter. He'd done it once! Jacob headed out, a huge grin on his face, a cocky swagger in the wake of each step.
Willow returned to the second apparation class. she wondered if they would be having a go at apparating today She listened as they went through the directions of how the magic worked and then smiled as it was her turn to practice. the warning on splinghing made her a little nervous. she didnt want to cut herself in two
She tried. focusing on a spot on the floor and stepping. she tried many times but wth no success. she looked around the hall to see to see if any of her classmates succeeded. but many looked just as confused as she felt.
she heard a crack and looked around to see who had succeeded. before turning back to trying even more determined than before. It was almost the end of the class when she felt a suction though her body as she turned and looked around to see herself standing in a different spot in the hall. it wasn't where she had been aiming for she was standing in someone else's ring she checked her hands and wiggled her toes to make sure that all of her parts were there before looking to see where she was. she realised she was in @Noelle Maxwell's ring. she looked at him nervously. "oh, hi, umm Sorry" she said glancing away quickly. before quickly moving back to her spot. she had done so well at avoiding him all semester and not she had messed up with that. thankfully by the time she had reached her area on the other side of the hall they were being told that the class was over. She quickly left hoping to get out before anyone could see how embarrassed she was.
Kira was feeling more alert for the next apparition lesson, thank merlin. She wasn't sure she could have attempted this properly if she had been as bone tired as she had been the last lesson. She slipped in with the others, paying close attention. She could not afford to mess this up. She was cautious, watching the hoop and clearing her mind. She shut her eyes, picturing the hoop and appearing there. Her stomach twisted unpleasantly, and when she opened her eyes, she was in her hoop. She wanted to be pleased with her success, but she had to swallow back the bile. That was not a fun experience.
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