willow cullen

  1. Willow Cullen

    Open Victory Lap

    Willow stepped outside the caslt and tpok a deep breath the air was cool and the sky was clear. and she felt the most relaxed as she had done on months. semester was over she had done it. despite having a sucky semester she could at least celebrate one thing. she had finished her exams and while...
  2. Emma van Houten

    Open Nosy Speculation

    1 red + 1 pink rose, open after Willow Cullen This next person was someone Emma knew, and she left Lysander's side for a moment to rush up to Willow at the Gryffindor table. She was one of Fleur's friends, and the Gryffindor seeker. "Willow!" She yelled. "You have two roses, red and pink, but...
  3. Willow Cullen

    Willow Luna Cullen

    Willow Luna Cullen. Relationships FAMILY Dederick Cullen Briar Rowan-Cullen Lindon Cullen Ivy Cullen Chante Ateara Madlyn Ateara Chayton Ateara Jackson Ateara Iris Margera Alison Young Elie Young BEST FRIENDS Chante Ateara Fleur Von houton FRIENDS Mazikeen Roe Athena Holmagaard Jacob...
  4. Diana Hollis

    Open Frustrating Errand

    ((Yellow rose for Willow, open after Mia)) Diana wished she hadn't been dragged into the rose madness by her sister, but when she had asked her for help with a few leftover roses, she had been unable to say no. At least it was just a few, and the first one was for someone she knew even if she...
  5. Noelle Maxwell

    Old School Week Nightcap to Christmas Dancing

    continued from H E R E Noelle chuckled at @Willow Cullen's question. She already got everything he liked, making sure there was enough for them. He grabbed a plate, piling it with everything she liked along with two glasses of juice. "All set?", he asked his girlfriend before he led the way...
  6. Willow Cullen

    Open Christmas dancing

    This was the second time Willow had been to the yule ball with a guy. Last year she had been asked by Syrus and they had gone as friends but after she had agreed to go with him one of the guys in her year had asked her and she had had to say no. she had felt guilty as they hadn't been close and...
  7. Willow Cullen

    Open The night is for hunting

    tonight was the Halloween feast. and willow was struggling to get into her costume. it was a tight fit of a fabric that didn't have much stretch which meant that it was a bit of work to get into, it wasn't that she was too big for it. in fact her frame was slim and she exercised enough that she...
  8. Willow Cullen

    Closed it may be raining but it is dry inside

    the sound of rain was what woke willow up that morning. and willow had been glad that they had chosen to have their date picnic in the north tower. the place was usually pretty quiet and had a great view. which today would be dampened slightly by the rain but it would still be better than her...
  9. Leda Layton

    Open Rose obligation

    Leda really didn’t want to have to approach Willow, especially not after the recent quidditch games, but she had her on the list and apparently someone really liked her. She’d had half a mind to read the note, afterall it was probably from Syrus or her new boyfriend and it would have made...
  10. Kalif Styx

    Y33 Dueling Match #19

    Professor Styx leads the two contestants to the stage, appointing them into the north or south part of the stage. He reveals the rules as well as the point system. He walks off the stage and orders the duel to begin, as he keeps a watchful eye. All right, make sure that you use the spell list...
  11. Willow Cullen

    willows and waterways.

    There was a willow tree sitting by the lake. this tree was much like many other trees graceful and old. it had a sort of welcoming feel to it as if asking students to sit under it in the summer for a little bit of shade or to climb it. in return it had surely heard its fair share of gossip...
  12. Dederick Cullen

    Closed One Of Those Nights

    Dederick carried two cups of steaming hot cocoa with floating marshmallows toss below the brim. Underneath his arm, he held a packet of graham crackers. It's always served best with hot cocoa or the rare occasion of salty sea chips. Dederick preferred the sea chips when he was alone, tonight he...
  13. Willow Cullen

    Open Bets, Butterbeer, and brooding.

    She had lost. it wasn't any consolation that she had put up a good fight, that the Ravenclaw beater had had it out for the seekers, or that she was injured. She had lost. She had not stuck around with the team. after seeing the nurse she had gone to the tower and dug out the butterbeers she had...
  14. Willow Cullen


    willow made her way to the great hall. She liked her costume this year. it was so puffy. and she had had her hair on braids for a couple of days in order to get it as frizzy and she wanted it. she entered the great hall looking around to see if she could see any of her firends. she didn't know...
  15. Willow Cullen


    Hey all. so you may have seen willow lurking around a little bit. she is a Gryffindor third year. and on the quidditch team. if you do not recognise her because after nearly a year of being blonde she has dyed her hair back to a red/orange colour. she is almost 14 and not had a crush, fling or...
  16. Chante Harvelle-Ateara

    Closed Cousins Time

    Third week into the new semester, Chante decided to finally visit the kitchen. She missed it, out of all the places in the castle the kitchen was her favorite to visit. Not only to visit, but experiment with cooking ingredients and recipes. Stepping into the familiar enormous kitchen, Chante...
  17. Signy Forstrom

    Open Rose For The Willow

    Signy had spoken to a few other gryffindors before heading out of the great hall, she'd been informed that one of the other people that she needed to find had just left and headed towards the courtyard. The girl followed out there quickly, spotting a few people around the courtyard, but she...
  18. Willow Cullen

    Open The World in Black and white (open)

    Willow was not wearing a dress tonight. she was instead enjoying the freedom that a pair of black and white trousers and a top gave her. as hse made her way to the ball. okay it wasn't a perfect outfit, the fabric was hot and the sunnies were a pain but she wanted them for the look. she would...
  19. Willow Cullen

    Snowball fight.

    There was something about the light. willow woke up and looked around the dorm. it was the same as always, but the light, there was something different about it. she got up and went over to the window. where the lawn was usually green everything was white. willow rushed to her wardrobe and...